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Failure [message #57357] |
Wed, 10 December 2003 15:34   |
Messages: 821 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Colonel |

MonkeyPhonic | The welfare to work program that forces single parents to travel over 60 miles to a minimum wage job every day, nice one, and I bet Lockheed Martin feel well happy about this huge supply of cheap labour. And as a nice big bonus they don't have to worry about imigration coming and taking away their underpayed workforce.
How about the Keyoto agreement, thank god Bush came along and saved us from the next iceage by perpetuating global warming for many years to come by pulling out one of the worlds greatest contributors to CO2 output.
But hey what does my oppinion count? I'm European, apparently that means we're as influential as your avarage 3rd world country.
Like all poleticians, he's a little bit good, and a lotta bit bad. It's not like Nixon, Regan or even Clinton were entirely spotless.
Well, you'll all get to vote again soon, who knows, in a year or so we might even all be bitching about President Clinton again, Hillary this time.
Now you done it. I wasn't going to post here ever again, until I read this piece of shit topic.
First of all, why the fuck should I pay for someone to sit on their ass and watch Oprah? Welfare is a joke. Wisconsin is one of... if not the largest welfare providing state in the Union. I see first hand what welfare does. It makes people lazy, and pays them to have babies. So I am all for Workfare. Get a fucking job you slob.
Second: Look in to the Koyoto(sp?) draft. If the US was to agree to its terms... It would launch our country in to a depression not a recession. The Koyoto doctrine was written to limit the US' dominance in the world economy. What better way than to try and force it's business to move to countries that didn't sign it? Russia just realized the same thing and will not be signing it either. Do you bad mouth Russia? No.
Third: The US economy was sliding in to a recession when Clinton was in office. 3 months before the elections the market started to slide in a downward spiral. So don't go saying Bush caused the recession when it was Clinton.
Funny how KIDS seem to have the answers to all the worlds problems. So kids go out in the real world, buy a house, a car and have kids. Then go and pay taxes (Which Bush lowered and every Democrate Presidental Canidate said would repeal/raise) and see where you stand. If you want to give your hard earned money to some getto momma, be my guest. I don't, because it is MYmoney not yours.
R.I.P. TreyD. You will be missed, but not forgotten.
Failure [message #57362] |
Wed, 10 December 2003 16:19   |
Messages: 75 Registered: August 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
The ozone layer may or may not be affected by freon, or carbon flouro carbons or the methane produced by mass cattle ranching or any one of a number of human activities, but there's also plenty of evidence to support the fact that global warming may truly be ofsetting the next ice age, we are due for one and up untill industrialisation avarage temps were dropping. The simple fact is we just don't know enough about it, all we do know is nature pisses all over us for environmental damage. For example when mount St Helens erupted (and no I'm not blaming Americans for that) it released more chlorine into the atmosphere per hour than global industy did per year. There is enough methane locked in frozen deposits on the ocean floor to cause global warming on a scale we couldn't even begin to comprehend. The simple fact is, I don't care what we do, we won't end the world, either human intervention or nature will make it unlivable for humans, but not for life. If humanity kills it's self off, then happy evolution folks, u came in second.
My money is on the cocroaches, remarcably resilient
Look I'm really not out to Bush bash, or even Regan. My point still stands that there's never been a President who wasn't in some way great and in some way crap. Reagan, good economy for America, but then StarWars, good and bad, notice most people are saying now that he killed the economy with the Star Wars spending, and forgetting to mention he helped create the economy that could afford it in the first place.
I'm not anti bush any more than I'm pro bush, that wasn't my intention sorry you missunderstood.
But cowmisfit please don't re write history, America had a huge impact on the outcome of the second world war. The courage and comitment showed by a generation of young Americans to the fate of Europe has not been forgoten, but you were in the war in 1942, by which time the Battle of Britain had been won, the invasion of mainland UK had been canceled and Hitlers forces had taken huge losses in Russia, we would not, as I so often hear be speaking German if you hadn't come along, any more than we owe the same gratetude to Russia, however we would quite likely been in some long term conflict or cease fire. It's like the A-Bomb, it's unlikely you wouldn't have beat Japan without it, but it would have taken a lot more in time and lives.
Poletics is fine for arguing, I might dissagree with ACK or Crimson, but I don't think their opinion is invalid, it's good that there are people willing to stand by what they believe, but I do find pig ignorant revision of history offensive. Few people seem so quick to point out that without Germany you wouldn't have the A-Bomb that ended the war with Japan, or the Rockets that kept such an uneasy peace through the cold war.
I've seen the graves in France, I know we owe them not to ever let it happen again, American, Brit, French, German, Belgian, Canadian, Australian, NewZelander and all the others. But you cowmisfit I owe nothing, you talk about it like just being American means the world owes you for steping in, the people I owe I can never have the chance to thank, and you haven't done one single thing to put yourself in their league or deserve a share in their respects.
Failure [message #57367] |
Wed, 10 December 2003 16:30   |
Messages: 75 Registered: August 2003
Karma: 0
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Aircraftkiller |
See, no, you're missing MY point... You keep focusing on the same issues that everyone spouts off about and repeatedly gets proven wrong on.
"Co2 OMG"
It's all the same argument, over and over, and you failed to grasp that I'm picking at you for that. I'm not even attempting to argue with you about your points because I could go grab an argument off Google...
No, that was my point, we just sort of present it differently, I meant to point out it's easy to Bush Bash, but that it's just as easy to do the same for every President or Prime Minister or whatever. Koyoto is a joke for the US, just like the the Euro single curency would put the UK into a depression.
As for my real, none sarcastic opinion about walfare to work, I think it's a good idea that is being done badly, and I am on welfare at the moment since the people I worked for went bankrupt. I admit I don't have the answer, but you have to admit that it's not an ideal solution in it's current form. In the UK we pay national insurance while we are working which entitles you to 6 months of walfare, after that you have to prove your doing everything reasonable to find work on a regular basis.
Failure [message #57370] |
Wed, 10 December 2003 16:56   |
Messages: 7431 Registered: February 2003 Location: Phoenix, AZ
Karma: 0
General (5 Stars) ADMINISTRATOR |
That's not the welfare we are bashing. If you pay into a fund and draw from it when you're out of work, that's not a bad thing. Heck, I was on unemployment for a couple of months too, but I put in a heck of a lot more than I took from it. It's the people who take more than they give and make no effort to stop sucking the working people's teats that are the problem. Go make 'em work.
"I work hard, because people on welfare depend on me!"
I'm the bawss.
Failure [message #57371] |
Wed, 10 December 2003 17:05   |
Messages: 1989 Registered: September 2003 Location: LOS ANGELES
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
May i remind you all that this thread is not about a group of people calling George Bush a miserable faliure, but rather the Irony of being classified as one on one of the world's most sophisticated search engines.
So I am saying that if you call anyone pathetic...stupid...roll your eyes...say someone's opinion is wrong blah blah, then this is off topic and nobody gives a flying fuck.
So please stay ontopic because this is becoming another stupid "GWB Vs. He's an idiot" argument that NOBODY want's to be a part of.

Quote: |
Quote from IRC
<[Digital]> get man_fucking_a_car.mpg
<[Digital]> ah fuck wrong window
Failure [message #57379] |
Wed, 10 December 2003 18:39   |
Messages: 618 Registered: February 2003 Location: High Wycombe, England
Karma: 0
Colonel |
cowmisfit |
Grrr are u saying Bush is a failer???
No, but a few other people are, read what i wrote..
In the end it doesn't matter if you are who you say you are. You will still mean nothing to me.
When i have kids, everytime i drive past a fast food restaurant, im gonna punch my kid in the face, then they'll never wanna come..
Failure [message #57393] |
Thu, 11 December 2003 00:34   |
Messages: 7431 Registered: February 2003 Location: Phoenix, AZ
Karma: 0
General (5 Stars) ADMINISTRATOR |
It's not a fluke. It was deliberately done to take advantage of Google's bots to misconstrue search results.
I'm the bawss.
Failure [message #58891] |
Tue, 23 December 2003 09:01   |
Messages: 6507 Registered: March 2003 Location: Jackson, Michigan
Karma: 0
General (5 Stars) |

Yes, I agree that President Bush isn't making all the best decisions, but what President was perfect??? I would have liked to see Clinton or Gore deal with 9-11 as well as Bush did. I support the military action in Iraq and I stand by my President, not only because I am a fellow Republican, but because I am a proud and loyal citizen of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS.
No matter what the human race does, we will not destroy the world. We may make it incredibly uncomfortable for us to live in it, but the Lord will return before we are able to make it unlivable. Believe what you will...this is what I believe and feel is the truth.
I hate everyone thinking that every American is ignorant and big headed...but we only have ourselves to blame for it. We DO think that we are the "hot stuff" and that we can do whatever we want. We ARE the most powerful nation and we can back up what we say...but we don't need to flaunt it. I hate how we "police" the world..."Up in the sky...it's a bird, it's a plane, it's the US Military Forces!" I agree with cowmisfit with the idea of we saved Europe...but it isn't because of our troops...entirely. Before we were involved...we supplied England with military goods...so we did help save Europe's butt...but NOT entirely because of our troops.
Failure [message #58897] |
Tue, 23 December 2003 10:27   |
Messages: 7431 Registered: February 2003 Location: Phoenix, AZ
Karma: 0
General (5 Stars) ADMINISTRATOR |
This arrogance is really taught in the schools. I learned about some ancient history, but anything after about 1500 the only history we really were taught was US history. It wasn't until I got on the internet and met people from other countries that I learned we're not what our teachers portrayed us to be on a global scale.
I'm the bawss.
Failure [message #58906] |
Tue, 23 December 2003 11:45   |
Messages: 1989 Registered: September 2003 Location: LOS ANGELES
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
Here in California, all 10th graders take a world history class that crams everything from early mesopotamian nations to Bill Clinton.
Then the next year we take a US history class which focuses on the US.
Its good that they at least teach world history in brief, but i have noticed that most of the teachers i have had are like "god bless america" 24/7...and when they start blabberin on for the whole class period, they end up explaining the situation in Iraq so a disiplined monkey could understand.

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Quote from IRC
<[Digital]> get man_fucking_a_car.mpg
<[Digital]> ah fuck wrong window
Failure [message #58939] |
Tue, 23 December 2003 15:40   |
Messages: 172 Registered: February 2003 Location: Madison, WI
Karma: 0
Recruit |
Interesting Thread. Heh.
You know, when Clinton was president, there was a joke about the Thesaurus search in Windows WORD, where you could type in all kinds of things like "impeach CLinton", and the program would find a match for "good idea".
Look, the president is going to be made fun of, he is the highest profile n00b in the country. When Clinton was president I got 8 years of Clinton jokes in the late show monologues. now it's time to roast THIS guy.
Don't get mad at google.com and stop crying foul. Clinton was ridiculed for 8 years by every medium possible, and GW Bush Senior was and Ronald Reagan was.... have a FREAKIN sense of humor about it. It is supposed to be funny.
"Everyone relax...Gizbotvas is here"
Pits moderator
n00bserver moderator
Failure [message #65313] |
Fri, 06 February 2004 10:07  |
Duke of Nukes
Messages: 453 Registered: February 2003 Location: Denver, Colorado
Karma: 0
Commander |

cowmisfit | IF it wasnt for America your asses would still be ruled by the Nazi's and London would have fallen to the blitzkreig and your country would be under the control of Hitler then you would be crying where are the Americans rember that have thanx for what we have done for you in the past and what would have happened if we hadent hundreds of thousands of americans have died in wars helping your country out and all you do is bash us thats just sad.
and russia would have fallen after wards, and then america. I'm sick of this "we bailed you out" shit because if we hadn't, we would have fallen is well. Unless of course you still think that america could have fended off the rest of the world? Just face it, Germany lost because they had to fight a war against the remaining Europe allies, Russia and America.
I dont care if you write me a letter
I dont care what you say to me no more
All I got is trash left at my door
What you have dont worry me, worry me now more
- Calvin Baty, Craving Theo
What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
- Trent Reznor, NIN
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