4) I've already said a lot about this patch, but apparently since you've missed all of it, here's a quick update -- we're working on the new patch and have been for quite some time. We want to have all the possible bugs fixed before we release a patch, so we're quite thorough in our testing. This new patch will also coincide with the release of our new version of the free dedicated server (but not the Linux version -- that's still under development and could be a while), the mod tools and the level editor. This new patch also includes the air vehicles, so there's a lot to test. I cannot and will not give a date because I don't have one and making guesstimates has come back to bite me in the butt too many times, so I won't even guess at release dates. We're working on it, that's all I'll say. I even made a news post to Westwood Online to keep posted. We're working, trust me
This was in a post from Dev posted April 14, 2002 23:21.
Read the Post Here...
I don't think DEV reads these boards, as much as he Reads the General fourm. Don't believe me? See DEV's Post Here...