So I downloaded this yesterday in hopes of getting my server to both show up on WOL and GSA, however I have yet to see it show up on GSA (or to be more specific RenList beings GSA doesn't show any games on my computer).
I tried it stock 1.54.1 and I also dug around and found some 1.53 instructions and tried adding
Generate_Gamespy_Queries = 1
GameSpyQueryPort = 23500
Broadcast_Server_To_Gamespy = 1
GameSpy_IP =
to my config.xml (with GameSpy_IP being the IP of my server).
I also tried opening the port 4849 on my router just in case it was another port forwarding issue (I recall reading somewhere that the port for some part of the gamespy system should be one more than the port for RenFDS).
Any ideas?