Originally posted by illusive:
oh well, I suppose I'd better stop wasting time and do some work. I could always go and play Renegade on Westwood's servers...
oh wait, no, I forgot THEY ARE ****
Oh yeah??? they are having some prob again??? sad... oh well, lest continue this post!
Noob: how do you disarm a beacon?
Answer: Simple! Step right on it for about 15-20 sec, and it should disamr it (and by the time the nuke arrives, take a good step back, and laugh!
Noob is spamming the game with "I need repairs"
What to do? tell him to get out of his tank cause you need to be an ingi inside to repair it! than leave the middle of the battlefeild to leave a chance to the ingis to repair it, and get back into the battlefeild shooting everything. If he complains, the "shut up nOOb!" is recomended!