GDI 2 MRLS -Ideal for support, and long range strikes against prepared defences.
3 Medium Tanks -Mobile firepower to take out enemy armor in the field.
1 Mammoth -Support for MRLS and Anti-Armor support for the 3 Medium Tanks ahead.
2 APCs -Anti-Infantry in the field, base rushing, carries 5 troops each allowing rapid transport of 10 soldiers/Techs/Hotwires. *Can be substituded for Hummers for scouting.
*Aircraft are not yet available on most maps and are not included.
3 Artillery -Great for support, long range strikes.
2 Light Tanks -Anti-Armor in the field w/ Artillery in support.
1 Flame Tank -Great Anti-Buiding, and Anti-Armor at close range.
1 Stealth Tank -Support for Light Tanks, Scouting, Limited base penetration.
1 APC -Anti-Infantry in the field, mobile transport for base rushing.
* Really depends on the situation, the above is based on defeating GDI's superior vehicles in the field. Flame Rushes are preferable in some situations.