Oooh, that pistol! my favorite weapon(jk, I like sniping). Anyways, I was on _City_Flying and their AGT got blown up by an early APC rush (they mined the PP and we attacked the AGT instead, heh heh little buggers). I wasn't involved in the AGT rush, but me and a friend hopped in a buggy, and I jumped out only to run onto the roof of the war factory, beacon in hand.I put the Ion in my secret place and hid in my other secret place untill the fireworks ended. Out I jumped, and seeing how I had no more C4, and I was an engy, I pulled out my pistol and proceeded to fire upon the 1,000 units coming out of the barracks.
Yep, I had quite a few kills and a LOT of points, untill an Apache came out from the corner! Yeah, he could distract them while I made a run for it!
I looked at the Apache once more, and a green name appeared above it. The GDI had stolen one of ours, and shot rockets at various areas to apparently celebrate his steal. I was fortunate enought to be struck by one of said rockets, and with all the money I got from the kills, I got an Apache, a Black Hand Sniper and a beacon, set the beacon on the roof of the barracks (My team had blown up all the other buildings by now, PP and Tib Ref), and went up to the left tower building thing and sniped the engys trying to disarm it.
Of course I blew up my Apache so as not to draw attention to the tower, and the Beacon struck without any problems whatsoever.
Hurrah! That was my story.