Exception occurred at 0x039762C0 .text:0x110162C0 (luaplugin.dll) The Renegade FDS tried to read from address 0x27e42407 (No Owner) CPU Status: EFLAGS = 0x00010202 EIP: 0x039762c0 ESP: 0x0012a8ac EBP: 0x0012a8d0 EAX: 0x27e42407 EBX: 0x021c0ab0 ECX: 0x05475b40 EDX: 0x021c0f68 ESI: 0x05475b40 EDI: 0x021c0f68 CS: 0x0000001b SS: 0x00000023 DS: 0x00000023 ES: 0x00000023 FS: 0x0000003b GS: 0x00000000 FPU Status: FPU Control Word: 0xffff027f FPU Status Word: 0xffff4024 FPU Tag Word: 0xffffffff FPU Error Offset: 0x0078bbd9 FPU Error Selector: 0x077d001b FPU Data Offset: 0x0012ea48 FPU Data Selector: 0xffff0023 Cr0NpxState: 0x00000000 ST(0): 0012A6180012A61C0012A620 0 ST(1): 0012A6220012A6260012A62A -0 ST(2): 0012A62C0012A6300012A634 51704.8 ST(3): 0012A6360012A63A0012A63E 30.4058 ST(4): 0012A6400012A6440012A648 36.0007 ST(5): 0012A64A0012A64E0012A652 0 ST(6): 0012A6540012A6580012A65C 0.00166667 ST(7): 0012A65E0012A6620012A666 3544.86 Bytes at CS:EIP (039762C0) 83 38 04 75 05 39 70 08 74 0D 8B 40 20 85 C0 75 EF B8 60 4B 9B 03 C3 83 C0 10 C3 CC CC CC CC CC The version of bhs.dll is 3.400000 Windows Build Number is 6001 Windows Major Version Number is 6 Windows Minor Version Number is 0 Windows Platform ID is 2 Windows CSD Version is Service Pack 1 Current Date is dinsdag 18 november 2008 Current Time is 16:37 GameData stuff The Current Map is C&C_Field.mix There is no mod loaded The current player count is 1 The time remaining is 3544.860107 List of all loaded modules C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\server.dat (Base Address 0x00400000, Size 0x004b6000, CRC32 0xa22a1eb9) C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll (Base Address 0x77590000, Size 0x00127000, CRC32 0x7cfcec95) C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll (Base Address 0x76AB0000, Size 0x000db000, CRC32 0x33d9889b) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\mss32.dll (Base Address 0x21100000, Size 0x00060000, CRC32 0x9c6b9556) C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll (Base Address 0x77350000, Size 0x0009d000, CRC32 0xb687ed70) C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll (Base Address 0x77270000, Size 0x0004b000, CRC32 0xf8fb6e93) C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll (Base Address 0x76CC0000, Size 0x000c6000, CRC32 0xf58cdfcb) C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll (Base Address 0x774C0000, Size 0x000c2000, CRC32 0x3e044e39) C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll (Base Address 0x74530000, Size 0x00032000, CRC32 0xd22fc585) C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll (Base Address 0x76B90000, Size 0x000aa000, CRC32 0xe5ae7fec) C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll (Base Address 0x76D90000, Size 0x00144000, CRC32 0x6b931d39) C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll (Base Address 0x772C0000, Size 0x0008d000, CRC32 0xb69e10e1) C:\Windows\system32\OLEACC.dll (Base Address 0x744F0000, Size 0x00039000, CRC32 0xef3061d3) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\biatch.dll (Base Address 0x10000000, Size 0x00039000, CRC32 0xae27e73c) C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll (Base Address 0x776F0000, Size 0x0002d000, CRC32 0x5d581120) C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll (Base Address 0x776E0000, Size 0x00006000, CRC32 0x10729b39) C:\Windows\system32\AVIFIL32.dll (Base Address 0x6EC10000, Size 0x00019000, CRC32 0x40717d36) C:\Windows\system32\MSACM32.dll (Base Address 0x742E0000, Size 0x00014000, CRC32 0xa2e8f836) C:\Windows\system32\MSVFW32.dll (Base Address 0x726B0000, Size 0x00023000, CRC32 0x95d44007) C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll (Base Address 0x75FA0000, Size 0x00b0f000, CRC32 0x78de6c7e) C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll (Base Address 0x76C60000, Size 0x00058000, CRC32 0xf95c1869) C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.6001.18000_none_886786f450a74a05\COMCTL32.dll (Base Address 0x73B60000, Size 0x00085000, CRC32 0x9831221e) C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll (Base Address 0x74BE0000, Size 0x00007000, CRC32 0x3a7127d9) C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll (Base Address 0x75060000, Size 0x00008000, CRC32 0xfe59e801) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\binkw32.dll (Base Address 0x30000000, Size 0x0005e000, CRC32 0x296a9494) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\BandTest.dll (Base Address 0x00140000, Size 0x0001b000, CRC32 0xef81e041) C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.dll (Base Address 0x76C40000, Size 0x0001e000, CRC32 0x57c1e0cd) C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll (Base Address 0x75ED0000, Size 0x000c8000, CRC32 0x66abcc79) C:\Windows\system32\LPK.DLL (Base Address 0x776C0000, Size 0x00009000, CRC32 0x3277b148) C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll (Base Address 0x77770000, Size 0x0007d000, CRC32 0x09cf36c9) C:\Windows\system32\avgrsstx.dll (Base Address 0x00360000, Size 0x00005000, CRC32 0xd2b9d9cc) C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.6001.18000_none_5cdbaa5a083979cc\comctl32.dll (Base Address 0x74CD0000, Size 0x0019e000, CRC32 0x57ecdf87) C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll (Base Address 0x74E90000, Size 0x0003f000, CRC32 0x5f29223e) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\bhs.dll (Base Address 0x45000000, Size 0x00056000, CRC32 0x404dab12) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\shaders.dll (Base Address 0x12800000, Size 0x0003b000, CRC32 0xbc14a17e) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\d3dx9_30.dll (Base Address 0x03AD0000, Size 0x00260000, CRC32 0xb147203c) C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll (Base Address 0x744C0000, Size 0x0000f000, CRC32 0x75fbffe9) C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL (Base Address 0x75600000, Size 0x00019000, CRC32 0x6165879e) C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.DLL (Base Address 0x755C0000, Size 0x00035000, CRC32 0x20a7bfcb) C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll (Base Address 0x758E0000, Size 0x0002c000, CRC32 0x78800308) C:\Windows\system32\Secur32.dll (Base Address 0x75CA0000, Size 0x00014000, CRC32 0xa389b60f) C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL (Base Address 0x755B0000, Size 0x00007000, CRC32 0x83f00bfd) C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL (Base Address 0x75580000, Size 0x00021000, CRC32 0xe16c868e) C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll (Base Address 0x731A0000, Size 0x0000f000, CRC32 0xf36c6f56) C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll (Base Address 0x73020000, Size 0x00012000, CRC32 0xef01dbe4) C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll (Base Address 0x753C0000, Size 0x0003b000, CRC32 0x3746aab9) C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll (Base Address 0x73190000, Size 0x00008000, CRC32 0x218570a6) C:\Windows\system32\WLDAP32.dll (Base Address 0x77090000, Size 0x0004a000, CRC32 0x9155a155) C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL (Base Address 0x75D70000, Size 0x00007000, CRC32 0xd7b812c5) C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll (Base Address 0x73CA0000, Size 0x00006000, CRC32 0xd5ae0aaa) C:\Windows\system32\wpclsp.dll (Base Address 0x74ED0000, Size 0x00014000, CRC32 0x04a05c5c) C:\Windows\system32\NETAPI32.dll (Base Address 0x75850000, Size 0x00075000, CRC32 0x06255bd7) C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll (Base Address 0x74F90000, Size 0x00005000, CRC32 0x10c50fc1) C:\Windows\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL (Base Address 0x75E10000, Size 0x00084000, CRC32 0xc2ebf5e6) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Internet\WOLAPI.dll (Base Address 0x21000000, Size 0x00049000, CRC32 0xe47cc7dd) C:\Windows\system32\snmpapi.dll (Base Address 0x73AC0000, Size 0x00009000, CRC32 0x129d2e8d) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\SCRIPTS.DLL (Base Address 0x11000000, Size 0x001af000, CRC32 0x10c27a7c) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\luaplugin.dll (Base Address 0x03960000, Size 0x0006c000, CRC32 0x1d45e615) C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\scripts2.dll (Base Address 0x03D30000, Size 0x00206000, CRC32 0x109cad2f) Stack Trace: 0x0012A8AC: 0x039762fc .text:0x110162FC (luaplugin.dll) 0x0012A8B0: 0x021c0f70 (No Owner) 0x0012A8B4: 0x021c0a70 (No Owner) 0x0012A8B8: 0x0012a904 (No Owner) 0x0012A8BC: 0x0396152b .text:0x1100152B (luaplugin.dll) 0x0012A8C0: 0x00000004 (No Owner) 0x0012A8C4: 0x0012a91c (No Owner) 0x0012A8C8: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012A8CC: 0xffffd8ef (No Owner) 0x0012A8D0: 0x0012a904 (No Owner) 0x0012A8D4: 0x03989fe1 .text:0x11029FE1 (luaplugin.dll) 0x0012A8D8: 0x021c0a70 (No Owner) 0x0012A8DC: 0x039b7e88 .rdata:0x11057E88 (luaplugin.dll) 0x0012A8E0: 0x0000000f (No Owner) 0x0012A8E4: 0x1101d639 .text:0x1101D639 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012A8E8: 0x0012a91c (No Owner) 0x0012A8EC: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012A8F0: 0x036c12e0 (No Owner) 0x0012A8F4: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012A8F8: 0x036c12dc (No Owner) 0x0012A8FC: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012A900: 0x036c12dc (No Owner) 0x0012A904: 0x007f5c68 .data:0x007F5C68 (server.dat) 0x0012A908: 0x45015cb3 .text:0x45015CB3 (bhs.dll) 0x0012A90C: 0x0012a91c (No Owner) 0x0012A910: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A914: 0x00435f42 .text:0x00435F42 (server.dat) 0x0012A918: 0x0012a91c (No Owner) 0x0012A91C: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012A920: 0x73704620 (No Owner) 0x0012A924: 0x36203a20 (No Owner) 0x0012A928: 0x2e000a32 (No Owner) 0x0012A92C: 0x000a3430 (No Owner) 0x0012A930: 0x78696d2e (No Owner) 0x0012A934: 0x636e000a (No Owner) 0x0012A938: 0x38312065 (No Owner) 0x0012A93C: 0x2d31312d (No Owner) 0x0012A940: 0x38303032 (No Owner) 0x0012A944: 0x31202d20 (No Owner) 0x0012A948: 0x36333a36 (No Owner) 0x0012A94C: 0x0a37313a (No Owner) 0x0012A950: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A954: 0xffffffe2 (No Owner) 0x0012A958: 0x4502f46a .text:0x4502F46A (bhs.dll) 0x0012A95C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A960: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012A964: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A968: 0x4502f4e9 .text:0x4502F4E9 (bhs.dll) 0x0012A96C: 0x0012abf4 (No Owner) 0x0012A970: 0x007943a3 .text:0x007943A3 (server.dat) 0x0012A974: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A978: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012A97C: 0x0012abe0 (No Owner) 0x0012A980: 0x007f4212 .data:0x007F4212 (server.dat) 0x0012A984: 0xffffffe2 (No Owner) 0x0012A988: 0x4504f830 .data:0x4504F830 (bhs.dll) 0x0012A98C: 0x03a716a8 (No Owner) 0x0012A990: 0x03a707c8 (No Owner) 0x0012A994: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012A998: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A99C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9A0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9A4: 0x450487ba .rdata:0x450487BA (bhs.dll) 0x0012A9A8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9AC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9B0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9B4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9B8: 0x0000001e (No Owner) 0x0012A9BC: 0x4504f0a0 .data:0x4504F0A0 (bhs.dll) 0x0012A9C0: 0x0012ac38 (No Owner) 0x0012A9C4: 0x0000001e (No Owner) 0x0012A9C8: 0x0012ac44 (No Owner) 0x0012A9CC: 0xffffffff (No Owner) 0x0012A9D0: 0x0012ac4c (No Owner) 0x0012A9D4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9D8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9DC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012A9E0: 0x00000011 (No Owner) 0x0012A9E4: 0x775998f0 .text:0x775998F0 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012A9E8: 0x0012aa14 (No Owner) 0x0012A9EC: 0x775cd0ad .text:0x775CD0AD (ntdll.dll) 0x0012A9F0: 0x7765929c .data:0x7765929C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012A9F4: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012A9F8: 0x0012aa80 (No Owner) 0x0012A9FC: 0x775e9bad .text:0x775E9BAD (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AA00: 0x00000054 (No Owner) 0x0012AA04: 0x02b56bbc (No Owner) 0x0012AA08: 0x0012ff78 (No Owner) 0x0012AA0C: 0x0078d97c .text:0x0078D97C (server.dat) 0x0012AA10: 0x775998f0 .text:0x775998F0 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AA14: 0x775e9b99 .text:0x775E9B99 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AA18: 0x0012aa80 (No Owner) 0x0012AA1C: 0x0012ae60 (No Owner) 0x0012AA20: 0x0012ab2c (No Owner) 0x0012AA24: 0x0012ab20 (No Owner) 0x0012AA28: 0x0012ae60 (No Owner) 0x0012AA2C: 0x775e9bd4 .text:0x775E9BD4 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AA30: 0x0012ae60 (No Owner) 0x0012AA34: 0x0012adfc (No Owner) 0x0012AA38: 0x775e9b6b .text:0x775E9B6B (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AA3C: 0x0012aa80 (No Owner) 0x0012AA40: 0x0012ae60 (No Owner) 0x0012AA44: 0x0012ab2c (No Owner) 0x0012AA48: 0x0012ab20 (No Owner) 0x0012AA4C: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012AA50: 0x03a70fd8 (No Owner) 0x0012AA54: 0x0012aa80 (No Owner) 0x0012AA58: 0x0012ae60 (No Owner) 0x0012AA5C: 0x775cd376 .text:0x775CD376 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AA60: 0x0012aa98 (No Owner) 0x0012AA64: 0x45038429 .text:0x45038429 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AA68: 0x45038431 .text:0x45038431 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AA6C: 0xaaea7a50 (No Owner) 0x0012AA70: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AA74: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012AA78: 0x45053340 .data:0x45053340 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AA7C: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012AA80: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AA84: 0x45053340 .data:0x45053340 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AA88: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012AA8C: 0x0012aad4 (No Owner) 0x0012AA90: 0x45038461 .text:0x45038461 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AA94: 0x03a70fe4 (No Owner) 0x0012AA98: 0x4502fbb1 .text:0x4502FBB1 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AA9C: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012AAA0: 0x4502fba8 .text:0x4502FBA8 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AAA4: 0xaaea7a1c (No Owner) 0x0012AAA8: 0x00000024 (No Owner) 0x0012AAAC: 0x4504f0a0 .data:0x4504F0A0 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AAB0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AAB4: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012AAB8: 0x00000024 (No Owner) 0x0012AABC: 0x0012aaa4 (No Owner) 0x0012AAC0: 0x03a728ef (No Owner) 0x0012AAC4: 0x0012ab38 (No Owner) 0x0012AAC8: 0x4502fed0 .text:0x4502FED0 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AACC: 0xeffc11e0 (No Owner) 0x0012AAD0: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012AAD4: 0x4502fba8 .text:0x4502FBA8 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AAD8: 0x4502a819 .text:0x4502A819 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AADC: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012AAE0: 0x021c0f68 (No Owner) 0x0012AAE4: 0x0012ab34 (No Owner) 0x0012AAE8: 0x0012aaf4 (No Owner) 0x0012AAEC: 0x1100996f .text:0x1100996F (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012AAF0: 0x0012ab34 (No Owner) 0x0012AAF4: 0x0012ab00 (No Owner) 0x0012AAF8: 0x1102079f .text:0x1102079F (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012AAFC: 0x0012ab34 (No Owner) 0x0012AB00: 0x0012ab14 (No Owner) 0x0012AB04: 0x11020337 .text:0x11020337 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012AB08: 0x036c12e0 (No Owner) 0x0012AB0C: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012AB10: 0x0012ab34 (No Owner) 0x0012AB14: 0x0012ab44 (No Owner) 0x0012AB18: 0x0012ab28 (No Owner) 0x0012AB1C: 0x1101fd53 .text:0x1101FD53 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012AB20: 0x0012ab34 (No Owner) 0x0012AB24: 0x0012ab44 (No Owner) 0x0012AB28: 0x0012ab4c (No Owner) 0x0012AB2C: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012AB30: 0x03a70fd8 (No Owner) 0x0012AB34: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012AB38: 0x036c12e0 (No Owner) 0x0012AB3C: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012AB40: 0x0012ab78 (No Owner) 0x0012AB44: 0x45038429 .text:0x45038429 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB48: 0x45038431 .text:0x45038431 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB4C: 0xaaea7bb0 (No Owner) 0x0012AB50: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AB54: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012AB58: 0x45053340 .data:0x45053340 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB5C: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012AB60: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AB64: 0x45053340 .data:0x45053340 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB68: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012AB6C: 0x0012abb4 (No Owner) 0x0012AB70: 0x45038461 .text:0x45038461 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB74: 0x03a70fe4 (No Owner) 0x0012AB78: 0x4502fbb1 .text:0x4502FBB1 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB7C: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012AB80: 0x4502fba8 .text:0x4502FBA8 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB84: 0xaaea7b7c (No Owner) 0x0012AB88: 0x0000001e (No Owner) 0x0012AB8C: 0x4504f0a0 .data:0x4504F0A0 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB90: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AB94: 0x4504f0a0 .data:0x4504F0A0 (bhs.dll) 0x0012AB98: 0x0000001e (No Owner) 0x0012AB9C: 0x0012ab84 (No Owner) 0x0012ABA0: 0x0000003b (No Owner) 0x0012ABA4: 0x0012ac18 (No Owner) 0x0012ABA8: 0x4502fed0 .text:0x4502FED0 (bhs.dll) 0x0012ABAC: 0xeffc11e0 (No Owner) 0x0012ABB0: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012ABB4: 0x4502fba8 .text:0x4502FBA8 (bhs.dll) 0x0012ABB8: 0x4502a819 .text:0x4502A819 (bhs.dll) 0x0012ABBC: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012ABC0: 0x021c0f68 (No Owner) 0x0012ABC4: 0x0012ac14 (No Owner) 0x0012ABC8: 0x0012abd4 (No Owner) 0x0012ABCC: 0x1100996f .text:0x1100996F (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012ABD0: 0x0012ac14 (No Owner) 0x0012ABD4: 0x0012abe0 (No Owner) 0x0012ABD8: 0x1102079f .text:0x1102079F (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012ABDC: 0x0012ac14 (No Owner) 0x0012ABE0: 0x0012abf4 (No Owner) 0x0012ABE4: 0x11020337 .text:0x11020337 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012ABE8: 0x036c12e0 (No Owner) 0x0012ABEC: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012ABF0: 0x0012ac14 (No Owner) 0x0012ABF4: 0x0012ac24 (No Owner) 0x0012ABF8: 0x0012ac08 (No Owner) 0x0012ABFC: 0x1101fd53 .text:0x1101FD53 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012AC00: 0x0012ac14 (No Owner) 0x0012AC04: 0x0012ac24 (No Owner) 0x0012AC08: 0x0012ac2c (No Owner) 0x0012AC0C: 0x1101d5f9 .text:0x1101D5F9 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012AC10: 0x0012ac14 (No Owner) 0x0012AC14: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012AC18: 0x036c12e0 (No Owner) 0x0012AC1C: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012AC20: 0x036c12dc (No Owner) 0x0012AC24: 0x02fff0b0 (No Owner) 0x0012AC28: 0x036c12e0 (No Owner) 0x0012AC2C: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012AC30: 0x0012ac44 (No Owner) 0x0012AC34: 0x0045155a .text:0x0045155A (server.dat) 0x0012AC38: 0x00435f59 .text:0x00435F59 (server.dat) 0x0012AC3C: 0x007f4210 .data:0x007F4210 (server.dat) 0x0012AC40: 0x0012ac44 (No Owner) 0x0012AC44: 0x79616c50 (No Owner) 0x0012AC48: 0x53207265 (No Owner) 0x0012AC4C: 0x796e6e6f (No Owner) 0x0012AC50: 0x6f6a2058 (No Owner) 0x0012AC54: 0x64656e69 (No Owner) 0x0012AC58: 0x65687420 (No Owner) 0x0012AC5C: 0x6d616720 (No Owner) 0x0012AC60: 0x20000a65 (No Owner) 0x0012AC64: 0x6d6d6f63 (No Owner) 0x0012AC68: 0x73646e61 (No Owner) 0x0012AC6C: 0x7375202c (No Owner) 0x0012AC70: 0x68742065 (No Owner) 0x0012AC74: 0x68222065 (No Owner) 0x0012AC78: 0x22706c65 (No Owner) 0x0012AC7C: 0x6d6f6320 (No Owner) 0x0012AC80: 0x646e616d (No Owner) 0x0012AC84: 0x000a2120 (No Owner) 0x0012AC88: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012AC8C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AC90: 0x02b536dc (No Owner) 0x0012AC94: 0x4814000d (No Owner) 0x0012AC98: 0x02ed066c (No Owner) 0x0012AC9C: 0x0012ae66 (No Owner) 0x0012ACA0: 0x76af364a .text:0x76AF364A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012ACA4: 0x4413000e (No Owner) 0x0012ACA8: 0x02ed066c (No Owner) 0x0012ACAC: 0x00330032 (No Owner) 0x0012ACB0: 0x00330000 (No Owner) 0x0012ACB4: 0x02800348 (No Owner) 0x0012ACB8: 0x00002000 (No Owner) 0x0012ACBC: 0x8000001a (No Owner) 0x0012ACC0: 0x0012aeb4 (No Owner) 0x0012ACC4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012ACC8: 0x02800048 (No Owner) 0x0012ACCC: 0x02d590c0 (No Owner) 0x0012ACD0: 0x02800308 (No Owner) 0x0012ACD4: 0x064b5ae0 (No Owner) 0x0012ACD8: 0x028030e0 (No Owner) 0x0012ACDC: 0x0012ac84 (No Owner) 0x0012ACE0: 0x0012ae88 (No Owner) 0x0012ACE4: 0x0012ad8c (No Owner) 0x0012ACE8: 0x77599834 .text:0x77599834 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012ACEC: 0x006c0601 .text:0x006C0601 (server.dat) 0x0012ACF0: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012ACF4: 0x775f5b87 .text:0x775F5B87 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012ACF8: 0x775f5955 .text:0x775F5955 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012ACFC: 0x02b55fa8 (No Owner) 0x0012AD00: 0x02b564b8 (No Owner) 0x0012AD04: 0x00001ff8 (No Owner) 0x0012AD08: 0x0012adf4 (No Owner) 0x0012AD0C: 0x76af3c10 .text:0x76AF3C10 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012AD10: 0x00000017 (No Owner) 0x0012AD14: 0x0000000a (No Owner) 0x0012AD18: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012AD1C: 0x0012ad48 (No Owner) 0x0012AD20: 0x0012ad4c (No Owner) 0x0012AD24: 0x0012b13c (No Owner) 0x0012AD28: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012AD2C: 0x76af3d20 .text:0x76AF3D20 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012AD30: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012AD34: 0x0012ae30 (No Owner) 0x0012AD38: 0x0012ae1c (No Owner) 0x0012AD3C: 0x000000f7 (No Owner) 0x0012AD40: 0x0012ae42 (No Owner) 0x0012AD44: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD48: 0x0012ae46 (No Owner) 0x0012AD4C: 0x000000f5 (No Owner) 0x0012AD50: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012AD54: 0x76af3d20 .text:0x76AF3D20 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012AD58: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD5C: 0x00002008 (No Owner) 0x0012AD60: 0x0012ad9c (No Owner) 0x0012AD64: 0x0078f7f9 .text:0x0078F7F9 (server.dat) 0x0012AD68: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD6C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD70: 0x00002000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD74: 0x02b55fa8 (No Owner) 0x0012AD78: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD7C: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012AD80: 0x85e1b7d8 (No Owner) 0x0012AD84: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD88: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD8C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD90: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AD94: 0x007e8980 .rdata:0x007E8980 (server.dat) 0x0012AD98: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012AD9C: 0xffffffff (No Owner) 0x0012ADA0: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012ADA4: 0x0012ce14 (No Owner) 0x0012ADA8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012ADAC: 0x0012ade4 (No Owner) 0x0012ADB0: 0x02b55fa8 (No Owner) 0x0012ADB4: 0x00000043 (No Owner) 0x0012ADB8: 0x02b55fa8 (No Owner) 0x0012ADBC: 0x0627cff0 (No Owner) 0x0012ADC0: 0x02b56cb4 (No Owner) 0x0012ADC4: 0x02b56cb4 (No Owner) 0x0012ADC8: 0x02b56cb4 (No Owner) 0x0012ADCC: 0x00672565 .text:0x00672565 (server.dat) 0x0012ADD0: 0x0081e540 .data:0x0081E540 (server.dat) 0x0012ADD4: 0x00000427 (No Owner) 0x0012ADD8: 0x0627cff4 (No Owner) 0x0012ADDC: 0x0627d43c (No Owner) 0x0012ADE0: 0x005dcb8c .text:0x005DCB8C (server.dat) 0x0012ADE4: 0x0627cff4 (No Owner) 0x0012ADE8: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012ADEC: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012ADF0: 0x00000424 (No Owner) 0x0012ADF4: 0x0045169a .text:0x0045169A (server.dat) 0x0012ADF8: 0x00000428 (No Owner) 0x0012ADFC: 0x745340d0 .text:0x745340D0 (WINMM.dll) 0x0012AE00: 0x00003bd3 (No Owner) 0x0012AE04: 0x7ffd700d (No Owner) 0x0012AE08: 0x003e0a0d (No Owner) 0x0012AE0C: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE10: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE14: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE18: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE1C: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE20: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE24: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE28: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE2C: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE30: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE34: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE38: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE3C: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE40: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE44: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE48: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE4C: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE50: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE54: 0x20202020 (No Owner) 0x0012AE58: 0x76003e0d .text:0x76003E0D (SHELL32.dll) 0x0012AE5C: 0xab03a38e (No Owner) 0x0012AE60: 0x00000044 (No Owner) 0x0012AE64: 0x0000006c (No Owner) 0x0012AE68: 0x0089f0a0 .data:0x0089F0A0 (server.dat) 0x0012AE6C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AE70: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012AE74: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AE78: 0x00000044 (No Owner) 0x0012AE7C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AE80: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AE84: 0x0012ae5c (No Owner) 0x0012AE88: 0x0012b2d8 (No Owner) 0x0012AE8C: 0x0012d948 (No Owner) 0x0012AE90: 0x76abe289 .text:0x76ABE289 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012AE94: 0xddbec492 (No Owner) 0x0012AE98: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012AE9C: 0x76afc97b .text:0x76AFC97B (kernel32.dll) 0x0012AEA0: 0x00793b19 .text:0x00793B19 (server.dat) 0x0012AEA4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AEA8: 0x0012aec4 (No Owner) 0x0012AEAC: 0x00000044 (No Owner) 0x0012AEB0: 0x0012b2cc (No Owner) 0x0012AEB4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AEB8: 0x00000043 (No Owner) 0x0012AEBC: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012AEC0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AEC4: 0x3a36315b (No Owner) 0x0012AEC8: 0x323a3633 (No Owner) 0x0012AECC: 0x50205d33 (No Owner) 0x0012AED0: 0x6967756c (No Owner) 0x0012AED4: 0x756c206e (No Owner) 0x0012AED8: 0x756c7061 (No Owner) 0x0012AEDC: 0x2e6e6967 (No Owner) 0x0012AEE0: 0x286c6c64 (No Owner) 0x0012AEE4: 0x656e6552 (No Owner) 0x0012AEE8: 0x65646167 (No Owner) 0x0012AEEC: 0x69726353 (No Owner) 0x0012AEF0: 0x6e697470 (No Owner) 0x0012AEF4: 0x6c642e67 (No Owner) 0x0012AEF8: 0x7620296c .text:0x7620296C (SHELL32.dll) 0x0012AEFC: 0x20302e31 (No Owner) 0x0012AF00: 0x64616f6c (No Owner) 0x0012AF04: 0x0a0d6465 (No Owner) 0x0012AF08: 0x7ffdfc00 (No Owner) 0x0012AF0C: 0x0012b024 (No Owner) 0x0012AF10: 0x02080068 (No Owner) 0x0012AF14: 0x0012afbc (No Owner) 0x0012AF18: 0x016f5920 (No Owner) 0x0012AF1C: 0x7ffdfc2a (No Owner) 0x0012AF20: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012AF24: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AF28: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AF2C: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012AF30: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AF34: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AF38: 0x00ac2708 (No Owner) 0x0012AF3C: 0x0012af70 (No Owner) 0x0012AF40: 0x775faf0c .text:0x775FAF0C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AF44: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AF48: 0x0012b248 (No Owner) 0x0012AF4C: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012AF50: 0x00ac4e28 (No Owner) 0x0012AF54: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AF58: 0x0012b248 (No Owner) 0x0012AF5C: 0x0012b248 (No Owner) 0x0012AF60: 0x00ac2714 (No Owner) 0x0012AF64: 0x00ac4e28 (No Owner) 0x0012AF68: 0x0012b1cc (No Owner) 0x0012AF6C: 0x775fb013 .text:0x775FB013 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AF70: 0x00ac275a (No Owner) 0x0012AF74: 0x0012af90 (No Owner) 0x0012AF78: 0xff6688a0 (No Owner) 0x0012AF7C: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012AF80: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AF84: 0x775f9f40 .text:0x775F9F40 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AF88: 0x00ac2714 (No Owner) 0x0012AF8C: 0x00ac4e28 (No Owner) 0x0012AF90: 0x006a003e .text:0x006A003E (server.dat) 0x0012AF94: 0x0012afbc (No Owner) 0x0012AF98: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AF9C: 0x00000005 (No Owner) 0x0012AFA0: 0x00000008 (No Owner) 0x0012AFA4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AFA8: 0x00000068 (No Owner) 0x0012AFAC: 0x000a0008 (No Owner) 0x0012AFB0: 0x775f9d8c .text:0x775F9D8C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012AFB4: 0x006a003e .text:0x006A003E (server.dat) 0x0012AFB8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012AFBC: 0x003a0043 (No Owner) 0x0012AFC0: 0x0057005c .text:0x0057005C (server.dat) 0x0012AFC4: 0x00730065 .text:0x00730065 (server.dat) 0x0012AFC8: 0x00770074 .text:0x00770074 (server.dat) 0x0012AFCC: 0x006f006f .text:0x006F006F (server.dat) 0x0012AFD0: 0x005c0064 .text:0x005C0064 (server.dat) 0x0012AFD4: 0x00650052 .text:0x00650052 (server.dat) 0x0012AFD8: 0x0065006e .text:0x0065006E (server.dat) 0x0012AFDC: 0x00610067 .text:0x00610067 (server.dat) 0x0012AFE0: 0x00650064 .text:0x00650064 (server.dat) 0x0012AFE4: 0x00440046 .text:0x00440046 (server.dat) 0x0012AFE8: 0x005c0053 .text:0x005C0053 (server.dat) 0x0012AFEC: 0x00650053 .text:0x00650053 (server.dat) 0x0012AFF0: 0x00760072 .text:0x00760072 (server.dat) 0x0012AFF4: 0x00720065 .text:0x00720065 (server.dat) 0x0012AFF8: 0x0072005c .text:0x0072005C (server.dat) 0x0012AFFC: 0x006e0065 .text:0x006E0065 (server.dat) 0x0012B000: 0x006f006c .text:0x006F006C (server.dat) 0x0012B004: 0x005f0067 .text:0x005F0067 (server.dat) 0x0012B008: 0x00310031 (No Owner) 0x0012B00C: 0x007f6f94 .data:0x007F6F94 (server.dat) 0x0012B010: 0x0012b108 (No Owner) 0x0012B014: 0x76af4ed1 .text:0x76AF4ED1 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B018: 0x00380030 (No Owner) 0x0012B01C: 0x0074002e .text:0x0074002E (server.dat) 0x0012B020: 0x00740078 .text:0x00740078 (server.dat) 0x0012B024: 0x007f6f94 .data:0x007F6F94 (server.dat) 0x0012B028: 0x0012b118 (No Owner) 0x0012B02C: 0x76af4ed1 .text:0x76AF4ED1 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B030: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B034: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B038: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B03C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B040: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B044: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B048: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B04C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B050: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B054: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B058: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B05C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B060: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B064: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B068: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B06C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B070: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B074: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B078: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B07C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B080: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B084: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B088: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B08C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B090: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B094: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B098: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B09C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B0A0: 0x00a924c8 (No Owner) 0x0012B0A4: 0x0012b23c (No Owner) 0x0012B0A8: 0x7ffb0222 (No Owner) 0x0012B0AC: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012B0B0: 0x0012b0dc (No Owner) 0x0012B0B4: 0x76afd26f .text:0x76AFD26F (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B0B8: 0x00a924c8 (No Owner) 0x0012B0BC: 0x0012b23c (No Owner) 0x0012B0C0: 0x0012b254 (No Owner) 0x0012B0C4: 0x0012b388 (No Owner) 0x0012B0C8: 0x0012b487 (No Owner) 0x0012B0CC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B0D0: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012B0D4: 0x0012b23c (No Owner) 0x0012B0D8: 0x775f5809 .text:0x775F5809 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B0DC: 0x0012b104 (No Owner) 0x0012B0E0: 0x76ad8084 .text:0x76AD8084 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B0E4: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012B0E8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B0EC: 0x0012b23c (No Owner) 0x0012B0F0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B0F4: 0x0012b388 (No Owner) 0x0012B0F8: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012B0FC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B100: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B104: 0x0012b340 (No Owner) 0x0012B108: 0x76b02ccd .text:0x76B02CCD (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B10C: 0x00000201 (No Owner) 0x0012B110: 0x02f00888 (No Owner) 0x0012B114: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012B118: 0x0012b388 (No Owner) 0x0012B11C: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012B120: 0x0012b488 (No Owner) 0x0012B124: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B128: 0x76b02cec .text:0x76B02CEC (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B12C: 0x0000037f (No Owner) 0x0012B130: 0x0012b224 (No Owner) 0x0012B134: 0x00000201 (No Owner) 0x0012B138: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012B13C: 0x02f00888 (No Owner) 0x0012B140: 0x0012b224 (No Owner) 0x0012B144: 0x775f8af0 .text:0x775F8AF0 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B148: 0x775f8b2c .text:0x775F8B2C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B14C: 0x7721f8ed (No Owner) 0x0012B150: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012B154: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B158: 0x02b526dc (No Owner) 0x0012B15C: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012B160: 0x00000027 (No Owner) 0x0012B164: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B168: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B16C: 0x02f00888 (No Owner) 0x0012B170: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012B174: 0x7c00037f (No Owner) 0x0012B178: 0x0000037f (No Owner) 0x0012B17C: 0x02d5a238 (No Owner) 0x0012B180: 0x02d5a238 (No Owner) 0x0012B184: 0x02d58588 (No Owner) 0x0012B188: 0x0000037f (No Owner) 0x0012B18C: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012B190: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012B194: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B198: 0x0012b288 (No Owner) 0x0012B19C: 0x775f8640 .text:0x775F8640 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B1A0: 0x02b50130 (No Owner) 0x0012B1A4: 0x775f861f .text:0x775F861F (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B1A8: 0x7721f841 (No Owner) 0x0012B1AC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B1B0: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012B1B4: 0x02f00890 (No Owner) 0x0012B1B8: 0x02d58588 (No Owner) 0x0012B1BC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B1C0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B1C4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B1C8: 0x000007ff (No Owner) 0x0012B1CC: 0x6c001874 (No Owner) 0x0012B1D0: 0x02d5a238 (No Owner) 0x0012B1D4: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012B1D8: 0x0012b1ec (No Owner) 0x0012B1DC: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012B1E0: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012B1E4: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B1E8: 0x02f00890 (No Owner) 0x0012B1EC: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012B1F0: 0x04000004 (No Owner) 0x0012B1F4: 0x02f0088a (No Owner) 0x0012B1F8: 0x0e000806 (No Owner) 0x0012B1FC: 0x00000580 (No Owner) 0x0012B200: 0x005f5883 .text:0x005F5883 (server.dat) 0x0012B204: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B208: 0x775f9522 .text:0x775F9522 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B20C: 0x00000014 (No Owner) 0x0012B210: 0x0012b240 (No Owner) 0x0012B214: 0x0012b240 (No Owner) 0x0012B218: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012B21C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B220: 0x0012b2f4 (No Owner) 0x0012B224: 0x0012b2e4 (No Owner) 0x0012B228: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B22C: 0x775f9522 .text:0x775F9522 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B230: 0x00000014 (No Owner) 0x0012B234: 0x0012b270 (No Owner) 0x0012B238: 0x0012b270 (No Owner) 0x0012B23C: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012B240: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B244: 0x0012b36c (No Owner) 0x0012B248: 0x0012b32c (No Owner) 0x0012B24C: 0x76b043a4 .text:0x76B043A4 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B250: 0x0012b270 (No Owner) 0x0012B254: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B258: 0x76afc70a .text:0x76AFC70A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B25C: 0x76b043c7 .text:0x76B043C7 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B260: 0xab03be3e (No Owner) 0x0012B264: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B268: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012B26C: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012B270: 0x00400028 (No Owner) 0x0012B274: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B278: 0x00000218 (No Owner) 0x0012B27C: 0x000008d8 (No Owner) 0x0012B280: 0x00002898 (No Owner) 0x0012B284: 0x005cd12e .text:0x005CD12E (server.dat) 0x0012B288: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B28C: 0x00020207 (No Owner) 0x0012B290: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B294: 0x00008000 (No Owner) 0x0012B298: 0x00570001 .text:0x00570001 (server.dat) 0x0012B29C: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012B2A0: 0x00120000 (No Owner) 0x0012B2A4: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012B2A8: 0x00c0001b (No Owner) 0x0012B2AC: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012B2B0: 0x00ff0000 (No Owner) 0x0012B2B4: 0x0000ff00 (No Owner) 0x0012B2B8: 0x00ffff00 (No Owner) 0x0012B2BC: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012B2C0: 0x00ff00ff (No Owner) 0x0012B2C4: 0x0000ffff (No Owner) 0x0012B2C8: 0x00ffffff (No Owner) 0x0012B2CC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B2D0: 0x0000006c (No Owner) 0x0012B2D4: 0x775e7f54 .text:0x775E7F54 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B2D8: 0x76afcc2e .text:0x76AFCC2E (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B2DC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B2E0: 0xab03bff6 (No Owner) 0x0012B2E4: 0x0012b354 (No Owner) 0x0012B2E8: 0x76ad2f97 .text:0x76AD2F97 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B2EC: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012B2F0: 0x0012b2f4 (No Owner) 0x0012B2F4: 0x00000060 (No Owner) 0x0012B2F8: 0x10600050 (No Owner) 0x0012B2FC: 0x00120000 (No Owner) 0x0012B300: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012B304: 0x004f0000 .text:0x004F0000 (server.dat) 0x0012B308: 0x00500018 .text:0x00500018 (server.dat) 0x0012B30C: 0x00f50051 (No Owner) 0x0012B310: 0xab03be3e (No Owner) 0x0012B314: 0x0012b260 (No Owner) 0x0012B318: 0x00800000 .data:0x00800000 (server.dat) 0x0012B31C: 0x0012d948 (No Owner) 0x0012B320: 0x76abe289 .text:0x76ABE289 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B324: 0xdda14ec2 (No Owner) 0x0012B328: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012B32C: 0x76b043c7 .text:0x76B043C7 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B330: 0x76b04331 .text:0x76B04331 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B334: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012B338: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012B33C: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012B340: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012B344: 0x00120000 (No Owner) 0x0012B348: 0x0012b36c (No Owner) 0x0012B34C: 0x0012d4c0 (No Owner) 0x0012B350: 0x00435ced .text:0x00435CED (server.dat) 0x0012B354: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012B358: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012B35C: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012B360: 0x00120000 (No Owner) 0x0012B364: 0x0012b36c (No Owner) 0x0012B368: 0x11000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B36C: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012B370: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B374: 0x775f9522 .text:0x775F9522 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B378: 0x00000014 (No Owner) 0x0012B37C: 0x0012b3b8 (No Owner) 0x0012B380: 0x0012b3b8 (No Owner) 0x0012B384: 0x0012b524 (No Owner) 0x0012B388: 0x0012b544 (No Owner) 0x0012B38C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B390: 0x0012b474 (No Owner) 0x0012B394: 0x76afcb6c .text:0x76AFCB6C (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B398: 0x0012b3b8 (No Owner) 0x0012B39C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B3A0: 0x76afc70a .text:0x76AFC70A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B3A4: 0x76afcba4 .text:0x76AFCBA4 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B3A8: 0xab03b966 (No Owner) 0x0012B3AC: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012B3B0: 0x00000020 (No Owner) 0x0012B3B4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B3B8: 0x0094007c (No Owner) 0x0012B3BC: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B3C0: 0x00000218 (No Owner) 0x0012B3C4: 0x000002f4 (No Owner) 0x0012B3C8: 0x00003870 (No Owner) 0x0012B3CC: 0x005cd182 .text:0x005CD182 (server.dat) 0x0012B3D0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B3D4: 0x0002021e (No Owner) 0x0012B3D8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B3DC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B3E0: 0x00570001 .text:0x00570001 (server.dat) 0x0012B3E4: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012B3E8: 0x74736f48 (No Owner) 0x0012B3EC: 0x6554203a (No Owner) 0x0012B3F0: 0x20736d61 (No Owner) 0x0012B3F4: 0x65766168 (No Owner) 0x0012B3F8: 0x65656220 (No Owner) 0x0012B3FC: 0x6572206e (No Owner) 0x0012B400: 0x6578696d (No Owner) 0x0012B404: 0x0a0d2e64 (No Owner) 0x0012B408: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012B40C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B410: 0x0012b514 (No Owner) 0x0012B414: 0x0012b4f8 (No Owner) 0x0012B418: 0x76afca92 .text:0x76AFCA92 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B41C: 0x0012b43c (No Owner) 0x0012B420: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B424: 0x76afc70a .text:0x76AFC70A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B428: 0x76afcab8 .text:0x76AFCAB8 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B42C: 0xab03b9ea (No Owner) 0x0012B430: 0x45053340 .data:0x45053340 (bhs.dll) 0x0012B434: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012B438: 0x008afd38 .rsrc:0x008AFD38 (server.dat) 0x0012B43C: 0x00000020 (No Owner) 0x0012B440: 0x008afba4 .rsrc:0x008AFBA4 (server.dat) 0x0012B444: 0x00010001 (No Owner) 0x0012B448: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B44C: 0x00003870 (No Owner) 0x0012B450: 0x005cd181 .text:0x005CD181 (server.dat) 0x0012B454: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B458: 0xab03b966 (No Owner) 0x0012B45C: 0x0012b3a8 (No Owner) 0x0012B460: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B464: 0x0012b4dc (No Owner) 0x0012B468: 0x76abe289 .text:0x76ABE289 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B46C: 0xddbec6ba (No Owner) 0x0012B470: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012B474: 0x76afcba4 .text:0x76AFCBA4 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B478: 0x76afcbfc .text:0x76AFCBFC (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B47C: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012B480: 0x0012b544 (No Owner) 0x0012B484: 0x00000020 (No Owner) 0x0012B488: 0x0012b524 (No Owner) 0x0012B48C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B490: 0x0012b4ec (No Owner) 0x0012B494: 0x76afc964 .text:0x76AFC964 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B498: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012B49C: 0x0012b544 (No Owner) 0x0012B4A0: 0x00000020 (No Owner) 0x0012B4A4: 0x0012b524 (No Owner) 0x0012B4A8: 0x76afc97b .text:0x76AFC97B (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B4AC: 0xab03b9fe (No Owner) 0x0012B4B0: 0x45053340 .data:0x45053340 (bhs.dll) 0x0012B4B4: 0x00000020 (No Owner) 0x0012B4B8: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012B4BC: 0x775f8fb2 .text:0x775F8FB2 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B4C0: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B4C4: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B4C8: 0x0012b560 (No Owner) 0x0012B4CC: 0x0012b53c (No Owner) 0x0012B4D0: 0x775cb3e9 .text:0x775CB3E9 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B4D4: 0x0012b560 (No Owner) 0x0012B4D8: 0x775f8fb2 .text:0x775F8FB2 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B4DC: 0x775cb402 .text:0x775CB402 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B4E0: 0x7721fff5 (No Owner) 0x0012B4E4: 0x00000020 (No Owner) 0x0012B4E8: 0x0012b558 (No Owner) 0x0012B4EC: 0x0012b590 (No Owner) 0x0012B4F0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B4F4: 0x0012b540 (No Owner) 0x0012B4F8: 0x775f921a .text:0x775F921A (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B4FC: 0x0012b598 (No Owner) 0x0012B500: 0x00000004 (No Owner) 0x0012B504: 0x0012b54c (No Owner) 0x0012B508: 0x0012b560 (No Owner) 0x0012B50C: 0x775f924b .text:0x775F924B (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B510: 0x7721ff89 (No Owner) 0x0012B514: 0x0012b660 (No Owner) 0x0012B518: 0x0012b590 (No Owner) 0x0012B51C: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B520: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B524: 0x0012b752 (No Owner) 0x0012B528: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B52C: 0x000000f9 (No Owner) 0x0012B530: 0x0012b554 (No Owner) 0x0012B534: 0x76af36fa .text:0x76AF36FA (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B538: 0x0012b55c (No Owner) 0x0012B53C: 0x7ffffffc (No Owner) 0x0012B540: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B544: 0x0012b660 (No Owner) 0x0012B548: 0x0012b65c (No Owner) 0x0012B54C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B550: 0x000000f7 (No Owner) 0x0012B554: 0x0012b574 (No Owner) 0x0012B558: 0x76af366e .text:0x76AF366E (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B55C: 0x0012b756 (No Owner) 0x0012B560: 0x000000f9 (No Owner) 0x0012B564: 0x0012b598 (No Owner) 0x0012B568: 0x0012b65c (No Owner) 0x0012B56C: 0x0012b660 (No Owner) 0x0012B570: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B574: 0x0012b61c (No Owner) 0x0012B578: 0x76af3638 .text:0x76AF3638 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B57C: 0x0012b65c (No Owner) 0x0012B580: 0x0012b660 (No Owner) 0x0012B584: 0x0012b598 (No Owner) 0x0012B588: 0x0012b752 (No Owner) 0x0012B58C: 0x76af364a .text:0x76AF364A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B590: 0x00800004 .data:0x00800004 (server.dat) 0x0012B594: 0x0012b598 (No Owner) 0x0012B598: 0x00330032 (No Owner) 0x0012B59C: 0x00a90000 (No Owner) 0x0012B5A0: 0x01a00017 (No Owner) 0x0012B5A4: 0x000001bf (No Owner) 0x0012B5A8: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012B5AC: 0x00a934d0 (No Owner) 0x0012B5B0: 0x02000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B5B4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B5B8: 0x00a974f0 (No Owner) 0x0012B5BC: 0x00000202 (No Owner) 0x0012B5C0: 0x015b0018 (No Owner) 0x0012B5C4: 0x000001bf (No Owner) 0x0012B5C8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B5CC: 0x00a971f0 (No Owner) 0x0012B5D0: 0x00ab4f40 (No Owner) 0x0012B5D4: 0x00a973b4 (No Owner) 0x0012B5D8: 0x00ac4e28 (No Owner) 0x0012B5DC: 0x00a988f0 (No Owner) 0x0012B5E0: 0x0012b588 (No Owner) 0x0012B5E4: 0x006c0999 .text:0x006C0999 (server.dat) 0x0012B5E8: 0x0012b6e0 (No Owner) 0x0012B5EC: 0x77599834 .text:0x77599834 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B5F0: 0x006c0601 .text:0x006C0601 (server.dat) 0x0012B5F4: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012B5F8: 0x775f5b87 .text:0x775F5B87 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B5FC: 0xab03bb12 (No Owner) 0x0012B600: 0x0012b6ec (No Owner) 0x0012B604: 0x76af3c10 .text:0x76AF3C10 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B608: 0x00000017 (No Owner) 0x0012B60C: 0x0000000a (No Owner) 0x0012B610: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B614: 0xab03bb0a (No Owner) 0x0012B618: 0xab03bb0e (No Owner) 0x0012B61C: 0x0012b708 (No Owner) 0x0012B620: 0x76af3c10 .text:0x76AF3C10 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B624: 0x00000017 (No Owner) 0x0012B628: 0x0000000a (No Owner) 0x0012B62C: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012B630: 0x0012b65c (No Owner) 0x0012B634: 0x0012b660 (No Owner) 0x0012B638: 0x0012ba50 (No Owner) 0x0012B63C: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012B640: 0x76af3d20 .text:0x76AF3D20 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B644: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012B648: 0x0012b744 (No Owner) 0x0012B64C: 0x0012b730 (No Owner) 0x0012B650: 0x000000f7 (No Owner) 0x0012B654: 0x0012b756 (No Owner) 0x0012B658: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B65C: 0x0012b75a (No Owner) 0x0012B660: 0x000000f5 (No Owner) 0x0012B664: 0x0012b6f0 (No Owner) 0x0012B668: 0x76ce0fc8 .text:0x76CE0FC8 (ADVAPI32.dll) 0x0012B66C: 0x00a90000 (No Owner) 0x0012B670: 0xe12c1e57 (No Owner) 0x0012B674: 0x00000b72 (No Owner) 0x0012B678: 0x85e1b7d8 (No Owner) 0x0012B67C: 0xaee582b1 (No Owner) 0x0012B680: 0x0012b6a8 (No Owner) 0x0012B684: 0x775fa90c .text:0x775FA90C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B688: 0xe12c1e58 (No Owner) 0x0012B68C: 0xe12c1e58 (No Owner) 0x0012B690: 0x00000b72 (No Owner) 0x0012B694: 0x85e1b7d8 (No Owner) 0x0012B698: 0xaee582b2 (No Owner) 0x0012B69C: 0x0012b6c4 (No Owner) 0x0012B6A0: 0x775fa90c .text:0x775FA90C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B6A4: 0xe12c1e58 (No Owner) 0x0012B6A8: 0x00000bb4 (No Owner) 0x0012B6AC: 0xfa67b90e (No Owner) 0x0012B6B0: 0xc6d750eb (No Owner) 0x0012B6B4: 0x0000001a (No Owner) 0x0012B6B8: 0xfffffff7 (No Owner) 0x0012B6BC: 0x9e3b9800 (No Owner) 0x0012B6C0: 0x0012b700 (No Owner) 0x0012B6C4: 0xfffffff7 (No Owner) 0x0012B6C8: 0x0012b6e4 (No Owner) 0x0012B6CC: 0x775fa970 .text:0x775FA970 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B6D0: 0x0000003c (No Owner) 0x0012B6D4: 0x9e3b9800 (No Owner) 0x0012B6D8: 0xfffffff7 (No Owner) 0x0012B6DC: 0xfffffff7 (No Owner) 0x0012B6E0: 0x03903a58 (No Owner) 0x0012B6E4: 0x0012b718 (No Owner) 0x0012B6E8: 0x76af3537 .text:0x76AF3537 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B6EC: 0x0000000a (No Owner) 0x0012B6F0: 0x00000300 (No Owner) 0x0012B6F4: 0x0012ba50 (No Owner) 0x0012B6F8: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012B6FC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B700: 0x0012b710 (No Owner) 0x0012B704: 0x76af5a5d .text:0x76AF5A5D (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B708: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B70C: 0x7ffffff3 (No Owner) 0x0012B710: 0x0012b9e8 (No Owner) 0x0012B714: 0x76af3ecc .text:0x76AF3ECC (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B718: 0x0012bb50 (No Owner) 0x0012B71C: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012B720: 0x0012b744 (No Owner) 0x0012B724: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012B728: 0x0012ba50 (No Owner) 0x0012B72C: 0x76af3ee3 .text:0x76AF3EE3 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B730: 0x000b07d8 (No Owner) 0x0012B734: 0x00120002 (No Owner) 0x0012B738: 0x00240010 (No Owner) 0x0012B73C: 0x03000017 (No Owner) 0x0012B740: 0x0012bb50 (No Owner) 0x0012B744: 0x775e9284 .text:0x775E9284 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B748: 0x76afbd6a .text:0x76AFBD6A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B74C: 0x0000035c (No Owner) 0x0012B750: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B754: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B758: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B75C: 0x0012b788 (No Owner) 0x0012B760: 0x0012b7d8 (No Owner) 0x0012B764: 0x0000001c (No Owner) 0x0012B768: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B76C: 0x76afc97b .text:0x76AFC97B (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B770: 0xab03baa2 (No Owner) 0x0012B774: 0x0000001c (No Owner) 0x0012B778: 0x0000006c (No Owner) 0x0012B77C: 0x0089f0a0 .data:0x0089F0A0 (server.dat) 0x0012B780: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B784: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012B788: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B78C: 0x0000001c (No Owner) 0x0012B790: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B794: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B798: 0x0012b770 (No Owner) 0x0012B79C: 0x0012bbec (No Owner) 0x0012B7A0: 0x0012ff78 (No Owner) 0x0012B7A4: 0x76abe289 .text:0x76ABE289 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B7A8: 0xddbec492 (No Owner) 0x0012B7AC: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012B7B0: 0x76afc97b .text:0x76AFC97B (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B7B4: 0x00793b19 .text:0x00793B19 (server.dat) 0x0012B7B8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B7BC: 0x0012b7d8 (No Owner) 0x0012B7C0: 0x0000001c (No Owner) 0x0012B7C4: 0x0012bbe0 (No Owner) 0x0012B7C8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B7CC: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012B7D0: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012B7D4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B7D8: 0x3a36315b (No Owner) 0x0012B7DC: 0x323a3633 (No Owner) 0x0012B7E0: 0x4c205d33 (No Owner) 0x0012B7E4: 0x6c657665 (No Owner) 0x0012B7E8: 0x616f6c20 (No Owner) 0x0012B7EC: 0x20646564 (No Owner) 0x0012B7F0: 0x0a0d4b4f (No Owner) 0x0012B7F4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B7F8: 0x00000005 (No Owner) 0x0012B7FC: 0x002c002a (No Owner) 0x0012B800: 0x7ffdfc00 (No Owner) 0x0012B804: 0x77599834 .text:0x77599834 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B808: 0x00000015 (No Owner) 0x0012B80C: 0x0000002a (No Owner) 0x0012B810: 0x00000068 (No Owner) 0x0012B814: 0x00ac2708 (No Owner) 0x0012B818: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B81C: 0x7ffdfc00 (No Owner) 0x0012B820: 0x0012b938 (No Owner) 0x0012B824: 0x02080068 (No Owner) 0x0012B828: 0x0012b8d0 (No Owner) 0x0012B82C: 0x01fdfc2a (No Owner) 0x0012B830: 0x7ffdfc2a (No Owner) 0x0012B834: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012B838: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B83C: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B840: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012B844: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B848: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B84C: 0x00ac2708 (No Owner) 0x0012B850: 0x0012b884 (No Owner) 0x0012B854: 0x775faf0c .text:0x775FAF0C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B858: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B85C: 0x0012bb5c (No Owner) 0x0012B860: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012B864: 0x00ac4e28 (No Owner) 0x0012B868: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B86C: 0x0012bb5c (No Owner) 0x0012B870: 0x0012bb5c (No Owner) 0x0012B874: 0x00ac2714 (No Owner) 0x0012B878: 0x00ac4e28 (No Owner) 0x0012B87C: 0x0012bae0 (No Owner) 0x0012B880: 0x775fb013 .text:0x775FB013 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B884: 0x00ac275a (No Owner) 0x0012B888: 0x0012b8a4 (No Owner) 0x0012B88C: 0xff6691b4 (No Owner) 0x0012B890: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012B894: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B898: 0x775f9f40 .text:0x775F9F40 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B89C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B8A0: 0x006a003e .text:0x006A003E (server.dat) 0x0012B8A4: 0x006a003e .text:0x006A003E (server.dat) 0x0012B8A8: 0x0012b8d0 (No Owner) 0x0012B8AC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B8B0: 0x00000005 (No Owner) 0x0012B8B4: 0x00000008 (No Owner) 0x0012B8B8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B8BC: 0x00000068 (No Owner) 0x0012B8C0: 0x000a0008 (No Owner) 0x0012B8C4: 0x775f9d8c .text:0x775F9D8C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B8C8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B8CC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B8D0: 0x003a0043 (No Owner) 0x0012B8D4: 0x0057005c .text:0x0057005C (server.dat) 0x0012B8D8: 0x00730065 .text:0x00730065 (server.dat) 0x0012B8DC: 0x00770074 .text:0x00770074 (server.dat) 0x0012B8E0: 0x006f006f .text:0x006F006F (server.dat) 0x0012B8E4: 0x005c0064 .text:0x005C0064 (server.dat) 0x0012B8E8: 0x00650052 .text:0x00650052 (server.dat) 0x0012B8EC: 0x0065006e .text:0x0065006E (server.dat) 0x0012B8F0: 0x00610067 .text:0x00610067 (server.dat) 0x0012B8F4: 0x00650064 .text:0x00650064 (server.dat) 0x0012B8F8: 0x00440046 .text:0x00440046 (server.dat) 0x0012B8FC: 0x005c0053 .text:0x005C0053 (server.dat) 0x0012B900: 0x00650053 .text:0x00650053 (server.dat) 0x0012B904: 0x00760072 .text:0x00760072 (server.dat) 0x0012B908: 0x00720065 .text:0x00720065 (server.dat) 0x0012B90C: 0x0072005c .text:0x0072005C (server.dat) 0x0012B910: 0x006e0065 .text:0x006E0065 (server.dat) 0x0012B914: 0x006f006c .text:0x006F006C (server.dat) 0x0012B918: 0x005f0067 .text:0x005F0067 (server.dat) 0x0012B91C: 0x00310031 (No Owner) 0x0012B920: 0x007f6f94 .data:0x007F6F94 (server.dat) 0x0012B924: 0x0012ba1c (No Owner) 0x0012B928: 0x76af4ed1 .text:0x76AF4ED1 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B92C: 0x00380030 (No Owner) 0x0012B930: 0x0074002e .text:0x0074002E (server.dat) 0x0012B934: 0x00740078 .text:0x00740078 (server.dat) 0x0012B938: 0x007f6f94 .data:0x007F6F94 (server.dat) 0x0012B93C: 0x0012ba2c (No Owner) 0x0012B940: 0x76af4ed1 .text:0x76AF4ED1 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B944: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B948: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B94C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B950: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B954: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B958: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B95C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B960: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B964: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B968: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B96C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B970: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B974: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B978: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B97C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B980: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B984: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B988: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B98C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B990: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B994: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B998: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B99C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B9A0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B9A4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B9A8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B9AC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B9B0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B9B4: 0x00a924c8 (No Owner) 0x0012B9B8: 0x0012bb50 (No Owner) 0x0012B9BC: 0x7ffb0222 (No Owner) 0x0012B9C0: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012B9C4: 0x0012b9f0 (No Owner) 0x0012B9C8: 0x76afd26f .text:0x76AFD26F (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B9CC: 0x00a924c8 (No Owner) 0x0012B9D0: 0x0012bb50 (No Owner) 0x0012B9D4: 0x0012bb68 (No Owner) 0x0012B9D8: 0x0012bc9c (No Owner) 0x0012B9DC: 0x0012bd9b (No Owner) 0x0012B9E0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012B9E4: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012B9E8: 0x0012bb50 (No Owner) 0x0012B9EC: 0x775f5809 .text:0x775F5809 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012B9F0: 0x0012ba18 (No Owner) 0x0012B9F4: 0x76ad8084 .text:0x76AD8084 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012B9F8: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012B9FC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA00: 0x0012bb50 (No Owner) 0x0012BA04: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA08: 0x0012bc9c (No Owner) 0x0012BA0C: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012BA10: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA14: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA18: 0x0012bc54 (No Owner) 0x0012BA1C: 0x76b02ccd .text:0x76B02CCD (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BA20: 0x00000201 (No Owner) 0x0012BA24: 0x02d5a230 (No Owner) 0x0012BA28: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA2C: 0x0012bc9c (No Owner) 0x0012BA30: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012BA34: 0x0012bd9c (No Owner) 0x0012BA38: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA3C: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA40: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA44: 0x00003bf8 (No Owner) 0x0012BA48: 0x000007ff (No Owner) 0x0012BA4C: 0x02b60000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA50: 0x02ca7d48 (No Owner) 0x0012BA54: 0x0000077f (No Owner) 0x0012BA58: 0x02ca7d48 (No Owner) 0x0012BA5C: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012BA60: 0x00000806 (No Owner) 0x0012BA64: 0x0012baa4 (No Owner) 0x0012BA68: 0x775d0be7 .text:0x775D0BE7 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BA6C: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA70: 0x00d5a230 (No Owner) 0x0012BA74: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA78: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA7C: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA80: 0x02d5a230 (No Owner) 0x0012BA84: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BA88: 0x03000605 (No Owner) 0x0012BA8C: 0x00000605 (No Owner) 0x0012BA90: 0x02ca7d48 (No Owner) 0x0012BA94: 0x02ca7d48 (No Owner) 0x0012BA98: 0x02d58588 (No Owner) 0x0012BA9C: 0x00000605 (No Owner) 0x0012BAA0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BAA4: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BAA8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BAAC: 0x0012bb9c (No Owner) 0x0012BAB0: 0x775f8640 .text:0x775F8640 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BAB4: 0x02b50130 (No Owner) 0x0012BAB8: 0x775f861f .text:0x775F861F (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BABC: 0x7721f155 (No Owner) 0x0012BAC0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BAC4: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BAC8: 0x02d5a238 (No Owner) 0x0012BACC: 0x02d58588 (No Owner) 0x0012BAD0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BAD4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BAD8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BADC: 0x000007ff (No Owner) 0x0012BAE0: 0x8000a525 (No Owner) 0x0012BAE4: 0x02ca7d48 (No Owner) 0x0012BAE8: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012BAEC: 0x0012bb00 (No Owner) 0x0012BAF0: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BAF4: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012BAF8: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012BAFC: 0x02d5a238 (No Owner) 0x0012BB00: 0x002c002a (No Owner) 0x0012BB04: 0x02d5a237 (No Owner) 0x0012BB08: 0x02d5a232 (No Owner) 0x0012BB0C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BB10: 0x02d5a233 (No Owner) 0x0012BB14: 0x005f5883 .text:0x005F5883 (server.dat) 0x0012BB18: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BB1C: 0x775f9522 .text:0x775F9522 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BB20: 0x00000014 (No Owner) 0x0012BB24: 0x0012bb54 (No Owner) 0x0012BB28: 0x0012bb54 (No Owner) 0x0012BB2C: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012BB30: 0xffffffff (No Owner) 0x0012BB34: 0x0012bc08 (No Owner) 0x0012BB38: 0x0012bbf8 (No Owner) 0x0012BB3C: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BB40: 0x775f9522 .text:0x775F9522 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BB44: 0x00000014 (No Owner) 0x0012BB48: 0x0012bb84 (No Owner) 0x0012BB4C: 0x0012bb84 (No Owner) 0x0012BB50: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012BB54: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BB58: 0x0012bc80 (No Owner) 0x0012BB5C: 0x0012bc40 (No Owner) 0x0012BB60: 0x76b043a4 .text:0x76B043A4 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BB64: 0x0012bb84 (No Owner) 0x0012BB68: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BB6C: 0x76afc70a .text:0x76AFC70A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BB70: 0x76b043c7 .text:0x76B043C7 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BB74: 0xab03b152 (No Owner) 0x0012BB78: 0xffffffff (No Owner) 0x0012BB7C: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012BB80: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012BB84: 0x00400028 (No Owner) 0x0012BB88: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012BB8C: 0x00000218 (No Owner) 0x0012BB90: 0x000007dc (No Owner) 0x0012BB94: 0x00003870 (No Owner) 0x0012BB98: 0x005cd18d .text:0x005CD18D (server.dat) 0x0012BB9C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BBA0: 0x00020207 (No Owner) 0x0012BBA4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BBA8: 0x00008000 (No Owner) 0x0012BBAC: 0x00570001 .text:0x00570001 (server.dat) 0x0012BBB0: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012BBB4: 0x00170000 (No Owner) 0x0012BBB8: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012BBBC: 0x00c0001b (No Owner) 0x0012BBC0: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012BBC4: 0x00ff0000 (No Owner) 0x0012BBC8: 0x0000ff00 (No Owner) 0x0012BBCC: 0x00ffff00 (No Owner) 0x0012BBD0: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012BBD4: 0x00ff00ff (No Owner) 0x0012BBD8: 0x0000ffff (No Owner) 0x0012BBDC: 0x00ffffff (No Owner) 0x0012BBE0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BBE4: 0x0000006c (No Owner) 0x0012BBE8: 0x775e7f54 .text:0x775E7F54 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BBEC: 0x76afcc2e .text:0x76AFCC2E (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BBF0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BBF4: 0xab03b6ea (No Owner) 0x0012BBF8: 0x0012bc68 (No Owner) 0x0012BBFC: 0x76ad2f97 .text:0x76AD2F97 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BC00: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012BC04: 0x0012bc08 (No Owner) 0x0012BC08: 0x00000060 (No Owner) 0x0012BC0C: 0x10600050 (No Owner) 0x0012BC10: 0x00170000 (No Owner) 0x0012BC14: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012BC18: 0x004f0000 .text:0x004F0000 (server.dat) 0x0012BC1C: 0x00500018 .text:0x00500018 (server.dat) 0x0012BC20: 0x00f50051 (No Owner) 0x0012BC24: 0xab03b152 (No Owner) 0x0012BC28: 0x0012bb74 (No Owner) 0x0012BC2C: 0x00800000 .data:0x00800000 (server.dat) 0x0012BC30: 0x0012ff78 (No Owner) 0x0012BC34: 0x76abe289 .text:0x76ABE289 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BC38: 0xdda14ec2 (No Owner) 0x0012BC3C: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012BC40: 0x76b043c7 .text:0x76B043C7 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BC44: 0x76b04331 .text:0x76B04331 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BC48: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012BC4C: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012BC50: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012BC54: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012BC58: 0x00170000 (No Owner) 0x0012BC5C: 0x0012bc80 (No Owner) 0x0012BC60: 0x00000028 (No Owner) 0x0012BC64: 0x00435ced .text:0x00435CED (server.dat) 0x0012BC68: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012BC6C: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012BC70: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012BC74: 0x00170000 (No Owner) 0x0012BC78: 0x0012bc80 (No Owner) 0x0012BC7C: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012BC80: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012BC84: 0x10600050 (No Owner) 0x0012BC88: 0x00170000 (No Owner) 0x0012BC8C: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012BC90: 0x004f0000 .text:0x004F0000 (server.dat) 0x0012BC94: 0x00500018 .text:0x00500018 (server.dat) 0x0012BC98: 0x3a360051 (No Owner) 0x0012BC9C: 0x3a36315b (No Owner) 0x0012BCA0: 0x323a3633 (No Owner) 0x0012BCA4: 0x00205d33 (No Owner) 0x0012BCA8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCAC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCB0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCB4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCB8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCBC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCC0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCC4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCC8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCCC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCD0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCD4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCD8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCDC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCE0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCE4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCE8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCEC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCF0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCF4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCF8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BCFC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD00: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD04: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD08: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD0C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD10: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD14: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD18: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD1C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD20: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD24: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD28: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD2C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD30: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD34: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD38: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD3C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD40: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD44: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD48: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD4C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD50: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD54: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD58: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD5C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD60: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD64: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD68: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD6C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD70: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD74: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD78: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD7C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD80: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD84: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD88: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD8C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD90: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD94: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD98: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BD9C: 0x6576654c (No Owner) 0x0012BDA0: 0x6f6c206c (No Owner) 0x0012BDA4: 0x64656461 (No Owner) 0x0012BDA8: 0x0a4b4f20 (No Owner) 0x0012BDAC: 0x2e646c00 (No Owner) 0x0012BDB0: 0x0a78696d (No Owner) 0x0012BDB4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BDB8: 0x0012bdcc (No Owner) 0x0012BDBC: 0x775fa41c .text:0x775FA41C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BDC0: 0x00a90000 (No Owner) 0x0012BDC4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BDC8: 0x76d5a580 .data:0x76D5A580 (ADVAPI32.dll) 0x0012BDCC: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012BDD0: 0x76d5a580 .data:0x76D5A580 (ADVAPI32.dll) 0x0012BDD4: 0x0000001c (No Owner) 0x0012BDD8: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012BDDC: 0x0012be28 (No Owner) 0x0012BDE0: 0x76ced7ab .text:0x76CED7AB (ADVAPI32.dll) 0x0012BDE4: 0x76ced611 .text:0x76CED611 (ADVAPI32.dll) 0x0012BDE8: 0xab0eaaae (No Owner) 0x0012BDEC: 0x00000100 (No Owner) 0x0012BDF0: 0x0012e3ed (No Owner) 0x0012BDF4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BDF8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BDFC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE00: 0x0074002e .text:0x0074002E (server.dat) 0x0012BE04: 0x00740078 .text:0x00740078 (server.dat) 0x0012BE08: 0x00ab7738 (No Owner) 0x0012BE0C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE10: 0x0012bde8 (No Owner) 0x0012BE14: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE18: 0x0012ff78 (No Owner) 0x0012BE1C: 0x76cc6a25 .text:0x76CC6A25 (ADVAPI32.dll) 0x0012BE20: 0xddd2c29e (No Owner) 0x0012BE24: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012BE28: 0x76ced611 .text:0x76CED611 (ADVAPI32.dll) 0x0012BE2C: 0x76ced503 .text:0x76CED503 (ADVAPI32.dll) 0x0012BE30: 0x80000002 (No Owner) 0x0012BE34: 0x0012e918 (No Owner) 0x0012BE38: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE3C: 0x000f003f (No Owner) 0x0012BE40: 0x0012be6c (No Owner) 0x0012BE44: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE48: 0x00000006 (No Owner) 0x0012BE4C: 0x005dc5e8 .text:0x005DC5E8 (server.dat) 0x0012BE50: 0x80000002 (No Owner) 0x0012BE54: 0x0012e918 (No Owner) 0x0012BE58: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE5C: 0x000f003f (No Owner) 0x0012BE60: 0x0012be6c (No Owner) 0x0012BE64: 0x0012e93e (No Owner) 0x0012BE68: 0x0081e7e0 .data:0x0081E7E0 (server.dat) 0x0012BE6C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE70: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE74: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE78: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE7C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE80: 0x00000100 (No Owner) 0x0012BE84: 0x00000010 (No Owner) 0x0012BE88: 0x0012bf00 (No Owner) 0x0012BE8C: 0x0012bf08 (No Owner) 0x0012BE90: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BE94: 0x0012bee4 (No Owner) 0x0012BE98: 0x775fa676 .text:0x775FA676 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BE9C: 0x0012d1e8 (No Owner) 0x0012BEA0: 0x0000000e (No Owner) 0x0012BEA4: 0x0012bef0 (No Owner) 0x0012BEA8: 0x0012bf24 (No Owner) 0x0012BEAC: 0x775fa6a9 .text:0x775FA6A9 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BEB0: 0x7721f42d (No Owner) 0x0012BEB4: 0x0000009c (No Owner) 0x0012BEB8: 0x0012d1e8 (No Owner) 0x0012BEBC: 0x03d30000 (No Owner) 0x0012BEC0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BEC4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BEC8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BECC: 0x0012beb0 (No Owner) 0x0012BED0: 0x03d30000 (No Owner) 0x0012BED4: 0x0012d3a0 (No Owner) 0x0012BED8: 0x77599834 .text:0x77599834 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BEDC: 0x006c0939 .text:0x006C0939 (server.dat) 0x0012BEE0: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012BEE4: 0x775fa6a9 .text:0x775FA6A9 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BEE8: 0x76ad49f2 .text:0x76AD49F2 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BEEC: 0x0012bf08 (No Owner) 0x0012BEF0: 0x0000000e (No Owner) 0x0012BEF4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BEF8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BEFC: 0x76ad4a09 .text:0x76AD4A09 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012BF00: 0x001e001c (No Owner) 0x0012BF04: 0x0012bf24 (No Owner) 0x0012BF08: 0x0080000e .data:0x0080000E (server.dat) 0x0012BF0C: 0x0012d1e8 (No Owner) 0x0012BF10: 0x0000011c (No Owner) 0x0012BF14: 0x00000006 (No Owner) 0x0012BF18: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF1C: 0x00001771 (No Owner) 0x0012BF20: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012BF24: 0x00650053 .text:0x00650053 (server.dat) 0x0012BF28: 0x00760072 .text:0x00760072 (server.dat) 0x0012BF2C: 0x00630069 .text:0x00630069 (server.dat) 0x0012BF30: 0x00200065 (No Owner) 0x0012BF34: 0x00610050 .text:0x00610050 (server.dat) 0x0012BF38: 0x006b0063 .text:0x006B0063 (server.dat) 0x0012BF3C: 0x00310020 (No Owner) 0x0012BF40: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF44: 0x00000027 (No Owner) 0x0012BF48: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF4C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF50: 0x02d56580 (No Owner) 0x0012BF54: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF58: 0xfa0002f8 (No Owner) 0x0012BF5C: 0x000002f8 (No Owner) 0x0012BF60: 0x02effc90 (No Owner) 0x0012BF64: 0x02effc90 (No Owner) 0x0012BF68: 0x02f0b090 (No Owner) 0x0012BF6C: 0x000002f8 (No Owner) 0x0012BF70: 0x02000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF74: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF78: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF7C: 0x0012c06c (No Owner) 0x0012BF80: 0x775f8640 .text:0x775F8640 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BF84: 0x02b50130 (No Owner) 0x0012BF88: 0x775f861f .text:0x775F861F (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BF8C: 0x77218aa5 (No Owner) 0x0012BF90: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF94: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BF98: 0x02d56588 (No Owner) 0x0012BF9C: 0x02f0b090 (No Owner) 0x0012BFA0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BFA4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BFA8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012BFAC: 0x000007ff (No Owner) 0x0012BFB0: 0x2c005874 (No Owner) 0x0012BFB4: 0x02effc90 (No Owner) 0x0012BFB8: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012BFBC: 0x0012bfd0 (No Owner) 0x0012BFC0: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012BFC4: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012BFC8: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012BFCC: 0x02d56588 (No Owner) 0x0012BFD0: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012BFD4: 0x04000004 (No Owner) 0x0012BFD8: 0x02d56582 (No Owner) 0x0012BFDC: 0x07000700 (No Owner) 0x0012BFE0: 0x000004f9 (No Owner) 0x0012BFE4: 0x005f5883 .text:0x005F5883 (server.dat) 0x0012BFE8: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BFEC: 0x775f9522 .text:0x775F9522 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012BFF0: 0x00000014 (No Owner) 0x0012BFF4: 0x0012c024 (No Owner) 0x0012BFF8: 0x0012c024 (No Owner) 0x0012BFFC: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012C000: 0x00000008 (No Owner) 0x0012C004: 0x0012c0d8 (No Owner) 0x0012C008: 0x0012c0c8 (No Owner) 0x0012C00C: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C010: 0x0012c0d4 (No Owner) 0x0012C014: 0x000000b7 (No Owner) 0x0012C018: 0x029607c8 (No Owner) 0x0012C01C: 0x0012c0d4 (No Owner) 0x0012C020: 0x110eae4d .text:0x110EAE4D (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C024: 0x000000b7 (No Owner) 0x0012C028: 0x0012cb58 (No Owner) 0x0012C02C: 0x110e7f11 .text:0x110E7F11 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C030: 0x0012c2bf (No Owner) 0x0012C034: 0x110e7f46 .text:0x110E7F46 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C038: 0x0012c2bf (No Owner) 0x0012C03C: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012C040: 0x110e8881 .text:0x110E8881 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C044: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C048: 0x0083d016 .data:0x0083D016 (server.dat) 0x0012C04C: 0x0012c348 (No Owner) 0x0012C050: 0x110e8900 .text:0x110E8900 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C054: 0x00400028 (No Owner) 0x0012C058: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C05C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C060: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012C064: 0x00003870 (No Owner) 0x0012C068: 0x005cc4d9 .text:0x005CC4D9 (server.dat) 0x0012C06C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C070: 0x02960db0 (No Owner) 0x0012C074: 0x029616a8 (No Owner) 0x0012C078: 0x029607c8 (No Owner) 0x0012C07C: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012C080: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C084: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C088: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C08C: 0x1112820c .rdata:0x1112820C (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C090: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C094: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C098: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C09C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C0A0: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C0A4: 0x0012c2f0 (No Owner) 0x0012C0A8: 0x0012cb5c (No Owner) 0x0012C0AC: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012C0B0: 0x0012c2bf (No Owner) 0x0012C0B4: 0xffffffff (No Owner) 0x0012C0B8: 0x0012c0c8 (No Owner) 0x0012C0BC: 0x00000048 (No Owner) 0x0012C0C0: 0x0012c0d4 (No Owner) 0x0012C0C4: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012C0C8: 0x0012c538 (No Owner) 0x0012C0CC: 0x76ace9b0 .text:0x76ACE9B0 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C0D0: 0x0012c0f0 (No Owner) 0x0012C0D4: 0x0012c334 (No Owner) 0x0012C0D8: 0x76ace9dd .text:0x76ACE9DD (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C0DC: 0x00000008 (No Owner) 0x0012C0E0: 0x0012cad8 (No Owner) 0x0012C0E4: 0x76ace315 .text:0x76ACE315 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C0E8: 0x004f0000 .text:0x004F0000 (server.dat) 0x0012C0EC: 0x0012c334 (No Owner) 0x0012C0F0: 0x00f50032 (No Owner) 0x0012C0F4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C0F8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C0FC: 0x00800000 .data:0x00800000 (server.dat) 0x0012C100: 0x0012ff78 (No Owner) 0x0012C104: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C108: 0x0012c558 (No Owner) 0x0012C10C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C110: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012C114: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C118: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C11C: 0x0012c333 (No Owner) 0x0012C120: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C124: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012C128: 0xffffffff (No Owner) 0x0012C12C: 0x0012c5c8 (No Owner) 0x0012C130: 0x00000010 (No Owner) 0x0012C134: 0x00435ced .text:0x00435CED (server.dat) 0x0012C138: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012C13C: 0x0000001b (No Owner) 0x0012C140: 0x0012c204 (No Owner) 0x0012C144: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C148: 0x029607c8 (No Owner) 0x0012C14C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C150: 0x110eed5c .text:0x110EED5C (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C154: 0x0012c1a0 (No Owner) 0x0012C158: 0x02960db0 (No Owner) 0x0012C15C: 0x029616a8 (No Owner) 0x0012C160: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C164: 0x110e7f46 .text:0x110E7F46 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C168: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C16C: 0xffffffd1 (No Owner) 0x0012C170: 0x110e8881 .text:0x110E8881 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C174: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C178: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C17C: 0x0012c214 (No Owner) 0x0012C180: 0x0012c1f0 (No Owner) 0x0012C184: 0x775cb3e9 .text:0x775CB3E9 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C188: 0x0012c214 (No Owner) 0x0012C18C: 0x775f8fb2 .text:0x775F8FB2 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C190: 0x775cb402 .text:0x775CB402 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C194: 0x77218b39 (No Owner) 0x0012C198: 0x00000020 (No Owner) 0x0012C19C: 0x0012c20c (No Owner) 0x0012C1A0: 0x0012c244 (No Owner) 0x0012C1A4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C1A8: 0x0012c1f4 (No Owner) 0x0012C1AC: 0x775f921a .text:0x775F921A (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C1B0: 0x0012c24c (No Owner) 0x0012C1B4: 0x00000004 (No Owner) 0x0012C1B8: 0x0012c200 (No Owner) 0x0012C1BC: 0x0012c214 (No Owner) 0x0012C1C0: 0x775f924b .text:0x775F924B (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C1C4: 0x77218b3d (No Owner) 0x0012C1C8: 0x0012c314 (No Owner) 0x0012C1CC: 0x0012c244 (No Owner) 0x0012C1D0: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C1D4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C1D8: 0x0012c406 (No Owner) 0x0012C1DC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C1E0: 0x000000f9 (No Owner) 0x0012C1E4: 0x0012c208 (No Owner) 0x0012C1E8: 0x76af36fa .text:0x76AF36FA (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C1EC: 0x0012c210 (No Owner) 0x0012C1F0: 0x7ffffffc (No Owner) 0x0012C1F4: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C1F8: 0x0012c314 (No Owner) 0x0012C1FC: 0x0012c310 (No Owner) 0x0012C200: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C204: 0x000000f7 (No Owner) 0x0012C208: 0x0012c228 (No Owner) 0x0012C20C: 0x76af366e .text:0x76AF366E (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C210: 0x0012c40a (No Owner) 0x0012C214: 0x000000f9 (No Owner) 0x0012C218: 0x0012c24c (No Owner) 0x0012C21C: 0x0012c310 (No Owner) 0x0012C220: 0x0012c314 (No Owner) 0x0012C224: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C228: 0x0012c2d0 (No Owner) 0x0012C22C: 0x76af3638 .text:0x76AF3638 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C230: 0x0012c310 (No Owner) 0x0012C234: 0x0012c314 (No Owner) 0x0012C238: 0x0012c24c (No Owner) 0x0012C23C: 0x0012c406 (No Owner) 0x0012C240: 0x76af364a .text:0x76AF364A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C244: 0x00800004 .data:0x00800004 (server.dat) 0x0012C248: 0x0012c24c (No Owner) 0x0012C24C: 0x00380031 (No Owner) 0x0012C250: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C254: 0x036e228c (No Owner) 0x0012C258: 0xffffffff (No Owner) 0x0012C25C: 0x001a7c20 (No Owner) 0x0012C260: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C264: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C268: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C26C: 0x0012c2b8 (No Owner) 0x0012C270: 0x02960db0 (No Owner) 0x0012C274: 0x029616a8 (No Owner) 0x0012C278: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C27C: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C280: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C284: 0x0012c2a0 (No Owner) 0x0012C288: 0x110e28f2 .text:0x110E28F2 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C28C: 0x0012cbd4 (No Owner) 0x0012C290: 0x0012c348 (No Owner) 0x0012C294: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C298: 0x0083d016 .data:0x0083D016 (server.dat) 0x0012C29C: 0x035d59fc (No Owner) 0x0012C2A0: 0x0012c2b8 (No Owner) 0x0012C2A4: 0x11002a58 .text:0x11002A58 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C2A8: 0x0012cbd4 (No Owner) 0x0012C2AC: 0x0000000f (No Owner) 0x0012C2B0: 0x0012c348 (No Owner) 0x0012C2B4: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C2B8: 0x0012c2d0 (No Owner) 0x0012C2BC: 0x11002a38 .text:0x11002A38 (SCRIPTS.DLL) 0x0012C2C0: 0x0012cbd4 (No Owner) 0x0012C2C4: 0x0012c388 (No Owner) 0x0012C2C8: 0xab03cfde (No Owner) 0x0012C2CC: 0xab03cfc2 (No Owner) 0x0012C2D0: 0x0012c3bc (No Owner) 0x0012C2D4: 0x76af3c10 .text:0x76AF3C10 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C2D8: 0x00000012 (No Owner) 0x0012C2DC: 0x0000000a (No Owner) 0x0012C2E0: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C2E4: 0x0012c310 (No Owner) 0x0012C2E8: 0x0012c314 (No Owner) 0x0012C2EC: 0x0012c704 (No Owner) 0x0012C2F0: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012C2F4: 0x76af3d20 .text:0x76AF3D20 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C2F8: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012C2FC: 0x0012c3f8 (No Owner) 0x0012C300: 0x0012c3e4 (No Owner) 0x0012C304: 0x000000f7 (No Owner) 0x0012C308: 0x0012c40a (No Owner) 0x0012C30C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C310: 0x0012c40e (No Owner) 0x0012C314: 0x000000f5 (No Owner) 0x0012C318: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C31C: 0x0012cbd0 (No Owner) 0x0012C320: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C324: 0x02960db0 (No Owner) 0x0012C328: 0x029616a8 (No Owner) 0x0012C32C: 0x029607c8 (No Owner) 0x0012C330: 0x0012c301 (No Owner) 0x0012C334: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C338: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C33C: 0xe12cf43e (No Owner) 0x0012C340: 0xe12cf43f (No Owner) 0x0012C344: 0x00000b72 (No Owner) 0x0012C348: 0x85e1b7d8 (No Owner) 0x0012C34C: 0xaee628d6 (No Owner) 0x0012C350: 0x0012c378 (No Owner) 0x0012C354: 0x775fa90c .text:0x775FA90C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C358: 0xe12cf43f (No Owner) 0x0012C35C: 0x00000bb4 (No Owner) 0x0012C360: 0xfa67b90e (No Owner) 0x0012C364: 0xc6d750eb (No Owner) 0x0012C368: 0x0000001a (No Owner) 0x0012C36C: 0xfffffff7 (No Owner) 0x0012C370: 0x9e3b9800 (No Owner) 0x0012C374: 0x0012c3b4 (No Owner) 0x0012C378: 0xfffffff7 (No Owner) 0x0012C37C: 0x0012c398 (No Owner) 0x0012C380: 0x775fa970 .text:0x775FA970 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C384: 0x0000003c (No Owner) 0x0012C388: 0x9e3b9800 (No Owner) 0x0012C38C: 0xfffffff7 (No Owner) 0x0012C390: 0xfffffff7 (No Owner) 0x0012C394: 0x0391103f (No Owner) 0x0012C398: 0x0012c3cc (No Owner) 0x0012C39C: 0x76af3537 .text:0x76AF3537 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C3A0: 0x0000000a (No Owner) 0x0012C3A4: 0x0000020f (No Owner) 0x0012C3A8: 0x0012c704 (No Owner) 0x0012C3AC: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012C3B0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C3B4: 0x0012c3c4 (No Owner) 0x0012C3B8: 0x76af5a5d .text:0x76AF5A5D (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C3BC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C3C0: 0x7ffffff3 (No Owner) 0x0012C3C4: 0x0012c69c (No Owner) 0x0012C3C8: 0x76af3ecc .text:0x76AF3ECC (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C3CC: 0x0012c804 (No Owner) 0x0012C3D0: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012C3D4: 0x0012c3f8 (No Owner) 0x0012C3D8: 0x00ab6858 (No Owner) 0x0012C3DC: 0x0012c704 (No Owner) 0x0012C3E0: 0x76af3ee3 .text:0x76AF3EE3 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C3E4: 0x000b07d8 (No Owner) 0x0012C3E8: 0x00120002 (No Owner) 0x0012C3EC: 0x00250010 (No Owner) 0x0012C3F0: 0x020f0012 (No Owner) 0x0012C3F4: 0x0012c804 (No Owner) 0x0012C3F8: 0x775e9284 .text:0x775E9284 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C3FC: 0x76afbd6a .text:0x76AFBD6A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C400: 0x00000334 (No Owner) 0x0012C404: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C408: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C40C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C410: 0x0012c43c (No Owner) 0x0012C414: 0x0012c48c (No Owner) 0x0012C418: 0x0000001f (No Owner) 0x0012C41C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C420: 0x76afc97b .text:0x76AFC97B (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C424: 0xab03c976 (No Owner) 0x0012C428: 0x0000001f (No Owner) 0x0012C42C: 0x0000006c (No Owner) 0x0012C430: 0x0089f0a0 .data:0x0089F0A0 (server.dat) 0x0012C434: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C438: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012C43C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C440: 0x0000001f (No Owner) 0x0012C444: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C448: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C44C: 0x0012c424 (No Owner) 0x0012C450: 0x0012c8a0 (No Owner) 0x0012C454: 0x0012ff78 (No Owner) 0x0012C458: 0x76abe289 .text:0x76ABE289 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C45C: 0xddbec492 (No Owner) 0x0012C460: 0xfffffffe (No Owner) 0x0012C464: 0x76afc97b .text:0x76AFC97B (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C468: 0x00793b19 .text:0x00793B19 (server.dat) 0x0012C46C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C470: 0x0012c48c (No Owner) 0x0012C474: 0x0000001f (No Owner) 0x0012C478: 0x0012c894 (No Owner) 0x0012C47C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C480: 0x0000001e (No Owner) 0x0012C484: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012C488: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C48C: 0x3a36315b (No Owner) 0x0012C490: 0x313a3733 (No Owner) 0x0012C494: 0x20205d38 (No Owner) 0x0012C498: 0x54202020 (No Owner) 0x0012C49C: 0x20656d69 (No Owner) 0x0012C4A0: 0x2e30203a (No Owner) 0x0012C4A4: 0x302e3935 (No Owner) 0x0012C4A8: 0x000a0d34 (No Owner) 0x0012C4AC: 0x00000005 (No Owner) 0x0012C4B0: 0x002c002a (No Owner) 0x0012C4B4: 0x7ffdfc00 (No Owner) 0x0012C4B8: 0x77599834 .text:0x77599834 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C4BC: 0x00000015 (No Owner) 0x0012C4C0: 0x0000002a (No Owner) 0x0012C4C4: 0x00000068 (No Owner) 0x0012C4C8: 0x00ac2708 (No Owner) 0x0012C4CC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C4D0: 0x7ffdfc00 (No Owner) 0x0012C4D4: 0x0012c5ec (No Owner) 0x0012C4D8: 0x02080068 (No Owner) 0x0012C4DC: 0x0012c584 (No Owner) 0x0012C4E0: 0x01fdfc2a (No Owner) 0x0012C4E4: 0x7ffdfc2a (No Owner) 0x0012C4E8: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012C4EC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C4F0: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C4F4: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012C4F8: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C4FC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C500: 0x00ac2708 (No Owner) 0x0012C504: 0x0012c538 (No Owner) 0x0012C508: 0x775faf0c .text:0x775FAF0C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C50C: 0x77654460 .data:0x77654460 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C510: 0x0012c810 (No Owner) 0x0012C514: 0x00000038 (No Owner) 0x0012C518: 0x00ac4e28 (No Owner) 0x0012C51C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C520: 0x0012c810 (No Owner) 0x0012C524: 0x0012c810 (No Owner) 0x0012C528: 0x00ac2714 (No Owner) 0x0012C52C: 0x00ac4e28 (No Owner) 0x0012C530: 0x0012c794 (No Owner) 0x0012C534: 0x775fb013 .text:0x775FB013 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C538: 0x00ac275a (No Owner) 0x0012C53C: 0x0012c558 (No Owner) 0x0012C540: 0xff669e68 (No Owner) 0x0012C544: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012C548: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C54C: 0x775f9f40 .text:0x775F9F40 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C550: 0x76af3638 .text:0x76AF3638 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C554: 0x006a003e .text:0x006A003E (server.dat) 0x0012C558: 0x006a003e .text:0x006A003E (server.dat) 0x0012C55C: 0x0012c584 (No Owner) 0x0012C560: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C564: 0x00000005 (No Owner) 0x0012C568: 0x00000008 (No Owner) 0x0012C56C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C570: 0x00000068 (No Owner) 0x0012C574: 0x000a0008 (No Owner) 0x0012C578: 0x775f9d8c .text:0x775F9D8C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C57C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C580: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C584: 0x003a0043 (No Owner) 0x0012C588: 0x0057005c .text:0x0057005C (server.dat) 0x0012C58C: 0x00730065 .text:0x00730065 (server.dat) 0x0012C590: 0x00770074 .text:0x00770074 (server.dat) 0x0012C594: 0x006f006f .text:0x006F006F (server.dat) 0x0012C598: 0x005c0064 .text:0x005C0064 (server.dat) 0x0012C59C: 0x00650052 .text:0x00650052 (server.dat) 0x0012C5A0: 0x0065006e .text:0x0065006E (server.dat) 0x0012C5A4: 0x00610067 .text:0x00610067 (server.dat) 0x0012C5A8: 0x00650064 .text:0x00650064 (server.dat) 0x0012C5AC: 0x00440046 .text:0x00440046 (server.dat) 0x0012C5B0: 0x005c0053 .text:0x005C0053 (server.dat) 0x0012C5B4: 0x00650053 .text:0x00650053 (server.dat) 0x0012C5B8: 0x00760072 .text:0x00760072 (server.dat) 0x0012C5BC: 0x00720065 .text:0x00720065 (server.dat) 0x0012C5C0: 0x0072005c .text:0x0072005C (server.dat) 0x0012C5C4: 0x006e0065 .text:0x006E0065 (server.dat) 0x0012C5C8: 0x006f006c .text:0x006F006C (server.dat) 0x0012C5CC: 0x005f0067 .text:0x005F0067 (server.dat) 0x0012C5D0: 0x00310031 (No Owner) 0x0012C5D4: 0x007f6f94 .data:0x007F6F94 (server.dat) 0x0012C5D8: 0x0012c6d0 (No Owner) 0x0012C5DC: 0x76af4ed1 .text:0x76AF4ED1 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C5E0: 0x00380030 (No Owner) 0x0012C5E4: 0x0074002e .text:0x0074002E (server.dat) 0x0012C5E8: 0x00740078 .text:0x00740078 (server.dat) 0x0012C5EC: 0x007f6f94 .data:0x007F6F94 (server.dat) 0x0012C5F0: 0x0012c6e0 (No Owner) 0x0012C5F4: 0x76af4ed1 .text:0x76AF4ED1 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C5F8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C5FC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C600: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C604: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C608: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C60C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C610: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C614: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C618: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C61C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C620: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C624: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C628: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C62C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C630: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C634: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C638: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C63C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C640: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C644: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C648: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C64C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C650: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C654: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C658: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C65C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C660: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C664: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C668: 0x00a924c8 (No Owner) 0x0012C66C: 0x0012c804 (No Owner) 0x0012C670: 0x7ffb0222 (No Owner) 0x0012C674: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012C678: 0x0012c8e0 (No Owner) 0x0012C67C: 0x00793db2 .text:0x00793DB2 (server.dat) 0x0012C680: 0x0000000a (No Owner) 0x0012C684: 0x0012c8f8 (No Owner) 0x0012C688: 0x0012c8cc (No Owner) 0x0012C68C: 0x00000004 (No Owner) 0x0012C690: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C694: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012C698: 0x0000000c (No Owner) 0x0012C69C: 0x0012c804 (No Owner) 0x0012C6A0: 0x775f5809 .text:0x775F5809 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C6A4: 0x0012c6cc (No Owner) 0x0012C6A8: 0x76ad8084 .text:0x76AD8084 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C6AC: 0x00000001 (No Owner) 0x0012C6B0: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C6B4: 0x0012c804 (No Owner) 0x0012C6B8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C6BC: 0x0012c950 (No Owner) 0x0012C6C0: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012C6C4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C6C8: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C6CC: 0x0012c908 (No Owner) 0x0012C6D0: 0x76b02ccd .text:0x76B02CCD (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C6D4: 0x00000201 (No Owner) 0x0012C6D8: 0x065527d8 (No Owner) 0x0012C6DC: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012C6E0: 0x0012c950 (No Owner) 0x0012C6E4: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012C6E8: 0x0012ca50 (No Owner) 0x0012C6EC: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C6F0: 0x76b02cec .text:0x76B02CEC (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C6F4: 0x000001d2 (No Owner) 0x0012C6F8: 0x0012c7ec (No Owner) 0x0012C6FC: 0x00000201 (No Owner) 0x0012C700: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012C704: 0x065527d8 (No Owner) 0x0012C708: 0x0012c7ec (No Owner) 0x0012C70C: 0x775f8af0 .text:0x775F8AF0 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C710: 0x775f8b2c .text:0x775F8B2C (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C714: 0x77218d25 (No Owner) 0x0012C718: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012C71C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C720: 0x02b526dc (No Owner) 0x0012C724: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012C728: 0x00000027 (No Owner) 0x0012C72C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C730: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C734: 0x065527d8 (No Owner) 0x0012C738: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012C73C: 0xd30001d2 (No Owner) 0x0012C740: 0x000001d2 (No Owner) 0x0012C744: 0x065dbff8 (No Owner) 0x0012C748: 0x065dbff8 (No Owner) 0x0012C74C: 0x02d58588 (No Owner) 0x0012C750: 0x000001d2 (No Owner) 0x0012C754: 0x00080000 (No Owner) 0x0012C758: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012C75C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C760: 0x0012c850 (No Owner) 0x0012C764: 0x775f8640 .text:0x775F8640 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C768: 0x02b50130 (No Owner) 0x0012C76C: 0x775f861f .text:0x775F861F (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C770: 0x77218299 (No Owner) 0x0012C774: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C778: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012C77C: 0x065527e0 (No Owner) 0x0012C780: 0x02d58588 (No Owner) 0x0012C784: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C788: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C78C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C790: 0x000007ff (No Owner) 0x0012C794: 0x0b000803 (No Owner) 0x0012C798: 0x065dbff8 (No Owner) 0x0012C79C: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012C7A0: 0x0012c7b4 (No Owner) 0x0012C7A4: 0x02b50000 (No Owner) 0x0012C7A8: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012C7AC: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C7B0: 0x065527e0 (No Owner) 0x0012C7B4: 0x02b519c0 (No Owner) 0x0012C7B8: 0x04000004 (No Owner) 0x0012C7BC: 0x065527da (No Owner) 0x0012C7C0: 0xfd0003fe (No Owner) 0x0012C7C4: 0x000003d3 (No Owner) 0x0012C7C8: 0x005f5883 .text:0x005F5883 (server.dat) 0x0012C7CC: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C7D0: 0x775f9522 .text:0x775F9522 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C7D4: 0x00000014 (No Owner) 0x0012C7D8: 0x0012c808 (No Owner) 0x0012C7DC: 0x0012c808 (No Owner) 0x0012C7E0: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012C7E4: 0x00000004 (No Owner) 0x0012C7E8: 0x0012c8bc (No Owner) 0x0012C7EC: 0x0012c8ac (No Owner) 0x0012C7F0: 0x775e8d94 .text:0x775E8D94 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C7F4: 0x775f9522 .text:0x775F9522 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C7F8: 0x00000014 (No Owner) 0x0012C7FC: 0x0012c838 (No Owner) 0x0012C800: 0x0012c838 (No Owner) 0x0012C804: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012C808: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C80C: 0x0012c934 (No Owner) 0x0012C810: 0x0012c8f4 (No Owner) 0x0012C814: 0x76b043a4 .text:0x76B043A4 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C818: 0x0012c838 (No Owner) 0x0012C81C: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C820: 0x76afc70a .text:0x76AFC70A (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C824: 0x76b043c7 .text:0x76B043C7 (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C828: 0xab03c5e6 (No Owner) 0x0012C82C: 0x00000004 (No Owner) 0x0012C830: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C834: 0x0081d410 .data:0x0081D410 (server.dat) 0x0012C838: 0x00400028 (No Owner) 0x0012C83C: 0x00000002 (No Owner) 0x0012C840: 0x00000218 (No Owner) 0x0012C844: 0x000002f4 (No Owner) 0x0012C848: 0x0000099c (No Owner) 0x0012C84C: 0x005d43f3 .text:0x005D43F3 (server.dat) 0x0012C850: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C854: 0x00020207 (No Owner) 0x0012C858: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C85C: 0x00008000 (No Owner) 0x0012C860: 0x00570001 .text:0x00570001 (server.dat) 0x0012C864: 0x00000007 (No Owner) 0x0012C868: 0x00260000 (No Owner) 0x0012C86C: 0x00000003 (No Owner) 0x0012C870: 0x00c0001b (No Owner) 0x0012C874: 0x00000190 (No Owner) 0x0012C878: 0x00ff0000 (No Owner) 0x0012C87C: 0x0000ff00 (No Owner) 0x0012C880: 0x00ffff00 (No Owner) 0x0012C884: 0x000000ff (No Owner) 0x0012C888: 0x00ff00ff (No Owner) 0x0012C88C: 0x0000ffff (No Owner) 0x0012C890: 0x00ffffff (No Owner) 0x0012C894: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C898: 0x0000006c (No Owner) 0x0012C89C: 0x775e7f54 .text:0x775E7F54 (ntdll.dll) 0x0012C8A0: 0x76afcc2e .text:0x76AFCC2E (kernel32.dll) 0x0012C8A4: 0x00000000 (No Owner) 0x0012C8A8: 0xab03c5be (No Owner)