here are some suggestions about how to get off to a good start:
this is based on a 16 vs 16, but its easy enough to fix to any game
1) organize team. its tough to do but worth the effort.
a)split into 4 teams
i)4 grenadeirs/flamethrowers
ii) 3 techs/hotwires (as soon as possible)
iii) 3 shotguns 4 soldiers
iv) 2 ingies
b) put teams on certain tasks
i)attack anemy harvester
ii) mine base
iii) control tib feild, protect harvester, kill enemy ![](wink.gif)
iv)repair units on battlefeild and harv2) destroy enemy harv no matter what! the resources this denies your enemy is crucial for the early stages of the game and allows you to gain the intiative and stop them from doing anything but cower in a corner.
3) after you have sufficeiently gained the intiative and mined your base, upgrade in shifts, split you team up into groups, and rotate them to base to upgrade. make sure that you have elements of all 3 battlefeild groups still out there. this is key to maintain a constant presence on the feild and also to avoid a jam in unit production.
again the key is remain organized, and keep a heavy presence on the battlefeild, even if you disagree with my means the strategy is sound.