Added Helipad Repair Sounds
Added Repair Facility Repair Sounds
Do On_Revive if Scripts 4.2 RC1 (6983) and up
Play Create_2D_WAV_Sound_Team_Dialog if Scripts 4.3 RC2 (7455) and up
SSGM Log Message for Building Revived
Also these fds commands in DA.dll that already call On_Revive.
revivebuildingbyid <id> - Revives a building by object ID. Host only.
revivebuildingbyname <team> <name> - Revives all buildings whose translated or preset name matches the given wildcard. Host only.
revivebuildingbypreset <team> <preset name> - Revives all buildings with the given preset name. Host only.
revivebuildingbytype <team> <type> - Revives all buildings of the given type. Host only. (See BuildingConstants for types)
[Updated on: Sat, 25 February 2017 00:24]
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