Did you find ALL the ammo behind the mammoth tank and beyond,where all the nod vehicles are junk? All the way to the back? Did you destroy all the buildings? I think it's at the power plant that you get the last card to enter the ufo..there are four or five really bad guys in there, but there's also more ammo. If you did all this and still have only the pistol, then run like hell and "fall" into the hole of the nod temple where there are less bad guys - stay to the left wall and enter doors...you might make it and you'll find more ammo each time you kill someone. Good luck! I also need help on this level - I have killed everyone I can find but can't get through the "leve 2" and "level 3" doors - where do I find the access?????
Originally posted by no_pulse:
I need some help inside the temple of NOD.
What I didn't know is that the ammo you have in previous mission is what you recieve in the next mission
I thought that in each new mission you get more ammo
And I'm all out of ammo. I only have the standard issue gun and thats about it. I wasted all the ammo in the previous mission destroying the NOD base so that I could gain entry to the NOD temple.And whats the deal with the crashed UFO? When you walk up to the door it says you need an access card for it? I have found all 3 cards (yellow,green and red) but yet I can't gain access inside of it? Is it just there for decoration? Is there a key card on that level to gain access to the UFO?
What I wouldn't give for cheat codes (ONLY for SP) right about now. Its taking me this long to get to the last level and I have no ammo. And I don't feel like going back to the previous mission because it was a b!tch to complete.
Any help would be greatly appreciated ![](smile.gif)
[ March 06, 2002: Message edited by: Lil ]