Originally posted by w8t4time:
one game i saw the dancing waltzing hotwire i couldn't even get one shot it was very funny to watch although it was in front of our bases mct which took some big damage because i couldn't get a shot in--- how is this done?the person who can just jump a avoid the obliesk??
even tanks--- one guy took out a medium tank of mine with just a gdi basic gun he was behind a control tower so i couldn't rush and run him over but then he bragged about it out loud needless to say i got a few shots/kills back at him one when he had a ion cannon he called me names out loud then
but he was dam good!
i have had sometimes the craziest time trying to run over good players they just keep going in circles jumping and changing direction just when i do.....ggggrrrrrr
and whats the key to getting head shots on a person who is on the run man those get me how do they do it? when i am jumping and running i get killed in one or two shots?
but then i see a waltzing hotwire and can't get a shot in.
i am not a bad player i do ok in games even got mvp a few times in some tough games but some tips and suggestions would be helpful!!
Ok, i'm this king of anoying player, so let me help you!
Soldier to soldier: if youre free, buy ingi! and C4 her! even if your not really aming, 2 remote can kill anybody!!! And if your a paid class, aim for the head, and shoot from left to right back to left to right etc. If rockets, aim for the feet.
Tank to soldier: this one is harder, since most infantry units are designed to take out tanks... they are smaller so hard to hit... Aim for the feet and thank splash damage... try to anticipate your ennemy moves, since it takes some time to the bullet to get to destination...
Thats about it!