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- Stealth Tanks [message #-963807] Fri, 24 January 2003 04:50 Go to next message
They seem a little useless, dont you think? They are killed at about average ease, their rockets are nothing special, they are perfectly visible unless a) you are blind or b) they're right up against snow or a blue sky. Their range is medium, and they're useless close up (as you can very easily see the shimmer).

Are there any strategies with Stealths that make them less useless?
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963806] Fri, 24 January 2003 17:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
stick in move, kill the harv by yourself and retreat, packs of them are priceless(if left unseen until the attack a group of 5-6 can level a gdi base easily
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963805] Fri, 24 January 2003 17:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
However, it sure is fun running people over. When I am being owned by a sniper - If I have enough cash, I will get one just to run the sob sniper over.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963804] Fri, 24 January 2003 17:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Stealth tanks are great when used properly and their missles are nothing to dismiss. It is a little light on the armor, but that just means you have to rely more on its stealth then its armor.

Its really just a matter of the driver knowing how to take advantage of its abilities. Personally I like to set up ambushes with them. Its amazing how many people don't realize the attack is coming from behind [Big Grin]
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963803] Fri, 24 January 2003 06:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You know where STANKS really shine is when firing at a building up close. I dont know if there is a unit that can destroy a building faster.

Plus, no one can see you at first >boink boink boink!
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963802] Fri, 24 January 2003 09:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I C...

I've noticed that they are especially useful in....oh crap, what's its name....the circular map with a tremendous hall full of tiberium in the middle with overpasses, lots of snow, little rings on the outside for access to enemy base..cant put finger on it...

Anyway, its useful there because the snow makes the thing completely invisible (you cant see the shimmer).
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963801] Fri, 24 January 2003 20:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A stank can take out a lone mammoth without being destroyed very easily. Just pull up alongside, and let rip. The Mammoth is too tall to hit you back.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963800] Sat, 25 January 2003 01:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by PiMuRho:
A stank can take out a lone mammoth without being destroyed very easily. Just pull up alongside, and let rip. The Mammoth is too tall to hit you back.

Stealth tanks OWN mammoths. If you die in a ST while attacking a mammy, you can't drive, Go back to CS.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963799] Sat, 25 January 2003 12:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by wreaker_of_havoc:
They seem a little useless, dont you think? They are killed at about average ease, their rockets are nothing special, they are perfectly visible unless a) you are blind or b) they're right up against snow or a blue sky. Their range is medium, and they're useless close up (as you can very easily see the shimmer).

Are there any strategies with Stealths that make them less useless?

You obviously don't know how to use them properly.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963798] Sat, 25 January 2003 14:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by wreaker_of_havoc:
I C...

I've noticed that they are especially useful in....oh crap, what's its name....the circular map with a tremendous hall full of tiberium in the middle with overpasses, lots of snow, little rings on the outside for access to enemy base..cant put finger on it...

Anyway, its useful there because the snow makes the thing completely invisible (you cant see the shimmer).

Mesa???????? [Eek!] [Confused] [Eek!] [Confused]
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963797] Sat, 25 January 2003 14:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
thats affirmative, fox, but now that i got some help....

Stealth>Mammmy- got it.
Stealth>Rightnexttobuildings- got it.

Thanks all...
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963796] Sat, 25 January 2003 16:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by wreaker_of_havoc:
They seem a little useless, dont you think? They are killed at about average ease, their rockets are nothing special, they are perfectly visible unless a) you are blind or b) they're right up against snow or a blue sky. Their range is medium, and they're useless close up (as you can very easily see the shimmer).

Are there any strategies with Stealths that make them less useless?

- Stealth Tanks [message #-963795] Sat, 25 January 2003 16:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
My only beef with stealths: Mobius can drop them in one clip, because he's hard like that. Otherwise they're great and if you can't own with them, you should take someone else's advice and go back to CS.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963794] Tue, 28 January 2003 12:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ok for those who say stealth dies too easily, needs to know you need to stay stealth.

and other then that stealth tank is the most powerful tank ever, 1 on 1 i can take out every tank gdi have to offer, i get first strike on med tanks, sneak behind it i get to fire off 2 shots before med turns the turret around, then i retreat and shoot, med dies, i'm hurt badly but i'll be alright, move in very very close to mrls and shoot it down, the mrls can't hit you when you're too close to it, and circle mammoth around up close, all mammoth can do is splash damage on you. of course the guy who started this post is a newbie, he thinks stealth tank is visable all the time

fcdrazen mom
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963793] Fri, 31 January 2003 01:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by C4kitty:
Originally posted by wreaker_of_havoc:
They seem a little useless, dont you think? They are killed at about average ease, their rockets are nothing special, they are perfectly visible unless a) you are blind or b) they're right up against snow or a blue sky. Their range is medium, and they're useless close up (as you can very easily see the shimmer).

Are there any strategies with Stealths that make them less useless?

He is asking for TIPS, not negative comments....

Stealth Tank is also good for hit-and-run tactics... just stay behind the enemy and dont get too close, as they say.... and be a technician to repair damages.... Sydney(PIC) is very dangerous, it takes 5 shots to destroy it... so take caution...

Their missiles are POWERFUL! the stealth tank's missiles can even arc over some obstacles! But sometimes they are inacurate when the terrain is uneven....
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963792] Fri, 31 January 2003 19:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Delta_Sector:
Originally posted by C4kitty:
Originally posted by wreaker_of_havoc:
They seem a little useless, dont you think? They are killed at about average ease, their rockets are nothing special, they are perfectly visible unless a) you are blind or b) they're right up against snow or a blue sky. Their range is medium, and they're useless close up (as you can very easily see the shimmer).

Are there any strategies with Stealths that make them less useless?

He is asking for TIPS, not negative comments....

Stealth Tank is also good for hit-and-run tactics... just stay behind the enemy and dont get too close, as they say.... and be a technician to repair damages.... Sydney(PIC) is very dangerous, it takes 5 shots to destroy it... so take caution...

Their missiles are POWERFUL! the stealth tank's missiles can even arc over some obstacles! But sometimes they are inacurate when the terrain is uneven....

Didn't seem like he was asking for tips..... made it sound like he was just making comments about how useless he thought they were.......

1. Use their stealth ability.... don't be trigger happy

2. Be selective in your target.... pick a target which is not facing you or is shooting at something else already.....

3. Attack from behind mainly in the 150-210 degree range.... 0 degrees being straigh ahead

4. If you are attacking infantry attack with precision..... if you are caught by infantry shoot at the ground around the infrantry unit rather than in the body....

5. Strength in numbers..... stick around other stanks but don't cluster too much.....

6. Don't face off with an apc or free minigunners... they don't do all that much damage but they can light you up like a roman candle.....

7. If your enemy backs away count yourself lucky....

8. Hide in tiberium feilds or around obstales... keep an obstacle between yourself and the enemy... even though he can't see you, you are still in line of sight and bullets can make you glow....

9. If you are a tech with a stank go someplace well hidden to repair..... so as to not to let people know a stank is on the feild

10. Be smart in the kinds of maps you use stanks on... hourglass is not a map for stanks..... city is.... as well as under and islands..... where there are large open areas with pockets of small well hidden spots...

11. Beware of flying units..... these have unlimited ammo for the turret and can garnish lots of pts. from you.... as well as lighting you up they do heavy damage in a short amount of time and also have the best view of the feild and can pick you out easily even if you are hit but once by an infantrymen's bullets......

12. Beware of your n00bish team mates shooting at you..... freindly fire can make you light up and become visible....

13. Don't travel with visible units.... these units will draw fire and will therefore be shot at.... and thus you might be hit and become visible.... a bonus for the people who discover you.....

14. Camping for the harv...... don't be so repeticious.... if you keep doing the same thing over and over the enemy will catch on sooner or later.....

Those are just some of the various things you should think of when using a stank.... but meh I couldn't be bothered to put down the various other ones...... you'll just have to learn that from experience
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963791] Fri, 31 January 2003 23:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Give me a patch or even cheap sydney and you can say bye bye to your precious stank.....

Give me a med and you can kiss your stank good bye if you dare fire.


Comparison - Mobile artillery with Stealth tank.

Price -
MobArt - 450 bucks
Stank - 900 bucks

Damage rating vs Tanks
Stank wins out ...... just [Razz]

Damage rating vs infantry
Who can really check? - they die with basically 1 hit [Big Grin] :
Building Destruction Time (unrepaired) -
MobArt -33 seconds [Eek!]
Stealth - 42 seconds
Blast radius - Mobile Artillery wins by a mile
Range -
Mobart - Holy Friggin ****! this thing has got almost unlimited range [Eek!]
Stank - You gotta be kidding me! Grenade launchers can do better!
Speed - Stealth wins easily.
Rate of Fire - Mobart can get off about 2 shots for every stealth round ;

Stealth rating - Why did I even bother evaluating this???? [Big Grin]

Conclusion - Why the f*** did i pay 900 bucks for this junk??

A few people may argue oh - but i get to ambush the enemy - OH WOW you got 1 frigging shot off before they found you. Maybe you have only had experiences with n00bs but i must admit i have never ever lost to an stank with my Med.

You may say get 3 or 4 stanks. What'll you do when thos patches come prowling around, or the dreaded PIC??? Or even 4 meds could fry a group of stanks

Mobile artilleries - ok, say you want an ambush. This is what you do..

Assemble 3 or 4 artilleries on the far side of the map, facing the enemy base entrance. Make sure they are positioned for a quick getaway - their front ends facing your base. Ensure at least 2 techs for support
as soon as that frigging med shows its ugly mug - LET ER RIP!!

The meds cannot reach you unless they drive through the maelstorm of artillery shells. even if they wanted to they cannot hit you without getting hit by the massive artillery ranges. [Big Grin] Note that an artillery and a tech costs as much as a med. [Eek!] and they are easy maintenance.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963790] Sat, 01 February 2003 09:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by joroe34:
However, it sure is fun running people over. When I am being owned by a sniper - If I have enough cash, I will get one just to run the sob sniper over.

Does neone else get a "jitter" when they goto run over ppl ? You "hit" them and your vehic pauses then u continue forward then they go boink. I get this all the time.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963789] Sat, 01 February 2003 11:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by [sg]the0ne:
Originally posted by joroe34:
However, it sure is fun running people over. When I am being owned by a sniper - If I have enough cash, I will get one just to run the sob sniper over.

Does neone else get a "jitter" when they goto run over ppl ? You "hit" them and your vehic pauses then u continue forward then they go boink. I get this all the time.
yeah i get that all the time...... but you know what is even more annoying is when you go to run them down and they simply slide off the front to the side of the stank and they notice you...... very annoying....
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963788] Sat, 01 February 2003 16:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Stealth tanks only suck for those who don't know how to use them

In most cases a stealth tank can take out any vehicle in Renegade, unless you're in a 40 player server...

A skilled driver and a stealth tank should be able to take out any vehicle in a 1 v 1
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963787] Sun, 02 February 2003 16:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Skilled Mammoth Tank driver can put you in your place so ****en fast that you'll see stars in a split second.

If a Stealth Tank goes near my Mammoth Tank, I just pound it with the cannons. Just because it's on the side of you, doesn't mean its turret won't get shot by the cannon shells.

If you think you'll hide... I always fire randomly. I almost always get the first shot in due to that. You come close to me and all that'll be left of you will be red mist.

The Mammoth Tank is something to be feared. It does more damage in a shorter amount of time than any other vehicle does, pound for pound. The Mammoth Tusk missiles are the most powerful missiles in the game. They eat everything alive if they contact the intended target. Light Tanks go down in around eight salvos. Stealth Tanks take even less... Artillery gets raped by the missiles, and the splash damage hits the repairing Technician or Engineer.

I don't care how experienced you are with a Stealth Tank, the Mammoth Tank wins each time, as it should. It costs $1,500, compared to the Stealth Tank's $900. Understandably, two of them are too much for one Mammoth Tank. However, two of them versus two Mammoth Tanks is laughable... If both have any kind of decent skill at the helm of the tank.

You guys really need to get your perspectives straight, because Stealth Tanks have paper-thin armor and will get raped by anyone above the "average" level of Mammoth Tank vehicle driver.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963786] Mon, 03 February 2003 12:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
thank you ak, and you too renegod.

Finally, somebody agrees [Roll Eyes]

Dont call me a noob. If you do, you're also calling AK a noob. [Eek!]
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963785] Mon, 03 February 2003 13:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A stealth is still a great tank, Ack is just saying that anyone who knows how to properly use a Mammoth can trash a stealth easily.

I once destroyed 2 stealth tanks that ambushed me with a medium tank. Those two drivers displayed exactly how not to drive a stealth tank.

I've trashed multiple medium tanks with a stealth as well.

It's all in the skill of the driver.

[ February 03, 2003, 21:00: Message edited by: NeoSaber ]
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963784] Mon, 03 February 2003 15:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
There is no skill involved in dodging shells with a Stealth Tank. You're easy to hit, easy to see, and once you get shot, you're not likely to return home.

A Personal Ion Cannon wielding trooper will destroy your Stealth Tank in five, yes five, shots. It is nearly impossible to hide from a PIC wielding soldier once you've been spotted, and that happens frequently.
- Stealth Tanks [message #-963783] Mon, 03 February 2003 15:41 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
The stealth tank sucks, I have played this game since it came out and my opinion has never changed, they are fun tanks, yes, but they suck and are a rip off.

Medium tanks cost 100 dollars less and guess what, if a stealth gets the first shot off and then the medium returns (this is what always happends) the medium will end up winning with about 35\% of its armor back.

Sydney PICs ALWAYS find you and when they do your dead 90\% of the time.

Good mammoth drivers will never loose to the stupid ramming stealth tactic, its only because mammoths have big "shoot me" signs on them that stealths win all the time, becuase they are usually already damaged to about 50-70\% of their health when stealths engage them and then the stealth users claim they beat a mammoth. pffft.

If a mobius gets near you, say goodbye.

Its also awesome how the stealth turret that the bullets come out of points upward, so if a infantry gets next to you, you will never hit it.

I have killed stanks in humvees because when I got near them they couldn't hit me, that is ridiculous and imbalanced. If a medium gets you you can't hit them either, but they don't need to since they win so easily.

Stanks are pathetic, the only time they are half useful is on acks wonderful map glacier, where there are a lot of large turns where you can run and hide, not little rocks that NEVER work, the splash hits you and you die.

Stealth tank needs its cost reduced to 700, giving it more armor could have the bad effect of them being better to rush with then flames, so what needs to be done is a cost decrease so that when a medium beats the tar out of you (even though you used your stealth to get in the first shot) it isn't such a crock. Now the fact that the vehicle limit is reached and the stealth is the same weakness means it will not be overpowered, but at least you won't blow as much money on a tank that really doesn't get the job done.

The last factor of the stealths suck is the fact that it has no range, tons of people after winning a battle use the opportunity to hit buildings from far back out of the defenses range. Well guess what, the stealth with that short pathetic range of its cannot do this, so if you use a stank count yourself out as getting good points out of the tank unlike how you can with everything else but the buggy/humvee/apc.

If I could request anything from aircraftkiller nowadays it would be to BEG westwood to at LEAST reduce the stealth cost to 800, hopefully reduce it to 700. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAVE THE STEALTHS.
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