If you run and jump at a 90* angle with either of the towers you can make it to the power plant (need I say the most important structure). It doesn't always work and normally you will be deterred by enemy infantry but....(Using Tech/Hotwire)
Run to the entrance to the GDI base farthest from the tower, run and hop to the backside of the GDI barracks (u may die sometimes) and if u pray to almighty God u will make it there. If u do, simply run from there to the powerplant and go inside and plant both timed and both remote mines on the MCT. Wait for the timed mines to near detonation and then set of the remote mines. U should be able to take the building out in one run by urself.
Same thing...run to entrance farthest from Obelesk. Run behind the rock, then run and jump from there to behind the hand of Nod and from there make a left and run and jump to the entrance of the power plant (U may need to strafe left and right while running and jumping as running straight away from the Obelesk will often get u killed). Once there, granted the absence of many enemy troops) do the same thing as with the GDI.-Im sure this is old news to many of u, but for u ppl out there that have never killed a base by urself with only a technician (does require multiple trips) this may be new.