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NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100051] Wed, 07 July 2004 05:32 Go to next message
SuperFlyingEngi is currently offline  SuperFlyingEngi
Messages: 1756
Registered: November 2003
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Take 10 minutes and check this out. It's full of quotes of why the U.S. invaded Iraq, but applied to a different scenario.

France Invades U.S.

Jerry Ghinelli

April 11 2004 "ICH" -- After months of build up, the French government, led by Jacques Chirac, launched a preemptive attack on the United States of America.
Declaring the US "a rogue nation in violation of international law and in defiance of UN resolution 1441," France launched a major ground offensive to overturn what they called "the illegitimate regime of George W. Bush." Citing the 2000 election as proof of an unlawful government, the French claimed they are invading the US to bring democracy to the American people. Termed Operation American Freedom, Jacques Chirac declared on French National TV: "the failure of the US to disarm and the threats against France by the unelected president has created the need to invade America in order to protect us against the inevitable aggression by the US along with Bush's stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction. The US, he declared, was part of an axis of evil along with the United Kingdom and Israel.

After a relentless ing campaign termed "Le Shock e Le Awe," French along with a German coalition forces captured Washington DC and surrounding areas. German troops controlled territory from North Carolina to Florida.

Chirac appointed Dominique de Villepin as interim president and established a governing council of Americans. The complete transition to the American leadership is scheduled to occur on June 30 2004. Made up of African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans, and a few white "Conservatives," this council will govern the newly liberated US beginning on July 1, 2004.

Meanwhile, former President George W. Bush has been arrested after a tip led to his capture in a "spider hole" just outside of Crawford, Texas. Bush was met by French soldiers with the greeting: "Jacques Chirac sends his regards." The American informant received 25 million Euros for the information and was given French citizenship and a change of identity. The former undisclosed American citizen who revealed "W's" whereabouts was hailed as a hero by the French media. George W. Bush was in good health and seen on TV with a beard, long hair and his trademark cowboy hat. His daughters vanished and his wife's whereabouts are unknown. President Bush has vowed his innocence and declared the French invasion illegal.

Meanwhile American Insurgents have fought the French army using guerrilla tactics and ist strikes. According to Chirac, these ists % freedom and will not succeed in our desire to bring peace, security and democracy to America." Chirac, when told of the upsurge in American resistance said: "Le' bring em on."

In a recent event, American insurgents attacked an SUV carrying four French Foreign Legion Mercenaries. Dragged from their vehicle, the four Frenchmen were executed and dragged through the streets of Arlington, Virginia. Burned and hacked the French "contractors" were despicably hung from a bridge over the Potomac. The French government promised to "pacify" the American ists "at a time and place of our choosing."

The French forces, equipped with helicopters, missiles and advanced weaponry, attacked Arlington, Virginia inflicting 490 American s and over 1000 injuries. Called operation Vigilant Resolve, the government of Jacques Chirac claimed the action was justified to avenge the and humiliation of the so-called French "contractors". ism, Chirac declared, must be fought at all costs and France will never accept the approval of the anyone to protect it's citizens."

Meanwhile back in the US , American insurgents have retaken Charlotte, Savannah and Jacksonville. Chirac, declared these ists will be defeated and the will of the French people is unshakable. Chirac, after landing on the French Aircraft Carrier Napoleon, and declaring, "Mission Accomplished," has admitted over 500 French soldiers have been killed and 3000 were wounded by the criminals and ists of "freedom hating" Americans.

A spokesman for the Chirac announced today that Donald Rumsfeld has been captured but his detention remains classified. Donald Rumsfeld, the Ace of Diamonds in the Chirac's deck of cards, was the former Defense Secretary under the brutal undemocratic administration of George W. Bush. Rumsfeld, according to Chirac, was wanted % or alive". "The world today is a safer place with Rumsfeld in custody, "said Chirac.

With the French toll now surpassing 650 and the American toll in the tens of thousands, according to Chirac, "all human life is precious, even sometimes American, but such is the price of freedom and democracy."

In an extraordinary event, "High Priest" and former presidential candidate Pat Robertson declared today "Christian Jihad" against what he called the French "Atheists". Citing, "better to die as a martyr," Robertson appealed to all Christians to expel the French invaders and return the US to it's Christian traditions. Robertson has issued a "Fatwa" declaring the French "Atheists" as illegal invaders and to attack them with passion. "Jesus is Great," declared Robertson. The French government met in Paris this morning and declared Robertson an enemy of the American people and issued a warrant for his arrest.

In a stunning new development, the French government announced an estimated 10,000 Americans have been detained by French, German, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Polish coalition forces in newly built "rehabilitation" camp in West Virginia. Branded as % ists" these detainees, according to interim president de Villepin, are treated in accordance with Geneva Convention rules. However, he has denied the Red Cross or any human rights groups access to inspect living conditions in the West Virginia "rehabilitation" camp.

Today Chirac and Schroeder issued a communiqué announcing their scheduled meeting in Paris later this week to discuss the ever increasing ist in the the US. Chirac and Schroeder will discuss the transfer of power the American council on June 30 and how to combat the growing American insurgency.

Chirac and Schroeder concluded their communiqué stating: Vive la France and Deutschland Uber Alles. NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN

France Invades United States (part 2)

Jerry Ghinelli

04/16/04 "ICH" -- Heavy fighting continued across major US cities today as French "Liberation" forces surrounded Virginia Beach, Va. in a showdown with Christian fundamentalist and High Priest Pat Robertson. Robertson was believed to be hiding in a church in Virginia Beach.

Robertson's 700 "Club" was bracing for the French assault and vowed to "die fighting rather than surrender."

French Général Jean Abizaid, in a news conference in occupied Washington, D.C., vowed to "capture Robertson and bring him to justice."

Robertson, a little-known evangelist, became a symbol of national American resistance after the interim president and U.S. civilian administrator Dominique de Villepin closed Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network. De Villepin claimed the CBN was fomenting Christian radicalism and inciting .

Robertson mockingly referred to de Villepin as "de villain man" and said that God told him "George Bush will soon be returned to power."

A spokesman for French President Jacques Chirac said such remarks "are not helpful" and can only serve to inflame an already delicate situation. Bush was recently arrested after a tip from an American "patriot" led French forces to his spider hole near his ranch in Crawford, Texas .

Over 1,000 American civilians have been killed this month by French snipers, while hellicopter de cobra fired rockets and German made machine-guns strafed homes and churches.

Americans, initially in fear of French and German coalition forces are now turning to anger as mounting casualties stretch along wider portions of the United States.

The fragile American council, set to take power on June 30, has become increasing concerned about the heavy handed military tactics used by the French forces against the occupied Americans. German coalition forces occupying the southeast portion of the country expressed growing dissatisfaction as well. One anonymous German Field Marshall criticized the French for excessive use of force and declared the French “are behaving like s."

In a news conference Chirac defended the use of force against the American civilians saying that the insurgency was caused by troublemakers and "freedom hating" ists. Coupled with former Republican "God" remnants and Conservative Party loyalists, these holdovers of the former regime of George W. Bush "will be defeated and they will not deter the French from bringing peace and democracy to the silent majority of American people, " noted Chirac.

Chirac looked somber and tired during the news conference but felt that the American occupation was going well. When asked about the growing number of French casualties, Chirac replied, “C'est La Guerre.�

With his poll numbers dropping below 50 percent approval for the first time in his presidency, Chirac is coming under increased criticism by the French media and socialist candidate for president, Jean Francois Kerre'.

Kerre', a decorated war hero who served during the French occupation of Vietnam in the 1950s, is the likely candidate from the Socialist party to oppose Chirac in France's November elections. Wounded at France's defeat at Dien Bien , erre' returned to Paris in the 1950s and opposed the French occupation of Vietnam and later Algeria. Kerre' initially supported Chirac’s decision to invade the United States but now, with French public support collapsing, he has become harshly critical of Chirac's policies. In a recent speech Kerre' mocked Chirac with, "I have three words for Chirac: ’C'est La Guerre.’�

If elected president, Kerre's plan to bring peace and democracy to the United States is to share authority in America with "Old Europe."

Chirac's vice president, Alphonse Francois de Sade, known as "Marquis," continues to insist that America is stockpiling weapons of mass destruction and that the American invasion is going according to plan.

According to Vice President de Sade, it is likely that chemical, biological and nuclear weapons were moved to either Canada or Mexico.

Vice President de Sade warned Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vicente Fox that they, too, risk invasion if they don't stop American ists from smuggling banned weapons into Canada and Mexico respectively.

De Sade added, "Canada and Mexico must improve security along their borders with America."

Prime Minister Martin and President Fox vehemently denied storing banned American weapons. French separatists in Quebec concurred with de Sade's remarks and supported his ultimatum.

Short on food and clean water, with no electricity, and casualties estimated to be nearing 50,000 and 200,000 wounded, the plight of the Americans under French occupation is beginning to attract world condemnation.

Chirac, at a press conference with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Easter Sunday, said that he was praying for casualties to ebb in America.

"Every day I pray there are fewer French casualties, but I know what we are doing in America is right," noted Chirac. He mentioned nothing about American casualties.

"C'est la vie," concluded Chirac.

France Invades U.S. (Part 3)

04/21/04 "ICH" -- With worldwide criticism of France’s occupation of America mounting, French president Jacques Chirac met with reporters early today to discuss the rationale for the American invasion, the failure to find weapons of mass destruction and the growing number of French casualties.

Chirac began the interview in a lighthearted way, playfully looking under the podium for weapons of mass destruction. “None here,� he joked. The French journalists, many of whom had witnessed the horror of the American invasion as embedded reporters, were clearly amused by Chirac’s sense of humor.

Despite the failure to locate weapons of mass destruction and the lack of evidence to support his claim that America had ties to ist groups, Chirac insisted the world was a safer place now the unelected president had been removed from power.

The American people are free from the tyranny of George W. Bush and France has won yet another significant battle in its war on by removing the brutal leader. It will be the American people, against whom Bush has inflicted years of war and economic hardship, who will be responsible for bringing him to justice when power is transferred to a new American government. The initial date of the transfer was set for June 30 but that has now been moved to November 2, 2004.

Chirac reminded the media that the former US president was a threat not only to France but also to other coalition partners such as Bulgaria, Honduras and El Salvador. Bulgaria, Chirac insisted, was in imminent danger of an invasion, while Honduras and El Salvador were “prime targets of freedom-hating American tourists.� Then, correcting himself, he said, “I mean ists.�

Bush, noted Chirac, invaded other countries in violation of international law and defied United Nations resolutions. He even used chemical weapons against his own people. Chirac reminded reporters that as Governor of Texas Bush executed 152 people, including women and illiterates, with lethal chemical injections.

He added, “Bush was not the only American president to commit atrocities against his own people. Previous American administrations attacked their own people at Waco and Kent State, interned Japanese Americans in concentration camps, enslaved African Americans and slaughtered native Americans. Under French occupation, the American people are safe from brutal repressive regimes like that of the former tyrant George W. Bush.�

Chirac was asked to comment on former UN weapons inspector Hans Blix’s recent declaration that America was better off under George Bush than under French occupation. Blix, you’ll recall, was the leading UN weapons inspector searching for weapons of mass destruction in America before the invasion. Chirac dismissed Blix as “a tired old bureaucrat� and referred to the UN as a “talking shop.�

The reporters noted that many of Chirac’s own cabinet officers, as well as members of parliament, had recently become openly critical of Chirac over the war, over the mounting number of French casualties and over the lack of an effective exit strategy.

One former counter-terrorism expert in the Chirac administration has claimed in a recent book that America did not have links to ist groups or possess weapons of mass destruction. When asked about this, Chirac dismissed it as a high-tech coup d'état by his disgruntled former counter-terrorism expert.

Chirac went on to note that it was not international law but divine intervention that gave him the authority to free the people of the United States. Chirac said, “The heavenly father personally spoke to me, blessing this crusade and reminding me that I was a man of peace anointed by a supreme court of avenging angels and directed to go to America to do God’s work.�

The French parliament, which gave Chirac carte blanche when it voted overwhelmingly to authorize his use of force against the Americans, has remained only mildly critical of the American invasion. It has postponed a vote authorizing the need for additional troops to combat the growing American insurgency but it is holding a critical vote on legislation to rename American cheese Freedom Cheese. The resolution is expected to be passed overwhelmingly. Chirac praised the wisdom and sacrifice of the French parliament in passing such important legislation during these critical times.

The light-hearted mood in which Chirac had opened the interview suddenly became quite serious.

“Let’s make no mistake about it,� Chirac said, “these American trouble makers our freedom and our democracy. They our cheese, our wine, our frogs’ legs, our escargot. They our music, our unisex bathrooms, our beaches. American women were oppressed under the Bush administration and forced to wear ‘bikini burquas’ while sunbathing or else be arrested for indecency by attorney general John Ashcroft’s Ministry of Vice and Virtue.�

Chirac also became quite angry over the American insurgents’ recent treatment of French soldiers. “These freedom-hating American ists violate Geneva Convention rules by parading French soldiers on the banned AL-Fox News Network.�

“France,� he reminded reporters, “does not label Americans as prisoners of war, preferring to call them detainees. It transports them safely, under cover of darkness and without any publicity, to the magnifique tropical island of French Guiana, often called ‘lie du Diable’ – Devil’s Island. These ists and freedom-hating remnants of the brutal dictator George W. Bush are comfortably quartered in a tropical paradise in the Captain Alfred E. Dreyfus J'accuse detention center.�

A French soldier of Jewish ancestry, Captain Dreyfus, was sent to French Guiana for treason in 1895. Despite his protestations of innocence, he was found guilty of treason in secret military proceedings. Today these American insurgents of Christian ancestry are committed to the same fate as Captain Dreyfus in secret military proceedings for suspected links with ist groups. “It’s déjà vu,� joked Chirac.

Chirac was then handed a note from one of his aides.

“I have an announcement to make: we got him!�

Today, coalition forces had captured the former US secretary of state near his home in Bethesda, Maryland. Known for giving people cute nicknames, Chirac branded Colin Luther Powell “Lex Luther Powell, the evildoer.�

Powell, you’ll recall, skillfully lied to the UN Security Council, denying the existence of American weapons of mass destruction. Powell stated that the US was in compliance with UN resolution 1441 and that all the banned weapons had been destroyed between 1991 and 1998.

Chirac branded Powell a skillful liar and referred to him as the “king of (broken) hearts� in his deck of cards.

Chirac announced that former Bush spokesmen Ari Fleisher, nicknamed “Comical Ari,� had been captured along with Powell.

Chirac smiled and looked up, giving his trademark smirk: “Comical Ari was the obvious joker in his deck of cards.� Laughter erupted from the reporters. It was Fleisher who had repeatedly lied during the ground invasion and given misleading reports to the media and the American people about the weapons of mass destruction.

With the cost of the American invasion now exceeding 200 billion euros and with over 700 French soldiers killed and nearly 4,000 wounded, Chirac bristled and said, “We’re going to have our good days and our bad days.� He said that the roadmap to peace and democracy in America was not, as some would suggest, a “cul-de-sac.�

He cited the enormous progress that has been made in rebuilding America and paid special tribute to a consortium of international companies for their resolve and the sacrifices they had made in the massive reconstruction projects going on in America today. Chirac gave special praise to Peugeot, Michelin, Renault, Air France, Vivendi and Christian Dior for their courage and their contributions to the American people.

“Will these international corporations continue to support the American reconstruction project despite the attacks and the recent setbacks?� Chirac was asked.

“You can take it to the bank!�

“These colors don't run,�: France Invades U.S. (Part 4)

Jerry Ghinelli

05/03/04 "ICH" -- The siege of major American cities by the government of Jacques Chirac continued today with French forces inflicting heavy casualties on the American insurgents. Mirage fighter jets streaked across the North American sky and the ground s French artillery pounded American hideouts along wide stretches of the United States.

Tanks, helicopters and sophisticated weapons inflicted heavy punishment on a hotbed of resistance in Arlington, Virginia. With a crude assortment of rifles, launchers and homemade weapons, American insurgents refused to surrender despite their overwhelming losses and the superiority of French military forces.

Proudly declaring, “These colors don't run,� Republican God soldiers stood and fought while their counterparts, the Democrats, were too weak, scared or indifferent to fight the French occupation forces.

In an exclusive report an embedded journalist from the French newspaper Le Monde, interviewed an American insurgent entrenched in a church in the besieged city of Arlington, Virginia. For security reasons the American insurgent covered his face with a ski mask and was referred to by the alias "John." John is a member of the Republican God.

The French journalist began the interview by asking the young Republican: "Why are you Americans resisting the French when you are clearly outgunned and face certain ?"

“Like all men,� John said, “I would like to live a long and happy life, but I'm prepared to die in defense of America.

“Should we surrender and cooperate with the invaders like the Vichy French did in the 1940s? Or should we stand and fight like the free French resisters did under the leadership Charles de Gaulle? The bravery and sacrifice of the free French resistance forces helped the allies defeat the s during World War II.

“Were the French resistance fighters remnants, evildoers, bad guys and ists?� John asked rhetorically. “Perhaps to the Germans they were but not to us Americans,� he said. “What would you expect that we do, greet the French as liberators and welcome them with cheers and flowers?�

France invaded America wanting to rid the country of what they called the evil of George W. Bush - the unelected president - who stole the 2000 election. Jacques Chirac claimed America was a threat to France and that U.S. possessed banned weapons.

John noted: “Chirac refers to us as ists, remnants, evildoers and bad guys while insisting our President Bush was preparing to attack France. When Chirac finds no proof of banned weapons or an offensive threat to France, he abruptly changes direction pretending he only wanted regime change in America and to restore democracy to the American people.

“All the French have brought us thus far is insults, , destruction and despair. The truth is this occupation is about establishing a military base for France in North America, providing security for your ally, French Quebec, and to control America's natural resources.�

John, clearly angry now, continued: “I did not particularly like George Bush. Even though I am a member of the Republican party, I voted for Pat Buchanan in 2000. Perhaps George Bush and his brother did “steal� the 2000 election; I don't know and right now I don’t care. To us Americans, George Bush is preferable to your president Jacques Chirac and to this French occupation.�

“George Bush made mistakes, invaded countries and was disaster for America, but for better or for worse, he was still an American and our he was our president.�

In the background Radio Free America was playing and Republican God spokesman Rush Limbaugh was exhorting his listeners to resist the invaders.

Limbaugh was ranting about a recent announcement that former U.S. President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary had sided with the French and are part of a new coalition provisional authority set to take power on June 30th.

Limbaugh shouted with rage, calling Bill and Hillary Clinton the Julius and Ethel Rosenbergs of the 21st Century. Bill Clinton stated his decision to cooperate with the French occupation was based on what is in the best interests of America.

Limbaugh mocked Clinton's remarks saying it depends on what the meaning of "is" - "is".

The Clintons are to share power in a coalition government with others including former Republican Vice President J. Danforth Quayle.

Dan Quayle will hold a senior level position in the new administration and give it the appearance of a bilateral government.

Many the Republican God members as well as the Democrats dismissed this appointment, saying that Dan Quayle gives new meaning to the term "puppet" government.

Quayle, currently a "potatoe" farmer in western Idaho, could not be reached for comment.

Suddenly, the interview turned melancholy.

John reflected on the French and a trip he made to Paris several years ago.

“There was a time, not too long ago; I loved France so much that I went there on my Honeymoon. I fondly remember,� he said, “strolling with my wife on the Champ Elysees; the splendor of the Louvre and Versailles; dining in a magnificent restaurant along the Seine that overlooked Notre Dame. I loved the food, the wine, the kindness of the French people. You know, I even dreamed about living in Paris someday.

“But now I am full of and contempt for France and your president Jacques Chirac.

“Are we the Untermensch and you the s? What makes our life so cheap and yours so precious? Perhaps it is your money or your might? Do we Americans not eat, drink, sleep and feel pain just like the French?

“Is your history so sanctimonious that you can claim a moral superiority over all the nations of the world? France's history,� he said, “is replete with brutality and suffering from the reign of Louis XVI, Robespierre, and Napoleon to Vietnam and Algeria and now America.

“What God do you worship in France that is ‘on the side’ of humiliation, and destruction? How many American s will it take to quench your thirst for and to satisfy your illusion that we were, are, or will someday be a threat to France?

“You have d our prisoners and humiliated them beyond comprehension. You raised the French red, white and blue flag over our statues as a conquering, not as a liberating, force.

“French generals disbanded our security forces and let punks riot in the streets, loot our stores, museums and homes. You killed thousands of American men, women and children under a flag of hubris, hypocrisy, and self righteousness.

“You invented reasons to attack and present yourself - the oppressor - as the victim.

“You have airplanes, tanks, helicopters, missiles and all we have to fight with is rifles, pistols, some crude weapons, our fists, rocks and now our most potent weapon that, ironically, you supplied to us – extreme .�

When I mentioned France launched a preventive war, John corrected me that it was more of a presumptive war.

In the background, media insurgent Rush Limbaugh continued and was now interviewing the former Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney.

Safely ensconced in a bunker in an undisclosed location, Cheney exhorted his Republican God resisters to fight on. When asked if he would leave the bunker and join his forces to defeat the French, Cheney claimed his pacemaker might be picked up by the enemy radar and besides he has other priorities at the moment.

Finally I asked John if he would like to say any last words to the French people.

“Yes,� he said: “Stop behaving like good Germans.�

The trial of George W. Bush

Jerry Ghinelli

07/06/04 "Information Clearing House" -- On June 28, 2004, the Government of France, led by its President Jacques Chirac, transferred sovereignty to an appointed coalition of select Americans who will run the US government until free and fair elections can occur on November 7, 2004.

The French government concurrently transferred custody of its prisoner, George W. Bush, the former US president, who was brought before an anonymous American judge and formally indicted for crimes committed while he served as President of the United States.

Bush served as America's 43rd president until he was captured by French liberation forces on December 13, 2003, nearly eight months after Chirac invaded the US to free the American people from the unelected tyrant.

Bush, bedraggled and confused, was pulled from his "spider hole" near his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and charged, by Chirac’s government of possessing weapons of mass destruction, invading sovereign nations and violating UN resolutions. Until now Bush has been held in an undisclosed location for security purposes.

In a courthouse hastily built just outside the former residence of the 43rd president, an anonymous American judge, appointed by the French government, asked the former US president to identify himself.

"I am George Walker Bush, President of the United States, elected by the American people in November, I mean, in December 2000."

After the laughter subsided the judge warned the spectators any further outbursts will not be tolerated.

Bush, who was without legal representation, asked the judge if he would identify himself as well.

"I am the investigative judge of the central court of the United States," advised the judge. For security purposes the judge's name is censored, but a spectator noted he bore an uncanny resemblance to scruffy and overweight American filmmaker, Michael Moore.

"So that I understand, you are an investigative judge of the central court of the United States? What resolution, what law formed this court?" asked Bush.

The judge responded, "I have been appointed by the Government of France and you are being charged under the 2001 US Patriot Act."

"Appointed by the Government of France, charged under the Patriot Act?" muttered Bush. "You are an American judge appointed by the French, and are charging me under an act that I signed as President of the United States?"

"Former President," the judge interrupted.

“I am the current President of the United States,� emphasized Bush, “immune to prosecution under the Constitution of the United States.� Bush went on to refer to the French invasion of America as illegal, without UN mandate, and to the French as an occupying power with no legitimacy under US or international law.

Bush termed the judge and the American guards holding him prisoner “traitors� and “French collaborators.� In a rare display of anger he called the French "dogs" and the American judge a "French poodle." The judge admonished the former president to refrain from using insulting language in his courtroom. The term "poodle" in America is a derisive term implying cowardliness.

Traces of the old combative Bush continued to emerge. Flashing his trademark smirk with both hands firmly clutched to the podium, the former leader of the world’s superpower leaned over and declared, "This is all theater, fiction and worthy of the Palme d'Or at next year's Cannes Film Festival. The real criminal is Chirac," he charged.

A growing number of Americans, weary from the , high unemployment and power shortages caused by the French invasion have adopted a c'est la vie attitude to the new government, but remain divided over the fate of Bush.

Although 58% of the American public disapproved of the man when he was in office, the sight of an American president hauled before a judge appointed by the d French has brought to the fore disappointment, humiliation and even anger in some Americans.

In Paris, Chirac rejoiced at the sight of the handcuffed Bush being hauled into court in chains. The French president remarked, "Laisser le règne de liberté" ("Let freedom reign"). Chirac hailed the French soldiers who brought freedom to America as “heroes.�

"George W. Bush has been brought to justice by the sacrifices made of the brave men and women of France. Those who served to bring the former unelected president and his entourage to justice have made France and the world community safe from US aggression," Chirac declared.

The French president, of course, was referring to the capture of several of Bush's entourage including the former ace of diamonds, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, king of hearts, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and former presidential press spokesman Ari Fleisher, referred to as "Comical Ari."

All appeared tired and humiliated when they were arraigned before the same American judge. All pleaded to the charges and called the French invasion of America illegal, without UN mandate, and the interim American government illegitimate.

Former Vice President Richard "Big Time" Cheney, the one-eyed jack in Chirac's deck of cards, was held in contempt by the same judge earlier in the day for using a "four-letter word" to describe the interim American government.

The judge concluded today's proceedings by asking the former US president if he could afford a lawyer.

"My opponents say my family received millions from the Saudis. How can I not have the money to pay for one? I will sign nothing, nothing until I have spoken to a lawyer," Bush announced.

The judge clenched his teeth, stared menacingly at Bush and replied, “I would like to remind you, Mr. Bush, you are an accused ist charged under the 2001 US Patriot Act. You should not have been granted either this hearing or be entitled to a lawyer.�

Court adjourned.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

"The danger to political dissent is acute where the Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect "domestic security." Given the difficulty of defining the domestic security interest, the danger of abuse in acting to protect that interest becomes apparent. --U.S. Supreme Court decision (407 U.S. 297 (1972)

The Liberal Media At Work
An objective look at media partisanship
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100055] Wed, 07 July 2004 05:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
KIRBY098 is currently offline  KIRBY098
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Maybee the French could install John Kerry as a "representative leader" too. he represents American Ideals just like any multi-millionaire should.

Prepare for humble pie in November when America rejects Kerry.

NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100096] Wed, 07 July 2004 07:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SuperFlyingEngi is currently offline  SuperFlyingEngi
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Dude...A Kerry/Edwards ticket is ELEVEN POINTS higher than Bush right now in the polls.

Bush will actually have to do something right to start going up in the polls.

By the way, CNN is no longer a credible news source.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

"The danger to political dissent is acute where the Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect "domestic security." Given the difficulty of defining the domestic security interest, the danger of abuse in acting to protect that interest becomes apparent. --U.S. Supreme Court decision (407 U.S. 297 (1972)

The Liberal Media At Work
An objective look at media partisanship
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100102] Wed, 07 July 2004 07:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
KIRBY098 is currently offline  KIRBY098
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And Bush was 12 points ahead just six months ago. These numbers seesaw regularly.

And cnn never was credible.

NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100103] Wed, 07 July 2004 07:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SuperFlyingEngi is currently offline  SuperFlyingEngi
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Every six months is not "regularly."

And six months ago was really early in Kerry's campaign, wasn't it?

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

"The danger to political dissent is acute where the Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect "domestic security." Given the difficulty of defining the domestic security interest, the danger of abuse in acting to protect that interest becomes apparent. --U.S. Supreme Court decision (407 U.S. 297 (1972)

The Liberal Media At Work
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NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100132] Wed, 07 July 2004 08:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
liberator is currently offline  liberator
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That's funny and everything, but the "invasion" would fail. The French haven't won a major military engagement for almost a millennia. The only one I can think of that they did win was the French Revolution, but that was only because they were fighting the French.

There was a time when people were impressed that I have the firepower to decimate a planet in under 10 minutes.
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100141] Wed, 07 July 2004 09:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
KIRBY098 is currently offline  KIRBY098
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Every six months is not "regularly."

And six months ago was really early in Kerry's campaign, wasn't it?

Whatever helps you sleep at night. You are going to be very disappointed in November.

NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100198] Wed, 07 July 2004 12:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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The French haven't won a major military engagement for almost a millennia. The only one I can think of that they did win was the French Revolution, but that was only because they were fighting the French.

I'd call Napoleon's victories before Russia quite major.

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NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100202] Wed, 07 July 2004 12:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
KIRBY098 is currently offline  KIRBY098
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The French haven't won a major military engagement for almost a millennia. The only one I can think of that they did win was the French Revolution, but that was only because they were fighting the French.

I'd call Napoleon's victories before Russia quite major.

Unfortunately for France he was Corsican.

NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100203] Wed, 07 July 2004 12:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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And President Bush is Texan. Laughing

Sniper Extraordinaire
Read the FUD Rules before you come in and make an ass of yourself.

All your base are belong to us.
You have no chance to survive make your time.
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #100253] Wed, 07 July 2004 14:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SuperFlyingEngi is currently offline  SuperFlyingEngi
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Every six months is not "regularly."

And six months ago was really early in Kerry's campaign, wasn't it?

Whatever helps you sleep at night. You are going to be very disappointed in November.

President Bush is actually going to have to start telling the truth and doing things right to win against a Kerry/Edwards ticket. And the way things are going, I don't see that happening.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

"The danger to political dissent is acute where the Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect "domestic security." Given the difficulty of defining the domestic security interest, the danger of abuse in acting to protect that interest becomes apparent. --U.S. Supreme Court decision (407 U.S. 297 (1972)

The Liberal Media At Work
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NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #101017] Mon, 12 July 2004 06:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
K9Trooper is currently offline  K9Trooper
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And John Kerry is going to have to stick to one side of an issue if he wants to win. :rolleyes:

R.I.P. TreyD. You will be missed, but not forgotten.
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - FRANCE INVADES US [message #101040] Mon, 12 July 2004 08:35 Go to previous message
SuperFlyingEngi is currently offline  SuperFlyingEngi
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John Kerry just had a 25,000 person rally in North Carolina, the biggest political rally ever held in the state, whereas Bush was at a 2800 person rally elsewhere. I was also at the Kerry rally.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

"The danger to political dissent is acute where the Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect "domestic security." Given the difficulty of defining the domestic security interest, the danger of abuse in acting to protect that interest becomes apparent. --U.S. Supreme Court decision (407 U.S. 297 (1972)

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