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What actually happened... [message #481432] |
Mon, 03 June 2013 08:23  |
Messages: 399 Registered: February 2012 Location: New York City
Commander |
This post started off being a response to a PM liquid sent me. About half way down I decided - fuck it, this will be my "what happened" post where I address every concern, every allegation, and not hide anything. People are upset with me, and hopefully we can just have a conversation instead of name-calling and bullshit slung back and forth.
Disclaimer: Even if you think you know what happened, just read everything. It's worth it one way or another.
I'll just start off by saying I currently have no idea what the fuck to do. I've essentially lost my entire community, except for the few who are mentally challenged and have no idea what's going on, and those who genuinely have my back.
I've lost my Renegade servers (Wyld owned the hostnames, Trojan was paying the bills for the last 3 months so even though LSN gave me back access, it lasted 30 minutes as he probably threatened a lawsuit or something and I foolishly didn't back anything up, was spending time making sure they couldn't get on/delete shit), and lost pretty much 95% of the community - which is funny because ever since this war started, they've all turned their backs on me, they've all tried to troll my forums (which i've moved, i've always owned the domain name, never gave that out), and have come into my Minecraft server destroying/trolling shit, even tried to be my friend yet pasted logs over to shaitan or someone else lol.
This one guy; RnD, (has a sister that plays in Jelly, wlfgirl) literally just logged onto my account 5 minutes ago on my server and tried to fuck the whole thing over. Funny thing is, he always regarded himself as mature and said would never stoop to any level below the one he's on. He got my password from the shitty Minecraft logs i've been trying to prevent logging of sensitive shit like PMs and passwords - they stabbed me in the back on that one too.
Man, this whole thing is just so complex it's fucking crazy. Ever since Volcom came to RenCorner he played the unbiased, totally perfect and willing to compromise on everything good-guy card. Flaunting money around was the first thing he did, mentioning how he was a pretty high-up in Honda manufactoring, talked about how he's only 23 years old, making $300k and studying law (yet I seem to know a fuckload more than him, i'll elaborate), throwing up pictures of vintage Corvettes and friends sitting in his yard with his "summer house" sitting what look'd like a mile away with a lambo parked out back. I figured hell, he must be doing something right, of course I knew he didn't get there himself but with the help of his family or at least someone close he knew.
Donations were coming in red hot, on 2 occasions it covered the bills over twice, and at the time I was so incredibly poor I literally couldn't buy anything to eat. My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and about 14.5cm (or mm, im not sure of the measurement - but it was quite large) was cut out from her, and she had to go through chemo - and my dad isn't rich, he's a superintendent, making about $40k a year. Living in NY, you could probably imagine it was a tough time. So yes, I did use donations, was I proud of it? Heck no. And if anyone who isn't a faggot would like to see proof of my mom having cancer, just let me know and i'll upload a picture of her ridiculous medical costs for her quarterly MRI exams upon other things, she's happy because in August she'll be "upgrading" to having all those crazy tests happen every half year. Also, not to mention i'm a failure in pretty much every other aspect of life, I came out telling my parents I managed to startup a company and i'm already making a small profit - enough to cover my own petty costs of living.
About a month into Trojan being active in RenCorner (if not less), I was talking about how I was planning on building up a hosting company which RenCorner would advertise, essentially 2 entities helping eachother out. He was in the channel and was interested in "investing" - I thought, hell might as well have an investor, considering the company is non-existant and nothing was done. He asked me "how much do you think it's worth?" - i'm like, should I ask for nothing and just his help, should I get greedy ask for $50k? I didn't wanna be a dick but I didn't care much for a spoiled brat so I just said "a grand flat" - he was instantly cool with it. I thought no problem.
From there, thats when shit went downhill and I wished my young mind was a little bit more experienced with frauds. Right before we "agreed" on the business partnership which was I own 51% of the company, he owns 49%, but I get 75% of the profits - he threw in 2 little details. He wanted to be head admin of RenCorner and that it wouldn't be in 1 large payment, it'd be in a couple, starting off with $400 and then in $200s, every 2-3 weeks.
So I got the $400, and before I gave him head admin, I told shaitan + Wyld what was going down. I knew they were upset, but shaitan knew Trojan from before when they ran Allied-Gaming or whatever so I pretty much bullshitted out saying "Trojan's been an excellent guy over the past month, not even being a moderator and helping people out, considering he has a past friendship with shaitan - Trojan will be a great addition to the team" - or some bullshit like that lol. shaitan shortly found out about the money after and didn't care honestly.
Shortly after he became head admin, I heard about 2-3 times that Trojan was running around telling people to not donate because there wasn't a point, in that "NeronHost would cover the bills" and that if we were ever short on money, Trojan would cover it. And honestly, that's when donations started going downhill. But whatever.
I thought great! I got a great thing going on, i'm still above the guy right? Well, since then - his clique of trolls, morons and immature kids came out of the woodworks. Some of them were annoying, some of them seemed genuinely interested (like iTaLy), and all of them "liked me" (lol, everyone was doing it for a reason, they wanted power, them sluts) and they applied for moderator, essentially getting their footing in RC helping boost Trojan's presence in the community. Two guys stood out from the pack, Applez and Cyanide aka Billabong. They were both frowned upon at first, getting denied moderator and other things - Trojan eventually convinced people to vote in favor of them. At one point or another, Cyanide became a "web developer" who gained access to literally everything, the web server (WHM), the servers, etc all because he was a "developer" who i've literally yet to see develop anything. Applez, since Trojan became head admin literally has been on my ass since day 1 for no reason, giving me shit and trying to teach me how to run my community.
For example, just take a look at this:
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15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:15:08> "Applez" was moved from channel "Private Chat (No Pass)" to "Killing Floor" by "Animoski"
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:15:08> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Applez" by RenCorner.NET's Teamspeak Server.
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:15:30> "Applez" pokes you: LOL are you serious?
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:17:43> You poked "Applez" with message: LOL im just talking to my friends
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:18:07> "Applez" pokes you: Still got a problem with me i assume lmfao
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:18:19> You poked "Applez" with message: no not really youre just not a friend
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:19:09> "Applez" pokes you: How about having some respect then. I would greatly appreciate some respect from the founder lol..
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:19:34> You poked "Applez" with message: im having a private conversation with friends - have respect and not join without being invited
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:19:58> "Applez" pokes you: Last time i checked joining a channel and being kicked out without a reason isnt respect.
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:20:23> "Applez" pokes you: Also, its renegade. Private conversation lol but master is my friend so pretty sure i can join.
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:20:42> You poked "Applez" with message: private chat is private chat end of story
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:21:30> "Applez" pokes you: No not end of story? I joined a channel to say hi, and you being an asshole move me for no reason.
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:21:39> You poked "Applez" with message: cool story
15[16:25] <Animoski> <16:24:04> "Applez" pokes you: Why are you still here? lmfao
Insane right? I put up with shit like that for months, constantly telling Trojan to put this kid on a leash - he would drag him out into other channels and everyone would assume to yell at him. In fact, those 2 have a brotherly love for eachother, have met up in real life and Trojan has even bought him a necklace. I don't understand it, Trojan said they have one thing in common and that's how their dads are both sluts - which I can see, and Trojan previously said he's trying to make sure Applez doesn't make the same mistakes in life as he did.
Besides that, shit has been smooth sailing till about a month ago. Apparently (I honestly don't remember this, but shaitan does - and somehow it got to Trojan) I threatened to remove Trojan from the community. That's when he offered up $500, and that's where the confusion between Trojan and I evolved into a community that's currently split up into pieces.
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[21:26] <Trojan> r u there?
15[21:26] <Animoski> yo
[21:28] <Trojan> ur thinking of removing me?
15[21:28] <Animoski> wait what?
15[21:28] <Animoski> lmao where in the fuck did you even hear that
[21:28] <Trojan> u dont like the way i run things apparently?
[21:28] <Trojan> and the way things have been changing in renegade and u not being involved?
15[21:29] <Animoski> things could be done better but i dont even give a shit or whine to people about it
[21:29] <Trojan> dude u better not tell people ur thinking of removing me
15[21:29] <Animoski> im not even saying you specifically like the shit between blacky and wd still has me bugging especially with blacky gone
[21:29] <Trojan> thats not fucking cool
15[21:29] <Animoski> bro i never said anything like that to anyone
15[21:29] <Animoski> i demand to know who told you that or i cant even trust you at this point
[21:30] <Trojan> i have done a shitload for this community and you and u know that
15[21:30] <Animoski> are you fucking retarded?
15[21:30] <Animoski> do you really think id say that to anyone?
[21:30] <Trojan> im the first person u come to when u have a problem and i do everything i can to help u
[21:30] <Trojan> i hope not
15[21:30] <Animoski> yeah bro like i'd like to break up this wonderful thing i have with you right?
[21:31] <Trojan> idk even know who it is.. i got some random msg from some guy at jelly
[21:31] <Trojan> saying u were saying this on ts last week
15[21:31] <Animoski> on some no homo shit i love you and yeah your money helps but youre the nigga i come to even when it wasnt bout that money
[21:31] <Trojan> so i came to u like i always do when i hear shit
[21:31] <Trojan> good i love u too man
15[21:32] <Animoski> why would i talk shit behind your back? you should know with the little time i even spend around these days i dont even have an opinion on how things are going anymore
[21:32] <Trojan> i dont want to feel like i am your employee or some shit
[21:32] <Trojan> we are supposed to be equals and i dont want to feel anything less
15[21:32] <Animoski> and thats on me i think whoever told you that shit is just trolling the fuck out of you
15[21:33] <Animoski> i probably pissed off recently or a while ago some random jelly fag (or maybe this upcomming war has niggas hunting me down?) and hes trying to fuck shit up
15[21:33] <Animoski> i guarantee i wasnt saying anything bad about you i have no reason too
[21:33] <Trojan> k good cuz dude i am paying these bills every month and i get nothing but dealing with shit in our servers in return
15[21:34] <Animoski> you knew that was going to happen right?
15[21:34] <Animoski> i mean youve ran comms in the past lol
[21:34] <Trojan> yea but i have this in my head that u can demote me back down
[21:35] <Trojan> so when i hear shit like that it hits a nerve
[21:38] <Trojan> If u want me to be honest I dont want anyone to be able to say oh ur not an owner anymore, including u. I mean I want to be an equal owner with you. I don't want you above me or me above you. I want us to be equal and work together. I don't want you to get pissed at me or something and say "oh well ill put u back down to head admin".. that shit is always in the back of my head
15[21:40] <Animoski> if you want me to be real i think i would be able to demote you back down. i mean in reality i put everything together and everythings still under my name to an extent. but the reality is that ill also never really do that i dont see a reason to unless you start fucking me in a way which i cant see how or why youd even do that i wouldnt worry about what other people say and put words in my mouth since day 1 if ive had problems with people i brought it up to their face why would i even go out of my way to tell some random jelly guy that im goign to demote you? like lol
15[21:41] <Animoski> i know thats probably not what you wanna hear but idk you already know how im on the illest backseat of things
[21:44] <Trojan> well u did found it and pulled it together but dude im trying to hold it together right now... like u can't expect me to pay the bills every month and know u can just remove me
[21:44] <Trojan> that doesn't make sense
15[21:45] <Animoski> like i said if we ever cross that bridge it wouldnt be easy to make that kind of decision
[21:48] <Trojan> well i want to feel secure.
15[21:54] <Animoski> i know this is going to sound grimey but pretty much i got an xbox cause im pretty much done with rencorner
15[21:54] <Animoski> if you want me to be honest i wanna go back to competitive cod im done with pc baby drama bs lol
15[21:54] <Animoski> if you were to cop me bops2 id be playin tournies by this weekend lol
15[21:54] <Animoski> my guarantee of security is pretty much that right now
15[21:55] <Animoski> ill be around less you take up my role cuzzo
[21:57] <Trojan> what does that mean?
[21:58] <Trojan> (09:54:36) (Animoski) if you were to cop me bops2 id be playin tournies by this weekend lol
[21:58] <Trojan> (09:55:04) (Animoski) ill be around less you take up my role cuzzo
[21:58] <Trojan> ooo
[21:58] <Trojan> yea
[21:58] <Trojan> ur birthday present
15[21:58] <Animoski> i mean i plan on being around a lot less if anything stepping down if that even means anything (like my input not being valued anymore)
15[21:59] <Animoski> but i miss xbox a lot man no joke im tired of rene mc league lol
[21:59] <Trojan> yea ill get it for u dude thats what u wanted for ur birthday
15[22:00] <Animoski> im basically broke right now till next friday lmao, work sucks cant even afford a craigslist xbox and game lmao
[22:00] <Trojan> well if ur seriously going to be on xbox all the time dont step down
[22:00] <Trojan> go into a retired roll
[22:00] <Trojan> and ill just give u some cash for recorner
[22:01] <Trojan> role*
[22:01] <Trojan> i dont want u ever gone from recorner
[22:01] <Trojan> ever
[22:03] <Trojan> put u as founder or something
15[22:03] <Animoski> and basically do the same thing ive been doing?
[22:03] <Trojan> yep
[22:03] <Trojan> but u wont like this part
[22:04] <Trojan> u wouldnt be able to get rid of me
[22:04] <Trojan> though idk why ud want to get rid of the love of ur life haha
That, was on April 23rd, 3 days after my birthday (according to IRC logs), the next day he sent the $500.
We were both supposed to be "Owners", and we would continue doing things as normal - I sit back and watch my community grow as Trojan guides it. For the most part, we were pretty similar in how we did things and that's the main reason why I didn't mind "profiting" off other people's work.
We were business partners, so I trusted him with my accounts on Limestone and everything. I agreed to changing the "business contact information" part of the OnePortal that LSN has to reflect his information, considering he has been paying the bills for like 2 months now and I can't even remotely afford to pay the bill (although i've found a job since then and can now pay my own bills). As long as I had access, I'd be fine. He also had his own account but the dumbass didn't know how to setup permissions to where he could do anything so we would both use my account. Then it took me about 2 weeks to realize this happened -
http://imageshack.us/a/img14/9981/48940373.png - that was the response to confirm I changed the home address and shit to his name
http://imageshack.us/a/img841/7838/21956605.png - That was the response I never saw until it was too late the he had put a ticket in my name to change the primary over to his username, something we never discussed or agreed on.
If you notice the dates and other random shit it agrees with what i've said. Different ticket numbers, different days, etc. This was well after the money changed hands, etc.
Noticing this happening, this is why it took me about 2 weeks to make the topic about how I was stepping back (which at that point i've been stepped back for a while) (notice how I mention step back and not step DOWN) - I was noticing the small shit he was doing and it urked me badly. I didn't tell anyone about this because well, I didn't think of him as a threat.
One day I got on teamspeak drunk, trying to talk to one of my friends that I played League of Legends with. Applez joins "HAY GAYZ" like, get the fuck out of my channel right? Obnoxious annoying little twat - moved him and the message war started - thats where I threatened to remove Trojan through Applez (apparently for the 2nd time, but this time I do remember) - saying shit like if you don't stop you won't have Trojan to protect you any longer. I got pissed off at being spammed for the night and just got offline - not thinking much about it. I run my mouth a lot, people tell me that lol, and I guess this was a hard reality for me, but of course Applez pasted those logs to Volcom and Volcom ended up removing my forum admin CP access, and every other bit of access I had besides mIRC oper (because he had to go through Trojan for that) and teamspeak admin, I guess for looks? Either way it took me 4 days to realize what happened - it would've taken even longer had it not been for Trojan randomly unbanning people - in this case it was Agent. I just wanted to see who did what in the admin CP when I noticed the button was missing.
Thats when the war started - I threatened to just take back the community since I own the domain name, told shaitan to back everything up because we were going to be in a war with the guy who thinks he's the rightful owner of my community. Well, we got into a big argument and it was in the sake of everyone's best interest it was decided that I would remain without access so I wouldn't "fuck anything up" - and that I was to regain Trojan's trust and we'd go back to normal. It was about 2 weeks of me not popping up on teamspeak, forums, IRC or anything. I was silent, the only thing I did was PM trojan here and there and try to act cool and have some sort of conversation going. He ignored me every single time.
Well, it's my community right? Pop on teamspeak, and i'm talking to Master and Gumby. We're sitting there, having fun and i'm not bothering anyone - then Applez joins the channel (if you remember the TS logs I pasted before, thats what happened between me and Applez) and I just moved him out cause he's not a friend of anyone in that channel lol. He gets pissed off and then joins back saying "you know D4rkz is back and donated to Volcom and it's off the books?" - I said, really now? I just had to get into a conversation with D4rkz, he was our biggest donator and kept us going for that much longer. He stopped donating and resigned around the time Volcom first came - and allegations of me using donation money for pot came about. I was like, man, Trojan is such a fucking snake I can't believe he thinks he can just take my community from me. Yatta yatta yatta, we talk and I *think* I have him on my side again, I told him we should convince shaitan and Wyld to be on my side and we can go back to the heyday of RenCorner, when shit was smooth sailing and we hit our player caps every week. Well, D4rkz pasted our convo to shaitan and shaitan told Volcom I was "still conspiring to take over RenCorner" which resulted in Trojan banning me from the forums, teamspeak, everything basically.
Luckily for myself, I contacted Limestone the day before letting them know that Trojan stole my account, and they confirmed my story entirely, including Trojan logging into my account and creating that ticket which gave him sole access. That gave me a window of about an hour of full access to the entire catelog of servers. What did I do with it? Change passwords, make sure I couldn't get kicked offline while I restart RC back in my power. In that window, Trojan called LSN about 50 times (the guy I called said he wouldn't stop calling, he was trying to get different support guys to see if he could catch a break with a guy who might be more willing to help) and eventually pissed off support enough to get the management involved and effectively lock us both out for the time being. I was promised a call back no matter what, which to this day is yet to happen - and Trojan was given access back i'm assuming because he paid the server bill the last 3 months. What's with people and money, shit makes me wanna put a bullet through my head.
Cronus helped me out, backed up the Minecraft server as well as the website, only because Cronus and I spent 8 hours a night for a week setting up a server dedicated for hosting VPSes and put in a backdoor (as they call it, lmao) for reasons just like this (which honestly I didn't even know about until this whole thing happened.)
What I will never understand is how 98% of the community left with Trojan and trust/respect him over me. Yes i've done things I never should have, but we all do that and we all do things when we're desperate. But how could you trust someone who pays $1,500 just to gain power in a gaming community for a game that's old, and spit on the person who made it all possible? Literally, i'm disgusted by the fact that besides for like 3 people (and others who are clueless of anything ever happening), everyone else left only to somehow get in contact with me and virtually spit in my face. If people think I sold RenCorner because I lost interest in running it (which, at some points I have, and gave the job over to shaitan/Wyld/Trojan, my admins which every single one of them have stabbed me in the back) however they want, they are delusional. Anyone whose smart would've taken the $1,500 and left with a smile knowing they profited off managing idiots. In reality, I should've done that now knowing how many people have a brown nose, but RenCorner means way to much to me, at one point it saved my life because I was emotionally unstable and was on the borderline. RenCorner was the only thing going right in my life and when I thought about the potential it had I literally forgot all the negative emotions inside of me. For people to assume that I sold RenCorner for half of what I got for making some punk a head admin, literally puzzles me. In a business sense, it doesn't make sense.
Also, a lot of people that have expressed their anger with me ever since I "sold" RC seem to be people I thought I was cool with. I am a stoner, i'll admit that, and i'm from the hood part of New York, i'll admit that. I fucked around with people constantly, on teamspeak, in-game, etc. just to make everyone feel closer and more like an actual family. Remember RnD? I was on teamspeak and we were just talking about celebrities we'd fuck - I asked what their number was (how many people they've banged lol) RnD joined, I asked him what his number was, "i'd prefer not to bring my real life into the internet" - so I said "so that means you're a virgin, gotchya" and ever since he's been holding that against me, a crazy grudge - I fucking hate how people think talking about the weather and shit on the news constantly everyday thinks that is what a "community" or "family" should be. I think that's horseshit, I think that if that's the way you wanna communicate with people, you should have every right to - and I never bothered those people, even respect people like Joetorp because they always had some interesting inspirational story to tell me. But everyone else? I joked around with, I didn't want to be an uptight bitchy asshole whose always negative, that isn't me. Anytime people told me I went to far, I apologized and shit moved on. That whole pedophile thing? Really? What a joke. Sarah's sister actually looks just as old as her, people only brought that shit up because i'm getting shots fired at me. Applez, hell even Trojan literally said the same kind of shit I did, directly towards both Sarah and her sister over skype. Fucking bullshit how they even tried to play that card. shaitan knows i'm no pedophile and he was just trolling at that point.
At this point, if things were to go back to normal, ie: I become owner again, shaitan and Wyld remain head admins, i'd look past literally everything that just happened, everyone talking shit, everyone trying to fuck my servers up - everything. I'd stay back and just do my job, guide and try my hardest to patch things up and get along with everybody. I never wanted RenCorner to go down this route, why would I want RenCorner to die, or split up, or have a bunch of people hate me? I've fucked up, atleast I could admit it - some would never give up as much power as I have over the past year and let people do their own things (but in the right way, shaitan knows what I mean) - I was never a power hungry faggot, I did what I did because I was forced to. I wouldn't be the only idiot ever in history to be kicked/banned out of his own community.
RenCorner was a community that gave people 2nd chances, shaitan for instance was being treated worse than a bag of a shit right here on RF with no real home community, same thing with G1D (if I remember correctly atleast) and a couple of others. It was a 2nd chance for everybody, letting people who were banned elsewhere have a fresh start at RenCorner and we wouldn't look at their past. Knowing what you guys no know, would you give me a second chance?
[Updated on: Mon, 03 June 2013 08:38] Report message to a moderator
What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 08:23
Re: What actually happened...
By: Bazil on Mon, 03 June 2013 08:51
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Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 09:22
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 10:05
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Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 10:49
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Mon, 03 June 2013 10:19
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 10:35
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Mon, 03 June 2013 10:55
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Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 11:14
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 11:36
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Cyanide on Mon, 03 June 2013 12:20
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Mon, 03 June 2013 12:36
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Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Mon, 03 June 2013 12:59
Re: What actually happened...
By: reborn on Mon, 03 June 2013 13:30
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Mon, 03 June 2013 18:28
Re: What actually happened...
By: Cyanide on Mon, 03 June 2013 19:31
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Mon, 03 June 2013 19:52
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Mon, 03 June 2013 21:34
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Tue, 04 June 2013 09:53
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Tue, 04 June 2013 16:27
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 21:36
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Mon, 03 June 2013 21:41
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Tue, 04 June 2013 17:36
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Tue, 04 June 2013 11:09
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Tue, 04 June 2013 13:11
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Mon, 03 June 2013 22:02
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Mon, 03 June 2013 22:07
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Tue, 04 June 2013 10:03
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: iRANian on Wed, 05 June 2013 02:56
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Tue, 04 June 2013 19:00
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Tue, 04 June 2013 19:06
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Tue, 04 June 2013 20:14
Re: What actually happened...
By: Bazil on Tue, 04 June 2013 20:22
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Tue, 04 June 2013 20:23
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Tue, 04 June 2013 20:48
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Bazil on Tue, 04 June 2013 20:27
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Tue, 04 June 2013 20:28
Re: What actually happened...
By: Bazil on Tue, 04 June 2013 20:31
Re: What actually happened...
By: Tiesto on Wed, 05 June 2013 04:04
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Wed, 05 June 2013 05:22
Re: What actually happened...
By: Applez on Wed, 05 June 2013 07:14
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Wed, 05 June 2013 10:05
Re: What actually happened...
By: Crimson on Wed, 05 June 2013 15:12
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Wed, 05 June 2013 18:58
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Xpert on Thu, 06 June 2013 01:17
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Thu, 06 June 2013 06:17
Re: What actually happened...
By: Xpert on Thu, 06 June 2013 17:16
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Thu, 06 June 2013 17:19
Re: What actually happened...
By: Sean on Fri, 07 June 2013 14:04
Re: What actually happened...
By: Sean on Fri, 07 June 2013 14:11
Re: What actually happened...
By: Hypnos on Fri, 07 June 2013 14:38
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Thu, 06 June 2013 06:58
Re: What actually happened...
By: Xpert on Thu, 06 June 2013 17:21
Re: What actually happened...
By: Hypnos on Thu, 06 June 2013 19:17
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Thu, 06 June 2013 19:58
Re: What actually happened...
By: Hypnos on Fri, 07 June 2013 01:04
Re: What actually happened...
By: iRANian on Fri, 07 June 2013 01:29
Re: What actually happened...
By: Applez on Fri, 07 June 2013 17:50
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Fri, 07 June 2013 19:57
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Cyanide on Fri, 07 June 2013 23:31
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Cyanide on Fri, 07 June 2013 23:41
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Sat, 08 June 2013 06:08
Re: What actually happened...
By: Hypnos on Sat, 08 June 2013 10:15
Re: What actually happened...
By: Hypnos on Sat, 08 June 2013 10:32
Re: What actually happened...
By: Xpert on Sat, 08 June 2013 16:32
Re: What actually happened...
By: Hypnos on Sat, 08 June 2013 16:57
Re: What actually happened...
By: Ani on Sat, 08 June 2013 12:33
Re: What actually happened...
By: shaitan on Sat, 08 June 2013 14:16
Re: What actually happened...
Re: What actually happened...
By: Hypnos on Sun, 09 June 2013 15:29
Re: What actually happened...
By: Applez on Sun, 09 June 2013 00:40
Re: What actually happened...
By: ehhh on Sun, 09 June 2013 02:50
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