Renegade is like chess.(what did this stupid n00by say ?
Renegade = chess ? Wh4t zE F00cQ did u sm00ke ?
In chess, there is an attacker (white side) and a defender (black side).
In renegade, *** when there is AGT/Obelisk *** first the attacker is nod because of the lower cost of units, ability to f-tank-rush, and therefore GDI is the defender.
Later in the game, GDI become attacker with the ability of mammies siege.
The difficulty for GDI, is live enough to such to become attacker. This means build a good def = teamwork ! The difficulty for GDI is that teamwork is absolutly necessary. Obviously, when there is no tower, this is harder
But never say that GDI is less powerfull than Nod. That's false. GDI units are even stronger. GDI is just
more difficult to play with no teamwork.