Your post makes no sense Dan.. MVP in a 40 player is usually about 250-300 pts, so say 300 pts. ok, 10 MVPs on a 2 on 2, 3 PTS per game 10 times is 30 PTS. (and remember this is IF you get MVP in 11 games straight!)You than have a total of 330 Pts, now for the rating system..
(330/11 = 45.45) + (330\11 = 45.45) = 90.90
90.90 is your rating... Now whos the dumbass, your above post made no sense, learn how to follow a formula and do math please, you are making a jackass out of yourself. I am a 23 year old computer engineer that went thru 8 diffrent calc and stat courses, I have done math equations that taken over 4 pages and 2 hours to complete. I know what I am doing. SO WHERE'S THE FLAW AGAIN?
BTW-eae or whatever, don't be mad because I (and others) put you in your place on my other tread because you whined about me making 2 of these treads.
If you would like to debate this real time my MSN messanger is
-I bet you don't have the nutz to reply dan
[ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: AzWhoopin ]