Today iv been playing field most of the day, and its a few things the GDI players tend to do (or not to do) that really annoys me. A few Advices And Warnings.1. Please Start mining the cave entrance close to the barracks, NOD can take out Both the refinery (and THATS EASY even a regulare soldier can do that, and a incredible easy by beeing a blackhand)and the barracks (needs a bit timing though) from that entrance.
2. BEWARE of stealth black hands and engees sneaking behind the GDI harvester. WHY? Just HUG the behing of the harvester untill u reach the AGT and u will be to Close for the AGT to fire and u just WALKS straight in. Today me and the Other ones who were on NOD did that time after time, (was a bit amazed the the NOD players didnt know of that untill i showed it to them
3. When The NOD harvester gets stuck DONT DONT DONT fire at it!!!!!!!!!!!
If u fire at it they will get a new one and its not sure that one will get stuck. STUCK HARVESTER Slooooooooowly incoming credits. Same Applys to NOD on MESA.