one game i saw the dancing waltzing hotwire i couldn't even get one shot it was very funny to watch although it was in front of our bases mct which took some big damage because i couldn't get a shot in--- how is this done?the person who can just jump a avoid the obliesk??
even tanks--- one guy took out a medium tank of mine with just a gdi basic gun he was behind a control tower so i couldn't rush and run him over but then he bragged about it out loud needless to say i got a few shots/kills back at him one when he had a ion cannon he called me names out loud then
but he was dam good!
i have had sometimes the craziest time trying to run over good players they just keep going in circles jumping and changing direction just when i do.....ggggrrrrrr
and whats the key to getting head shots on a person who is on the run man those get me how do they do it? when i am jumping and running i get killed in one or two shots?
but then i see a waltzing hotwire and can't get a shot in.
i am not a bad player i do ok in games even got mvp a few times in some tough games but some tips and suggestions would be helpful!!