You'd need to edit dllmain.cpp, look for and BlackIntel = LoadLibrary("BlackIntel.dll");
LastError = GetLastError();
if (!BlackIntel)
FILE *f = fopen("dllload.txt","at");
fprintf(f,"BlackIntel.dll failed to load, error = %d\n",LastError);
MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,"Error","BlackIntel.dll Load Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
for the placement of this code, look at the source which is included
Quote: |
What "messages" are you talking about anyways?
I added 12 bytes to the soldier position messages sent by the renegade server to the client. I think it sends "nur" of these messages per second, so it tells every player about every player (including themselves), hence the playercount^2. All combined this would (without potential optimization) give the formula posted in the first post.