WinXp Pro
only mIRC running.
[6/26/2002 1:31:59 PM] RenGuard SSC Version 0.9.2 by djlaptop Ready.
[6/26/2002 1:31:59 PM] Checking for updates.
[6/26/2002 1:32:00 PM] No updates available.
[6/26/2002 1:32:04 PM] Initializing FDS Communication.
[6/26/2002 1:32:04 PM] Attempting to Find Max Players.
[6/26/2002 1:32:04 PM] Attempting to Find FDS Port (UDP).
[6/26/2002 1:32:04 PM] Attempting to Find Server Name (bGameTitle).
[6/26/2002 1:32:04 PM] Checking BanList
[6/26/2002 1:32:04 PM] Finding Random Master
[6/26/2002 1:32:04 PM] Contacting ServServ.
[6/26/2002 1:32:05 PM] Selected a Master Server from ServServ.
[6/26/2002 1:32:05 PM] Connecting To Master Server.
[6/26/2002 1:32:05 PM] TCP Error - The requested address is not valid in its context. Normally results from an attempt to bind() to an address that is not valid for the local machine. This may also result from connect(), sendto(), WSAConnect(), WSAJoinLeaf(), or WSASendTo() when the remote address or port is not valid for a remote machine (e.g. address or port 0).