Originally posted by Xax:
I've tried this tactic on 3 seperate occasions, but either I just really suck (and I'm not say I don't, hehe), or I'm just playing with too many people in order to not be noticed.One thing that's really frustrating about this game, is just about the only successful way to win a balanced game (I think) is with sheer firepower... tank rushing, etc. Any attempts to take out power or defenses usually result in a quick death, even when not running around like crazy (ie. when trying to be stealthy). I just wish there was an alternative is all.
Perhaps your team wasn't working as a team. I just finished a game where I was Hotwire (my favorite character class), sneaked into the Hand of Nod and blew it up with C4s. Later, me and 2 other Hotwires sneaked into a Nod base through the tunnels, someone blew up the Obelisk at just the right moment, so we blew up the Power plant, stole two flame tanks and razed the whole base. That was bloody fun, and funny.