i once took out 3 buildings by myself in three consectutive hotwire runs... they were the power plant(which helped my guys enter the base), the airstrip(which prevented them from stopping the onslaught), and the refinery(which stopped their income)... then i went to destroy the Hand of NOD... but someone had already planted a few c4's... so i planted some then set them off... the other persons c4 finished it off... i then went up the stairs and found my buddy planting the ion cannon beacon... then being a hw i used my pistol to shoot anyone comiing... the nod guys i faced were only shooting my body... i went straight for the head... i killed three of them then jumped out the window and watched as my guys started flooding in in mammoth tanks... i ended up the MVP with a score of 1400... i was happy... especially considering i only had the demo for a day... and had only destroyed one building beforehand...heres a very good strategy if your gonna hide in NODS base... it might work for gdi i dont know... but anyways... enter through the tunnels and make sure the pp is out... then run behind the airstrip(on the side with water)... wait for a flame tank to come and take it... then go on a rampage... show them the power of their own tanks... i did this once and they actually repaired me... i guess they didnt notice my gdi symbol... so stealing vehicles works... even better if its stealth...