Session Start: Sun Jun 13 15:11:47 2010
Session Ident: rebdog
[15:11] Session Ident: rebdog (Jelly-Games, liquidv2) (
[15:11] <rebdog> lol why ban me
[15:12] <liquidv2> because bad person
[15:12] <rebdog> i dont use rgh
[15:12] <liquidv2> ok, that little wall angle thing you do
[15:12] <liquidv2> on my screen i frapsed it just now
[15:12] <rebdog> angle?
[15:12] <liquidv2> through the cracks in the tunnels
[15:12] <rebdog> i used rectile glitch
[15:12] <liquidv2> you shoot people who are far away through the tiny gap
[15:12] <liquidv2> on my screen you were fully behind a wall and shot korealex who wasn't even in the tunnel at all
[15:12] <liquidv2> then you were dropping sbh all over
[15:12] <rebdog> not on my screen
[15:13] <liquidv2> yeah, i've seen people use the ret glitch
[15:13] <liquidv2> gonzalez is good at that
[15:13] <liquidv2> and i didn't want to rule it out
[15:13] <liquidv2> alright
[15:13] <liquidv2> how did you get so good, from what i remember you were just a decent player
[15:13] <liquidv2> now you're one of the best snipers in renegade
[15:14] <rebdog> i use rectile glitch with c4 and when bouncing dot.
[15:14] <rebdog> luck that i hit his head, i kept missing
[15:15] <rebdog> ive never stop playing ren, playing st0rm, st0rm has some good snipers now tbh
[15:15] <liquidv2> really
[15:15] <liquidv2> do they still let those NeX guys play there
[15:15] <liquidv2> OneShot and TrueShot or w/e
[15:15] <rebdog> havnt seen them
[15:15] <liquidv2> please stop glitching when you play here
[15:15] <rebdog> ok, i will
[15:16] <liquidv2> the other time you caught that *cheat name removed*guy because you glitched yourself into the bridge
[15:16] <rebdog> invis hug?
[15:16] <liquidv2> that's not a glitch
< i disagree fully with this statement now, btw
[15:16] <liquidv2> reticle glitch is a glitch, it's part of the name
[15:16] <rebdog> ok i wont glitch no more.
[15:17] <liquidv2> you're unbanned
[15:17] <rebdog> thanks
[15:17] <liquidv2> a lot of people think you're full of shit though
[15:17] <liquidv2> just sayin
[15:17] <liquidv2> i can't say that i blame them, i find it hard to believe someone got very, very good playing with very, very bad players
[15:17] <rebdog> i wont crack shoot too
[15:17] <liquidv2> st0rm has some of the worst people i've come across, i can't even play there
[15:17] <liquidv2> crack shooting isn't a problem
[15:18] <liquidv2> it's the way you killed korealex
[15:18] <rebdog> very very bad team players, some good snipers
[15:18] <liquidv2> you're standing behind the corner
[15:18] <liquidv2> he just dies
[15:18] <liquidv2> i don't see him at all
[15:18] <liquidv2> i see you standing still
[15:18] <liquidv2> you don't hug, you don't even flinch
[15:18] <liquidv2> it looked odd
[15:18] <liquidv2> carry on
[15:18] <rebdog> i glitched off the hottie next to me
[15:18] <rebdog> i invis hugged
[15:19] <rebdog> what fps you had?
[15:19] <liquidv2> i was recording at 40
[15:20] <liquidv2> i know you were invisihugging
[15:20] <rebdog> still kinda laggy at 40
[15:20] <liquidv2> i saw you shoot the wall a few times and get hits
[15:20] <liquidv2> i know that's how it looks
[15:20] <liquidv2> you were moving though
[15:20] <liquidv2> on this shot you didn't move in the slightest
[15:20] <liquidv2> didn't even flinch
[15:20] <liquidv2> that's why it looked odd to me
[15:22] <rebdog> oh noes max players, qkick someone lol j/k
[15:23] <rebdog> old video, old computer
Session Close: Sun Jun 13 22:10:50 2010