I hate Japanamation. [message #5690] |
Tue, 11 March 2003 22:27   |
Ren Sizzlefab
Messages: 77 Registered: March 2003 Location: Australia
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So for those of you who hate anime, what sort of animation do you like?
Give me Akira or Ghost in the Shell any day...
I hate Japanamation. [message #5772] |
Wed, 12 March 2003 06:57   |
Messages: 21 Registered: March 2003
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p0k3m0n r0x0rz j00r b0x0rz
I am against the teaching of evolution in schools. I am also against widespread literacy and the refrigeration of food.
I hate Japanamation. [message #5777] |
Wed, 12 March 2003 07:22   |
Messages: 4 Registered: February 2003
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It reminds me of "Marine Boy" I used to watch when I was a nipper. It was this dude who could breath under water if he ate this special chewing gum. It must be related in some way......Dunno
I hate Japanamation. [message #5901] |
Wed, 12 March 2003 13:35   |
John Shaft Jr.
Messages: 509 Registered: February 2003 Location: Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
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Majiin Vegeta | Anime is the best type of cartoons made
you could say they have a better FPS ten all those other cartoons
body movement
anime rules 
Ok since I been gone for like a day or so and missed out on all the fun on the forum I must comment on this.
Now me I love Japananimation. But they don't make the best cartoons.
The best cartoons ever made are the old school cartoons. If anybody is back fromt he day when He-man, She-ra, G.I. Joe, Tranformers, Smurfs, SPEEDRACER, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, etc. etc, Know that those were the best Cartoons ever made. The old school cartoons always rule. ESPECIALLY TEENAGE MUTUAT NINJA TURTLES (old school show). I loved that cartoon.
Now Japanimation is good but it sucks in a way. I mean I like Japanimation but it lacks in alot of areas. For example STORTYLINE! Now everybody knows Japanimation has the worst storylines ever made. I mean look at DBZ. I like almost ever Japanimtion cartton but DBZ is the one I hate most. Cause of the storyline. O mean look at what the writers do. They go and create a powerful evil person. Then Goku or Vegita goes and defeats that evil powerful person. Then they go and create another powerful evil person that is much powerful then the last one then they have some one like Gohan goes and defeats him. AND IT GOES ON AND ON!!!! I mean what type of storyline is that where you keep creating powerful people for them to defeat. See what it is is DBZ is all fighting and no storyline at all. Who wants to watch a cartoon with senseless violence and no storyline. The only people I can think of is young people. Cause as you get older you don't wanna watch crap like that. Cause you want to watch something that has more of a storyline that draws you into the cartoon that wants to make you keep on watching.
Another example is Pokemon. You can tell the writers of Pokemon keep running out of ideas. When they creating the same thing over and over again. Look what they do. They keep creating a new Adevnture for Ash and his friends to go on. How many adventures as they create so far. First it was the regular adventure, then they created the Junto League and now they are creating other adventues for him to go on. And you know its just gets boring.
And thats the way almost all Japanimation is. All fighting and no Storyline at all. And these days people prefer Storylines over alot of other things. You have to have a really good storyline to keep people drawn to anything. Thats why anything that is made today such as a movie, tv show, videogames, etc. has to have a good storyline to keep people drawn. If it don't have a good storyline, that tv show is going to get canceled and that videogame or movie is never going to get made.
And thats what Anime lacks. Its all show and no storyline. There are some Anime that has good storyline. Like Digimon, I liked Digimon. Cause each season they had a good storyline and they always changed it around. They didn't keep the same thing over and over again.
I would point out other things but don't have enough time. So i just pointed out the main thing.
I hate Japanamation. [message #6073] |
Thu, 13 March 2003 05:10   |
I don't really watch cartoons that much anymore...
But I don't like anime because the animation looks stupid and crappy... It's like watching a 10 fps movie, very choppy and whatever. Yeah I know it is supposed to be like that, but it looks really stupid. And the huge heads and eyes add to the level of stupidy, which is already quite high. And the extreme exageration of their faces and whatnot every few seconds when something happens looks stupid. Etc.
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I hate Japanamation. [message #6137] |
Thu, 13 March 2003 11:26   |
John Shaft Jr.
Messages: 509 Registered: February 2003 Location: Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Karma: 0
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Vegita246 | Yea roadrunner and coyote has a much better storyline than DBZ. I like DBZ because it has alot of humour and action. If you think the story to DBZ was bad that was because Akira Toriyama was going to end it at the Frieza saga but he didnt and carried it on, so it made less sense. Ah well we better let this topic die before we get a flame war or somethin.
What the Hell???? First of all why would you compare a Warner's Bros cartoon to DBZ. Warner Bors. cartoons is are about comedy. It has no storyline whats so ever. But it still better then DBZ. And if you read my first paragraph you'll see the cartoons that I stated that was the best. Should of compared those instead of bringing up a cartoon out of nowhere.
2. You go into a whole big old story about Akira and Frieza or what ever when I don't really give a rat's ass. No matter what the writers do with the story, its still the same thing.
3. I don't think this is turning into a flame war. THis is more of a debate on how Japanimation sucks. There is one side of the people that think it sucks and there is another side that think it don't suck. A flame war would be more of two people calling each otehr bad name and other people jump in the battle to do the same. So I think of this more of a debate.
Sir Phoenixx | I don't really watch cartoons that much anymore...
But I don't like anime because the animation looks stupid and crappy... It's like watching a 10 fps movie, very choppy and whatever. Yeah I know it is supposed to be like that, but it looks really stupid. And the huge heads and eyes add to the level of stupidy, which is already quite high. And the extreme exageration of their faces and whatnot every few seconds when something happens looks stupid. Etc.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... That is so funny and true. But Phoenix, there is some Anime out there that looks completely different then from the basic Anime. Like there are some Anime out there that actaully have characters that look like real people. LIke they don't have those Big eyes and big heads. They are animated to look like real people. The mostly the anime I watch.
But we all can agree 3D animation is the best. TOY STORY RULES!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
EDIT: Here, this made me laugh. Sums up all of DBZ: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=31681
[Updated on: Thu, 13 March 2003 14:34] Report message to a moderator
I hate Japanamation. [message #6180] |
Thu, 13 March 2003 13:53   |
[quote="John Shaft Jr."]
3. I don't think this is turning into a flame war. THis is more of a debate on how Japanimation sucks. There is one side of the people that think it sucks and there is another side that think it don't suck. A flame war would be more of two people calling each otehr bad name and other people jump in the battle to do the same. So I think of this more of a debate.[quote]
Exactly... I havn't seen a "anime doesn't suck you bunch of 'tards" yet...
or a "anime sucks and all those who like it are little kiddies and you suck too..." yet.
"John Shaft Jr." |
Sir Phoenixx | I don't really watch cartoons that much anymore...
But I don't like anime because the animation looks stupid and crappy... It's like watching a 10 fps movie, very choppy and whatever. Yeah I know it is supposed to be like that, but it looks really stupid. And the huge heads and eyes add to the level of stupidy, which is already quite high. And the extreme exageration of their faces and whatnot every few seconds when something happens looks stupid. Etc.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... That is so funny and true. But Phoenix, there is some Anime out there that looks completely different then from the basic Anime. Like there are some Anime out there that actaully have characters that look like real people. LIke they don't have those Big eyes and big heads. They are animated to look like real people. The mostly the anime I watch.
Yeah, but the majority of them are like that...
And most of them do have over exageration in them, like having a guy's eye's blow up to 3 times their size when something happens.
.:Red Alert: A Path Beyond Modeler:.
E-mail: sirphoenixx@gmail.com
AIM: Sir Phoenixx
ICQ: 339325768
MSN: sirphoenixx@hotmail.com
Yahoo: sirphoenix86
If anyone needs any help with using 3dsmax, or gmax feel free to contact me.
My Gallery: sir-phoenixx.deviantart.com/gallery
I hate Japanamation. [message #6185] |
Thu, 13 March 2003 14:03   |
Japan anime: looks all the same, no original stories, pethatic.
I suck cock and love it... absolutely love it. And I just got banned for being too immature to be allowed to post here.
I hate Japanamation. [message #6333] |
Fri, 14 March 2003 00:53   |
Messages: 49 Registered: February 2003 Location: here
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alright, maybe its just me, but it seems most of you are baseing your anime judgements off of just a few anime series. imo i really don't think you should judge anime off of just those few that you've seen (i actually think compairing american cartoons and anime are like compairing apples and oranges anyway but thats beside the point.) there are a few things that i do agree with here, such as the exaggeration of the characters eyes and such. as for the story lines, pokemon and dbz are not good examples to go by. i'm also going to put this out there even if some don't care, dbz was suppost to end when goku went super saiyan and defeated freeza. akira originally ended it there in japan then, a lot of the fans complained and he then decided to keep going on it and thats where it really gets stupid. however, if you watch it from the beginning (when goku was young) to where it was originally suppost to end it really is a good series. most anime that i've seen has very good story lines like akira, ghost in the shell, cowboy bebop, and neon genesis evangelion. the list is endless.
the other thing that someone said that i completely disagree with is lack of originality. not sure really where that one came from, almost every anime i've ever seen is not a cheap copy off of something else. as a matter of fact if you look at some of the disney movies they are copies off of anime. anyway, i've rambled on long enough, just throwing in my 10$ worth. go ahead and keep not watching anime but, imo, your missing out on some very good stuff.
I hate Japanamation. [message #6336] |
Fri, 14 March 2003 01:34   |
John Shaft Jr.
Messages: 509 Registered: February 2003 Location: Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Karma: 0
Colonel |

MSNSazabi | alright, maybe its just me, but it seems most of you are baseing your anime judgements off of just a few anime series. imo i really don't think you should judge anime off of just those few that you've seen (i actually think compairing american cartoons and anime are like compairing apples and oranges anyway but thats beside the point.) there are a few things that i do agree with here, such as the exaggeration of the characters eyes and such. as for the story lines, pokemon and dbz are not good examples to go by. i'm also going to put this out there even if some don't care, dbz was suppost to end when goku went super saiyan and defeated freeza. akira originally ended it there in japan then, a lot of the fans complained and he then decided to keep going on it and thats where it really gets stupid. however, if you watch it from the beginning (when goku was young) to where it was originally suppost to end it really is a good series. most anime that i've seen has very good story lines like akira, ghost in the shell, cowboy bebop, and neon genesis evangelion. the list is endless.
the other thing that someone said that i completely disagree with is lack of originality. not sure really where that one came from, almost every anime i've ever seen is not a cheap copy off of something else. as a matter of fact if you look at some of the disney movies they are copies off of anime. anyway, i've rambled on long enough, just throwing in my 10$ worth. go ahead and keep not watching anime but, imo, your missing out on some very good stuff.
1. As I stated before about the Akira and Goku thing. Don't really give a Rat's ass. The Storyline still sucks.
2. Remember I said there are SOME snime that is worth watching cause they have a good storyline. Ghost in a shell is a good one to watch. Akira. HA! Are you kidding me. But anohter one I really like to watch is Gundam Wing. That s a good anime to watch.
3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Disney copying off anime movies. Thats a laugh. First of all you have to remember if it wasn't for Disney, cartoons would have never ever been made. Remember "Steamboat Mickey" in the early 1940's. First cartoon ever made. And pluss makes up alot of there own idea with movies. They don't need to copy off anyone esle. Looks how many years Disney been making cartoons. Man they have more cartoons then any anime out there.
And another then, american cartoon was the first to have everything in them. Such as they were the first to have comedy in them. They were the first to have cartoon violence in them. Its just people that make anime want to take cartoon violence and comedy and make it much better. Which they do succeed SOMETIMES. The cartoon violence is up there with the best but most of the comedy they do in there really does SUCK (And take me on this cause I am a stand up comedian). Most of the jokes in anime are not that funny.
I'll finish this later. Gotta go to work.
I hate Japanamation. [message #6579] |
Sat, 15 March 2003 02:59   |
Messages: 709 Registered: February 2003 Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Hey buddy, I'll let ya in on a little secret. The Lion King was just a Disney remake of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Nothing was copied from a gay anime in Japan.
P.S. The only true anime I like is Gundam Wing and Cowboy Bebop. Those two are the only ones that I really appreciate.
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