quick question [message #-981767] |
Sun, 23 February 2003 08:29  |
ok heres the deal...
I removed all objects except the buildings on my map
when standing on the northen most part of map looking south inside the weapons factory facing the wall i got 30fps
when standing on the norhtern most part of map looking north inside of weapons factory facing a wall i got 60fps
Shouldnt the culling system make this so its 60 either way since im front of a wall??
i have done culling twice and same results
Should i reset culling? its heightfield so i cant generate vis. This same thing happens with east to west and viceversa.
No matter infront of a wall or not its the same FPS ,unless i look towards the sky or ground then its 60
Someone please help!!!???
ive read thru renhelp1.9 and the rnmm tutorial and ive followed the optimize steps in them
prehaps i have to regenerate pathfind again or add more ....but im pretty sure that isnt the problem
quick question [message #-981766] |
Sun, 23 February 2003 10:49   |
ok so maybe it wasnt a quick question....i was prehaps looking for a quick answer
can someone help me its aggravating when u get 30fps inside of a building when your looking at a wall when u turan around at another wall and the FPS double
I got screenshots if needed
and the map if you want me to send it to you to test
quick question [message #-981765] |
Sun, 23 February 2003 11:57   |
well it all depends on the graphics that it is trying to run like say you were in a tank it would go lower than if you had just a person so i dont think culling will help you with this problem sorry
quick question [message #-981762] |
Sun, 23 February 2003 16:46   |
last thing i can think of is that when i started the heightfield it was 500x500
I had to cut alot of terrain out seeing i didnt need it.....is it still renedering the invisible terrain???
quick question [message #-981761] |
Mon, 24 February 2003 05:31   |
If you look at a wall, its just one texure, and in most cases one polygon to render, thats why you have a high FPS. If your looking around, or have things like emitters(Falmetank) ther is much more to render and calculate for the engine, so the FPS is lower.
Is that quick enough?
quick question [message #-981760] |
Mon, 24 February 2003 01:02   |
heightfields are crazy, try to make it so you don't have to render more than 30m out at all times (buildings, trees, walls, mountain, etc..)
otherwise, your FPS will go through the floor
quick question [message #-981759] |
Mon, 24 February 2003 06:20  |
laubi.....when standing on the northen most part of map looking south "inside" the weapons factory facing the wall i got 30fps (shouldnt it just focus on the wall?)!!
Thanks Dante i'll keep that in mind....but if i cover it up with more hills it still renders the things behind it!!URghh
Do i have to square all my hills?
What if i place manual vis points with out generating vis? [ February 24, 2003, 13:25: Message edited by: Titan1x77 ]