use my engineer/tech train trick to get past the GDI AGT on CC_Under0. Find 1 friend.. make sure he is an engie or tech and you are a tech
1. Go through tunnels to base entrance near PPLant
2 run to rock and crouch
3. Have your friend heal you with repair gun.
4. both run at once... little jumping... he will get to rock.. you will get to pplant.
5. he switches to pistol and distracts anyone trying to get to pplant
6. blow up pplant
7. now your buddy can get back to tunnel or attempt to hit another building if he has C4 (tech) or a beacon..
it works great.. if 2 techs with $$ to get beacons and then get another dude or 2 for gun cover its an effective rush, and on other maps too actually with a slight variation.