(19:13) now i have no na: anyway jon, as you know, you damaged our reputation last night... (19:13) Jonathan: k (19:13) now i have no na: so, what do you intend on doing to repair it? (19:14) Jonathan: I cant atm (19:14) Jonathan: I have 403 on FwClan (19:14) Jonathan: Aka IP Ban (19:14) Jonathan: (19:14) Jonathan: FwClan = BfD (19:14) Liam: you said you could access it (19:14) Jonathan: For 403 everywhere (19:14) Jonathan: (19:14) Liam: with proxies or w/e (19:14) Jonathan: Nope. (19:14) Liam: so you lied? (19:14) Jonathan: I dont use them (19:14) Jonathan: (19:15) Jonathan: Is wolf going mad btw? (19:15) Liam: Why say you can see it when you cannot? (19:15) Jonathan: Because :V (19:15) now i have no na: same reason you say you deleted stuf fromthe bfd site when you didnt (19:15) Jonathan: Yup (19:15) now i have no na: (19:15) Jonathan: (19:15) Jonathan: Ye wolf... (19:16) Jonathan: (19:16) Jonathan: O.O Whit3.. (19:17) Jonathan: I dont get 403 on the ports. (19:17) Liam: what? (19:17) Jonathan: Such as port 2082 and 81 (19:18) Jonathan: 81 doesnt work though (19:18) Jonathan: (19:18) Liam: So? (19:18) Jonathan: Nothing (19:18) Jonathan: (19:18) now i have no na: so basically, you're a compulsive liar? (19:18) Liam: hmm ok (19:18) Jonathan: No... (19:19) now i have no na: yes, u said you don't use proxies, after telling whit3 u did yesterday, now you are pretty much saying you do again (19:19) now i have no na: learn consistancy (19:19) Jonathan: Im not using a proxie to see ports... (19:19) FWWolf | Support: spaz... you might have to break down that word for him. (19:19) Liam: ports are diff spaz (19:19) now i have no na: same shit imo (19:19) Liam: no (19:19) Jonathan: www.fwclan.co.uk:2082 (19:19) Liam: it doesnt block them (19:19) Jonathan: www.fwclan.co.uk:81 (19:20) Liam: exactly, only blocked on the actual site, not the cpanel etc (19:20) now i have no na: anyway, fact of the matter is, you still can't help but lie. (19:20) Jonathan: No. (19:20) Jonathan: Lol (19:20) Jonathan: Want me to help you or not? (19:20) now i have no na: and your lying has caused a lot of shit, and negativity towards us, which has been unfairly dealt (19:21) Jonathan: k not? (19:21) now i have no na: so, you need to tell everyone on renforums that. (19:21) Jonathan: Me say Im a liar. (19:22) now i have no na: well it might help, but more specifically, you need to tell them what you lied about (19:22) now i have no na: eg the whole story (19:22) Jonathan: What will I get in return for everyone hating me? (19:22) Jonathan: I know I did wrong but (19:22) Jonathan: Seriously (19:22) now i have no na: the fact that everyone doesnt hate us bcos of your lies, should be enough (19:22) FWWolf | Support: mate (19:22) FWWolf | Support: you get fuck all back for shitting shit from crying (19:22) Jonathan: Meh (19:22) FWWolf | Support: thats what (19:23) Jonathan: Cya (19:23) Jonathan: Tbh (19:23) Jonathan: I didnt lie (19:23) Liam: Some things you did. (19:23) FWWolf | Support: bs. (19:23) now i have no na: o i think you did, i see no contract, and i see a licensed copy of IPB, etc etc (19:23) Jonathan: That wasnt yes (19:23) FWWolf | Support: everyone on renforums sided with us,. (19:23) Jonathan: I didnt know Better (19:23) Liam: & proxies etc (19:24) Jonathan: Proxies (19:24) FWWolf | Support: they even said you were in teh wrong (19:24) FWWolf | Support: and you were just crying (19:24) Jonathan: www.hideu.info (19:24) Jonathan: And no (19:24) Jonathan: I wasnt crying (19:24) Jonathan: No (19:24) Liam: yea, thats using proxy sites (19:24) FWWolf | Support: bs (19:24) Jonathan: Lol (19:25) FWWolf | Support: you got admin taken away from you and we woouldn't return it (19:25) FWWolf | Support: you then cryed on renforums (19:25) Jonathan: Sad you try (19:25) Jonathan: So you insult me (19:25) Jonathan: You think I want to do you a favour? (19:25) now i have no na: this isnt a favour, this is called correcting your wrongs (19:25) Jonathan: Lol what wrongs (19:25) Jonathan: I make you a site (19:25) FWWolf | Support: no the fact that you owe us to say sorry and that it was all your fault on renforums (19:26) Jonathan: And then you ban me (19:26) Jonathan: And steal it (19:26) Jonathan: Now you tell me (19:26) Jonathan: To take back my facts (19:26) now i have no na: the wrongs of lying to a whole community and giving us all a bad name just bcos you made up a contract with us? (19:26) FWWolf | Support: do you take a brick to your head everyday? (19:26) Jonathan: I simply said (19:26) Jonathan: You baned me and stole it (19:26) FWWolf | Support: you forget the threating to delete everything (19:26) Jonathan: When I said (19:26) Jonathan: Take it fucking down (19:26) FWWolf | Support: and then the shit you were saying after (19:26) Jonathan: So basically (19:26) now i have no na: ever heard the expression "getting tangled up in your own lies?" (19:26) FWWolf | Support: we aren't stealing (19:26) Jonathan: You are trying to bribe me? (19:27) FWWolf | Support: everyone on renforums made that clear (19:27) now i have no na: rofl (19:27) now i have no na: with what (19:27) FWWolf | Support: even their webmaster gozy (19:27) Jonathan: There are no wrongs just facts. (19:27) now i have no na: fiction (19:27) Jonathan: The only way I will take anything back (19:27) Jonathan: Is if you take it down tbh (19:27) Jonathan: Then I will suPport FW and BfD (19:27) now i have no na: might be a fact in your mind, but sadly, we don't share the same minds, where contracts are simnple pigments of our imagination (19:28) FWWolf | Support: lol (19:28) now i have no na: fact is, you can't claim we stole it, because there is no contract saying that we have to give you admin powers in return for your template (19:30) Jonathan: Since BfD is not a legal organization, they cannot make any copyright claims on the work. Instead, the work is the property of the creator. Not only has john attempted a "cease and desist", but he physically removed his template when he had the authority to do so. Putting the copyrighted material back up is copyright infringement. (19:30) Jonathan: cheezesoda (19:30) now i have no na: since you are not a company (19:30) now i have no na: copy paste the rest (19:31) Liam: and you did not remove it, I did lol (19:31) Jonathan: I did (19:31) Liam: ... (19:31) Jonathan: Using the website (19:31) Jonathan: joomXplorer FTP (19:31) Jonathan: Which put me at the top domain (19:31) now i have no na: and anyway, for the record, it is you making the copyright claims, rofl (19:32) now i have no na: and o ja, since you are not a legal organisation (19:32) Jonathan: Im not doing you a favour, I dont care if FW dies tbh (19:32) Jonathan has left the conversation. (19:32) Liam: kk... (19:32) now i have no na: re-add pls (19:32) Jonathan has been added to the conversation. (19:32) now i have no na: sadly, that isnt going to resolve matters (19:33) Jonathan: k (19:33) Jonathan: dont care (19:33) Jonathan: Bai (19:33) now i have no na: FW hasnt done anything wrong anyway, come to think of it, nor has BfD (19:33) Jonathan: (19:33) Jonathan has left the conversation. (19:33) Jonathan is now Offline