Well Mammie camps arnt impossible to counter: heres a funny little story where i did all by my selfIt was on feild and I was a stealth black hand. I went the tunnel way cause its impossible to get out my front door. I look over at the mammies, theres about 2 or 3 mammies and a bunch of MRLS. But I noticed that one of the mammies didnt have an GDI icon on it and it was empty. Not to mention it has behind all of them. As you can guess, I stole it. And they didnt know what hit them, it was very gratifying for me. And the funniest thing was the engi who had it but got out to repair the ones in front, he was repairin me. HHAHAHA. And also later in that same game i stole another mammie. So it is very easy to counter the mammie camp, you just have to rely on a really stupid team.