C&C_City_FlyingAPC Rush or Transport to the PP, ALWAYS.
** and always defended, if I'm playing... unless my team is completely clueless and I can keep it mined properly. Please continue this tactic though.. gives us free transports and prevents you from having a couple of vehicles. At one point, we had 4 enemy transport helis on top of one of the buildings.**
Same as above, but with same old Stealth nukes.
** this level is tough for GDI unless they get their act in gear early. humvee rush asap but don't forget placing mines and don't leave the base unguarded. GDI has to get the offensive going before nod can buy a bunch of nukes. If GDI sits back for the beginning of the game, they'll lose**
Humvee and Buggy rush (almost always)
** Engineer swarm at the beginning and sometimes that is enough to take out a building or too, sadly. BTW, when my mines blow up.. I don't just ignore it. I go back and put more down. **
Nod plants beacon on GDI barracks just when they go out of the tunnel
** I think this is the map that I hate being GDI for. Still can win especially if you get a good tank rush going.**
Can you say "Stealth Nuke"
** If the game lasts that long. Waiting around to save up 1400c isn't a good idea in this level. Enough tanks will take out your buildings before nukes take out ours. **
Flame rush, Flame rush
** Can be defended against.. and that's assuming that GDI hasn't taken control of the entrace to your base. **
FLame rush, or GDI just sits there defending
** GDI should be playing offensively on this map. That will prevent any massive flame rushes. Smaller ones can be defended against without too much hassle. **
MRLS shooting at Nod Power Plant, and Nod buggys going to PP.
** This map is up for grabs. I haven't found a sure tactic yet. In a lot of games I've played, this map ends with the time limit. MRLs are too vulnerable to completely destroy the PP from my experience. black hands will tear them apart.. along with just about anything guarding the Nod entrance.**
This game is getting sooo borin