yesterday some n00bs were using the chat for all teams and they kept saying how they needed to have at least 4 people in the NODs obilisk for repairs incase there was a rush (hourglass), as I sat there thinking to myself how thats going to solve any problems when the game just started and being in a non laddered game I wasn't concerned about dying at that I was thinking of different strategies for a rush when it dawned on me why not strap some C-4 to my tanks nozel and ram the nozel into the obilisk? I spread the word to some guys whos I was playing with for the last 3 games and they agreed to try it..............
So they bought two mammoths and one APC and we rushed the obilisk and to my suprise, the **** thing worked (killed 3 out of 4)! I wasn't able to repeat it because the server was disconnected shortly after and I went to bed with a smile, but has anyone else tried it?