Originally posted by ChaosE:
I once plaid a game on islands. We were GDI and lost tiberium refinery & wepaons factory very early, putting us into "defense mode". With barracks only we held off about 6 tank rushes.Why I am posting this here? Well, we won the game over score because sneaky Nod also placed about 12 nuclear beacons in that game that were all disarmed, giving us HUGE numbers of score & credits.
Most people realy underestimate the amount of points you get when disarming beacons, even mines (30 pts per mine ... nice if you find a tunnel with 15 proxies at one place) - or repairing a building.
I agree, and repeat :
never let a mines field unguarded outside your base. If you can't guard, simply don't put mines here.
This is especially true on C&C_field in tunnels...