Originally posted by n00by 0ne Ken00by:
Tested and approved !
But something can be done more cleverly :1- player "A" buy engy (0) and a buggy (300)
2- player "B" buy chem (150)
3- player A & B jump in the buggy
4- together they go to AGT (if the buggy were damaged in the travel, they can do a pause to repair it)
5- the attack : with an engy & a chem => this is definitivly possible. The attack occur very earlier (when cash is at 300 !)and can surprise all the people who stay to fight in the tunnels (on many maps the game start with people fighing in tunnels) !...
Heres a better one that I use all the time.
1. Player A buy engie (0 cost)
2. Player B buys engie (0 cost)
3. Plauyer A buys APC (400 cost)
APC *will* make it past the oblisk/AGT as long as nothing slows you down while you are going in.
2 engies can take out any building in seconds with their remote C4.
1. Player A buy engie (free)
2. Player A buy APC (400), or ride with someone
3. Player A gets into enemy base, plants 2 remote C4, and timed.
4. Hang out until timed goes off, detonate remote at same time...POOF!
5. Use pistol and cap any hotwires that come to repair
6. Repeat.
I have destroyed entire bases by myself using this tactic