Ok i followed al the steps once again and go this....
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.YOUR-AT5QGAAC3Z>cd\
C:\>cd westwood\renegade\data\BRenBot-135
BRenBot 1.35 MSWin32.
brenbot is Copyright 2003-2004 by Blackhand Studios. All Rights reserved.
Connecting to RenGuard...
Could not load ssc_ignore.txt - No users are being ignored by RenGuard!
Got serverlist..
IRC Initialization...joining irc.n00bstories.com:6667
my nick is FDSLeader
Setting up protected nickname thread...
Setting irc refresh thread...
Connected to RenGuard.
Connecting to IRC... waiting for welcome message
Got Server Welcome Message...
Identifying with NickServ...
Joining IRC Channel...
IRC: FDSLeader :+wx
Disconnected from RenGuard Master. Reconnecting...
IRC: FDSLeader!FDSLeader@n00b-F92A1E18.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net joined #MyBRenBotC
IRC: FDSLeader changed to #MyBRenBotChannel
Connected to RenGuard.
and IRC is now open at this moment. But it doesn't log me into the server auto but when i manualy do it i can login to the channel. When i login it has the bots name FDSLeader and when i type something in IRC it goes to the CMD window place. Now Next i opened up the other one the Renegade Server on Westwood Online.
now the whole thing happens and i see in IC it says like loading level and stuff like that then when it says load complete. And thats it.... now when i type in a command like !rules in IRC nothing happenes. When i type
msg !rules nothing happens again........
What am i doing wrong.