Here are some tactices that can make you a game winner, some of them already have been posted but some of them are realy personal.1. The first thing i always say at the beginning of a battle is: "someone mine the AGT/oblisk and the tunnels. You should do it as well most of the time they listnen to you.
2. When playing in small amounts (4-8 players per team) always tell your team mates: someone always stay here at anytime to repair, wait for an anwser and if noone gives you any stay back yourself as a hotwire/ tech.
3. Try to find a game where the so called "driver gunner" option is disabled so that the second pesanger is the gunner in a tank.
This always is usefull becouse the driver can focus on driving and running over enemy's and the gunner can focus on the shooting and can turn al around so he can shoot behind the tanks as well(sometimes gives you and advantage).
4. This is my golden rule and should never be forgoten:
Never ever leave your tank in the open snipers can kill you givving their team the chance to get your tank.
Also never use a tank as a APC becouse of its armor. Becouse when reashed your target your own tanks can be used against you and you wont like it ( aspecialy with a mamoth).
Keep this one in the back of your head i losed a lot of battles becous ppl made this mistake.
5. When you see a open tank always try to get it.
It can give you a big advantage, example:
Your on GDI and you see an open NOD buggy.
Seems unimportant but get it up anyway and drive it back to the base, inform your team mates first or they will shoot you, Once the buggy is repaired you can the an engi and go to the enemy's base, the defence will detect you but the players will thing its just a buggy trying to get home.
This can mean the defrents between live and death.
6. Your having trouble with those nasty flame rushes and always losing you AGT becouse your team isnt repairing?
Here is what to do:
Get a hot wire and mine the entrance with 8 mines not more, then refill again and trow your mines all around the AGT encountering with icoming tanks. when done this you can choose to stay there and keep and eye open or attack the base like everybuddy els.
When you choose to stay i recoment to take a personal i0on cannon as a weapon becouse it can take down flametanks with easy.
7. Defend your Power plant at any cost becouse without it youl be in deep sh*t,
The cost for everything but the free units and the beacons will be doubled and the base defences are offline.
Mine the powerplants entrance and around the powerplant as above with the AGT.
8. Here is a lesson in placing beacons:
When placing a beacon always put it on the outside becouse when ou but it inside it will be found faster and you dont have much hiding places to defend your victory.
when placing it outside however you can hide behind a rock and when they start repairing put a bullet in their head, the fuse is only 20 sec so you only have to hold on for 15 second becouse the defusing will take more then 7 sec with a hotwire/tech.
The best way to deploy a beacon is with a stealth soldier or tank (for tank read below)
9. When placing a beacon with a stealth tank at your side deploy the beacon and hop back in. when the engi's come to repair just run them over.
10. And last but not least the sniper.
In some maps there are bunkers to be found and many ppl think thats a good place for a sniper to be.
Well it may seem that your in the dark, noone will see you and you have an exelent view over the map.
The enemy sniper ALWAYS looks at the bunkers first and the dark wont help you with the night vision on the snipers.
You better explore the maps good and find places where a normal sniper would never be, in the wild open if nesecery (hey they might overlook you becouse they are looking at dark spots).
Well thats a few i could think of and i use them a lot you know.
As i said before i have a rank of 1300 and i thank it to these 10 rules.
Have fun with them and please let me know what you think about them.
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