I need help with BRenbot 1.31 [message #78505] |
Sat, 10 April 2004 15:09  |
Hello, where is the mistake?
linux:~ # cd /home/Server
linux:/home/Server # ./brenbot
Starting up renrem thread...
BRenBot 1.31 linux.
brenbot is Copyright 2003-2004 by Daniel Herda & Charles Jones. All Rights reserved.
Sending to ...
server: error 98 creating socket: Address already in use
Sending to ...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.bongster.de:6667
my nick is brenbot
Setting up protected nickname thread...
Setting irc refresh thread...
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.bongster.de:6667
my nick is brenbot
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.bongster.de:6667
my nick is brenbot
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.bongster.de:6667
my nick is brenbot
Client 2 got read error 0 (Normal disconnection)
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.bongster.de:6667
my nick is brenbot
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
thx, for answers
I need help with BRenbot 1.31 [message #78642] |
Sun, 11 April 2004 01:37   |
The Problem isn't fixed:
Using username "root".
root@'s password:
Last login: Sun Apr 11 09:13:47 2004 from pd9ff1c9d.dip.t-dialin.net
Have a lot of fun...
linux:~ # cd /home/Server
linux:/home/Server # ./brenbot
Starting up renrem thread...
BRenBot 1.31 linux.
brenbot is Copyright 2003-2004 by Daniel Herda & Charles Jones. All Rights reserved.
Sending to ...
Opening server port 25400...
Sending to ...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.n00bstories.com:6667
my nick is brenbot
Setting up protected nickname thread...
Setting irc refresh thread...
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.n00bstories.com:6667
my nick is brenbot
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.n00bstories.com:6667
my nick is brenbot
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.n00bstories.com:6667
my nick is brenbot
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.n00bstories.com:6667
my nick is brenbot
IRC: Disconnect detected.. reconnecting in 60 seconds...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.n00bstories.com:6667
my nick is brenbot
I need help with BRenbot 1.31 [message #79109] |
Mon, 12 April 2004 09:56   |
okay I have change the name of the bot, but:
First Putty:
linux:/home/Server # ./renegade_server
Renegade Server Wrapper 0.3 (c) 2003-2004 by Blackhand Studios
Opening TCP Port 4853
Started Server with pid 23109
Renegade Free Dedicated Server v1.037 GU-838 03/01/2003 - 19:00:34
Console mode active
*** Auto starting game. Type 'quit' to abort ***
Initializing LAN Mode
Applying server settings
Channel created OK
Loading level C&C_Islands.mix
Load 0% complete
Load 10% complete
Load 19% complete
Load 27% complete
Load 34% complete
Load 41% complete
Load 46% complete
Load 52% complete
Load 57% complete
Load 100% complete
Level loaded OK
Initializing GameSpy Q&R
GameSpy mode active since Mon Apr 12 17:50:09 2004
Gameplay Pending
Map : C&C_Islands.mix
Time : 0.45.00
Fps : 50
GDI : 0/32 players 0 points
NOD : 0/32 players 0 points
No players
Client session 6 got read error 0 (Normal disconnection)
No players
No players
No players
No players
No players
2. Putty:
linux:/home/Server # ./brenbot
Starting up renrem thread...
BRenBot 1.31 linux.
brenbot is Copyright 2003-2004 by Daniel Herda & Charles Jones. All Rights reserved.
Sending to ...
Opening server port 25400...
Sending to ...
IRC Initialization...joining irc.n00bstories.com:6667
my nick is GODS_ClanBot
Setting up protected nickname thread...
Setting irc refresh thread...
I need help with BRenbot 1.31 [message #79115] |
Mon, 12 April 2004 10:03   |
i can play in the server but i can't start brenbot...
my Server.ini:
Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini
GameType = GameSpy
GameSpyGamePort = 4848
GameSpyQueryPort = 25300
BandwidthUp = 1500000
NetUpdateRate = 10
AllowRemoteAdmin = true
RemoteAdminPassword = SNNC6451
RemoteAdminIP =
RemoteAdminPort = 4853
and I also want to play on WOL