Never mind... It is late here, I only read 1/2 of your message... *slaps self*-Oh, and it is really easy to win that map with few people... Just get a tech/hot and a chinook and beacon if funds are abundant... Hotfoot it to the power... Set down, if you are Nod, then you will have lots of hps left, and if you are GDI then you will only have a few left, but it does not matter... Plant your nuke/ion or your c4. The first person to the plant will see a chinook just sitting there... *OOHHHHH, what a nice vehicle* They will fly off and repair, and since it is like a 2-3 person game, there will usually be only one defender... (If even...) The PP will get destroyed, and you can proceed to the next building if you have supplies to do so. The same tactic works with the APC, but the apc cannot fit into the GDI back entrance, but then again the buggy works just as well in that case. The only use of having a chinook is the "LOOK A HELICOPTER! I WANT IT!" value that keeps at least one defender off your back.
[ April 28, 2002: Message edited by: CanadianMonk3y ]