I just downloaded and installed the brenbot yesterday.
this is what I have in my config file
#--Start Configuration-IRC-----------------------------------------------------------------
# Edit the information below for your setup.
# At least edit BotName and IrcChannel.
BotName = renwars1
BotFullName = BlazeRegulator/BRenBot 1.30 Win32
IrcServer = irc.black-cell.net
IrcPort = 6667
IrcChannel = #renwarz
# Enable auth via "Q" or "Nickserv" below. Sample input is shown.
Qauth = 0
Qusername = renwars1
Qpassword = ********
# Note for Nickserv auth you give the name of nickserv and the full ident string as example
Nickservauth = 1
Nickservname = Nickserv
Nickservauth = /msg nickserv identify ********
#--Windows or Linux-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# BotMode MUST be "WIN32" for windows servers, or "LFDS" for Linux servers.
BotMode = WIN32
#--Remote Admin Settings------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next 3 lines should be the same info that is in your server.ini
# Note: Although it says "Linux" its the same for Win32 :-)
RenRemLinuxHost =
RenRemLinuxPort = 1601
RenRemLinuxPassword = ********
#--FDS Installation-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Verify these paths are correct with your Renegade installation.
# Note: FDSLogFilePath must end with the trailing slash (as example below)!!
# Note: Linux users use forward slashes (/) in your paths.
FDSConfigFile = C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\Data\svrcfg_cnc.ini
FDSLogFilePath = C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\
#--Miscellaneous Settings-----------------------------------------------------------------
# Every x minutes the bot will announce a random line from AutoAnnounceFile.
AutoAnnounceInterval = 600
# LadderLookup currently not working. Do not turn it on or it will hang the bot.
EnableLadderLookup = 0
# Set this to 0 or anything but 1 to disable voting.
VotingEnabled = 1
# How long people get to place votes. Default here is 60 seconds.
VotingPeriod = 60
# Set vehicle kick to 1 for Sniper servers
VehicleKick = 0
#--BR Configuration Files----------------------------------------------------------------
# BR Config Files - You shouldn't have to change these names. You can still open them with notepad.
AutoAnnounceFile = autoannounce.brf
Messagesfile = messages.brf
AdminsFile = admins.brf
MastersFile = masters.brf
KickLogFile = kicklog.brf
BanLogfile = banlog.brf
#--End Configuration-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Is this right?
I cannot get it to connect to irc all it does is load up what looks the a black window and disappears.
I am running Win2000 in GSA mode.
Thanks for any help.