Reborns commands are only for ingame "SSGM Chat Hook" and has nothing to do with brenbot but would interfere with ingame commands. It would cause double output one from brenbot one from reborns ssgm plugin. You could just remove brebot ingame group for the command if you want to keep reborns plugin.
If you want the !n or !next command for !nextmap for Brenbot you would just add alias to the brenbot command in commands.xml with the <alias> </alias> Tags.
<command name="nextmap">
<permission level="1"/>
<syntax value="!nextmap"/>
<help value="Shows the next map"/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<hideInHelp value="0"/>
To call reborns commands in irc you would either have to make a console command that brenbot could use or make the plugin connect to irc. I think reborn made a plugin that connects a bot to irc.
[Updated on: Tue, 28 September 2010 04:43]
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