Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56262] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 11:21  |
Messages: 821 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Colonel |

When Crimson quit Forces of Diversion, she changed FoD's irc address from to
To top it off she has taken our and has set it to route any querry to that address to
We at Forces of Diversion are demanding that she give us back our address to our irc network. She left FoD on not so pleasant terms, she feels she can hijack our irc address and create confusion with our members and friends. Crimson, you have nothing to do with FoD now, so you do not have the right to use our irc address to route people to your irc network.. Return our irc address and get it to route back to it's proper location... OURS
R.I.P. TreyD. You will be missed, but not forgotten.
Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56266] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 11:40   |
Messages: 27 Registered: September 2003 Location: Sweden
Karma: 0
Recruit |
i think you are blowing smoke out of your ass.
i just checked who the owner of said adress is and its Crimson and as she is the owner of it she can do whatever she likes with it .
i think you should be happy that you still have been allowed to use it.
Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56279] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 12:55   |
Messages: 340 Registered: May 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
Hmmmm ... didn't want to get involved but I was nor have I ever been shitty to Crimson. I helped to support her in some bad times, but I got fed up of being attacked. I told her many times I have a clan to think of and they have to come first. I even overrided a vote by the other leaders on two occasions to not sever the link with her network. It seems that she has what she wants now and doesn't need FoD anymore. So be it.I don't really care where this ends up but the resolution will show what her priorites really are.
For the record, I never copyrighted the name forces of diversion Christine was kind enough to register the channel and domains in my absence. But it is strange of her to change the irc channel and point it to n00bstories.
FoD people I ask that you keep your responses to this thread moderate.
ACK I have the complete logs anytime you to see them there is more to it than those three lines.
Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56302] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 16:00   |
Messages: 7431 Registered: February 2003 Location: Phoenix, AZ
Karma: 0
General (5 Stars) ADMINISTRATOR |
I closed #FoD, and #fodsvr01 which are no longer based on the n00bstories network. The close message says where the channel was moved to.
I have repeatedly said that I was NOT leaving on bad terms, however you are taking it that way.
As I own the domain, it's within my power to control where the subdomains point to. Many people use the domain to access the n00bstories network and channels like mine and The Pits. I have been sending globals to remind people not to use the domain any longer so that I can re-route it back to you.
It seems funny that you guys didn't want to give Dominion Guild control of their domain after you left them, but now when the shoe is on your foot, things are different.
I just took the route of least resistance in the split. As I have said MANY MANY TIMES, I completely understand your desire not to be attacked. You must remember that we are dealing with tiny infant children here and the only way to "save yourself" from being tainted with my problems is to sever your ties with me. Why do you think I obtained more links on my network? I knew you guys weren't going to put up with this much longer. I wasn't going to sit around and fight with people I like and respect over this. Especially when you started blaming all the problems on me instead of where the blame belongs.
I know why you didn't want to be linked anymore. I'm not arguing that. I had to do things the way I did because if I had done any of the steps in a different order, I wouldn't have been able to leave the clan's server in the best possible condition to do business alone before I left.
This was not an act of hostility. It was the path of least resistance.
I'm the bawss.
Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56309] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 16:38   |
Messages: 321 Registered: February 2003 Location: USA
Karma: 0
Recruit |
And that concerns you how? Just route it back to them, the users will find out on their own and if you want their connections that bad go post yourself on, that gets you a lot of traffic.
Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56315] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 17:31   |
Messages: 321 Registered: February 2003 Location: USA
Karma: 0
Recruit |
lol, I'd knew either you or Crimson would be the one to post that. And I don't care what some retard on a forum thinks of me. But the fact is FoD wants the subdomain to point to their IRCd and everyone is saying she wants to give it back to them. So why doesn't she already? Let the users fend for themselves.
Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56323] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 21:47   |
Messages: 101 Registered: June 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
Its pathetic to me... She owns the domain, its hers and she can do what she wants with HER propertly.
Instead of being so cheap maybe the leaders of the clan should have bought the domain and then you wouldn't be in this problem, would you?
Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56334] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 23:10   |
Messages: 340 Registered: May 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
Zerk you are so stupid and fucking lame. She was a member and did so in my abscence otherwise I would have done it myself. STFU about shit which you know not a goddammned thing.
AS to the thing with DOM I didn't own the name nor did I register it and she knows that TreyD registered it and she knows fully about that situation for you to even bring this in to the discussion really pisses me off. You wanted to end this with no hostility WELL TOO FUCKING BAD ABOUT THAT AFTER THAT LINE OF SELF SERVING HORSE SHIT YOU SAID IN YOUR LAST POST IN OUR LEADERS FORUM
"fuck them"
SO fuck you and the goddamn horse you rode in on
I know just as much about you and your skeletons about other shit .......
Keep the fucking name
Crimson has stolen the irc address for FoD. [message #56335] |
Sat, 29 November 2003 23:39   |
Messages: 7431 Registered: February 2003 Location: Phoenix, AZ
Karma: 0
General (5 Stars) ADMINISTRATOR |
Hey, why don't you relax a bit eh?
The "fuck them" was a quote hence the quote marks around it. I don't see how it's "self serving". I said numerous times that I didn't leave bitter or in anger. You had every right to want to protect your server. I wanted to protect it too. By changing to point to my box, it would have stopped any attack against your box related to IRC. I was going to point it back in your direction in a couple days.
If I had wanted to be bitter and mean, I would have made point to my website, and I would have made your teamspeak url point to mine. But instead I didn't. I'm not saying I did you a favor. I was just trying to leave the server in the best condition I could to try and dissuade attacks and make sure you guys were operational in the future. Instead I get attacked like this. Bitterness and anger would be me uninstalling shit on your server and deleting vital information. Did I do that? Nope. I set up your IRCd and services to function independent of my network, and I deleted nothing.
I understand your wanting to delink. I thought it was appropriate too. I was ready for it. But assigning me ANY of the blame for the attacks against me was rude, immature, disrepectful, and downright ignorant. You as a member of law enforcement know that the victim is not at fault. 100% of the blame falls on the criminal's shoulders. There is nothing in this world I could have done to deserve federal laws broken against me. That's like saying the woman in the short shorts jogging in the park is to blame when she's raped.
I also find it interesting that even after I de-linked you made a couple last-ditch efforts for me to reverse my decision and talk about our difference of opinions in how to deal with script kiddies. Now you're all about "distancing yourself blah blah blah". Yeah, NOW you want to distance yourself.
If my "goddamn actions" are not allowing every lowlife script kiddie to connect to my servers and use the bandwidth I pay for, then I do accept responsibility. I am laying out more money per month than I ever intended to. I went from $20 per month for hosting my site to $255 per month because of these attacks.
Zerk, he's right. You don't know what you're talking about. I helped found the FoD clan and I was in charge of the internet services. I bought the domain for the clan, and I intend to point irc.fod to the clan's irc server after this transition period. That was always my intention.
I do not blame the FoD clan for not wanting to be associated with my server. It's not my fault that these immature children want to project their irrational and unjustified anger onto my friends instead of just taking it out on me, but they do, and if they wanted to delink, that's fine. All my actions in the last few days have been in my attempt to make a clean break from the clan and not turn everything into a public spectacle that it now is. I have no right or reason to be angry with the FoD Clan. What little anger I have is directed at foenixz for his unfounded accusations and assumptions as to the blame in the attacks I suffer.
[17:27] [@foenixz]: I don't need any of this
[17:27] [@Crimson]: You think I do?
[17:27] [@foenixz]: I will not have my server brought because of you
[17:27] [@Crimson]: because of ME?!
[17:27] [@foenixz]: that has happened three times
[17:28] [@foenixz]: it cost me over 200 to clean up the mess
[17:28] [@foenixz]: yes in july
[17:28] [@foenixz]: they hit my box
[17:28] : @Crimson laughs
[17:28] [@Crimson]: c'mon
[17:28] [@Crimson]: You know this isn't my fault
[17:28] [@foenixz]: you don't make any better do you
[17:28] [@foenixz]: I can ignore them
[17:28] [@Crimson]: What do you expect me to do?
[17:28] [@foenixz]: leave them alone
[17:28] [@Crimson]: Uh, I DO!
[17:28] [@foenixz]: who cares if they threaten
[17:28] [@Crimson]: They come in when they get bored
[17:29] [@Crimson]: I get hit when I'm not even online for days
[17:29] [@Crimson]: They need no motivation
[17:29] [@foenixz]: so you oblige them by giving them a reason to attack you
[17:29] [@Crimson]: a reason?
[17:29] [@Crimson]: So I'm supposed to let them come on the network and in my channels and be like "haha I am a script kiddie so I get to break your rules"?
I'm the bawss.