Home » Renegade Discussions » Tactics and Strategies » A little secret of mine:
A little secret of mine: [message #54843] |
Wed, 12 November 2003 06:09  |
Messages: 1108 Registered: August 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) Viva la Resistance! |
Here's a document that I created while I was in HLOW (some of you are probably falling off your chairs just hearing that name, lol). I have used it to train people in every clan I've been fortunate enough to be a leader of. I call it "Boot Camp" and it is my introduction for clan-types. Enjoy.
[Written by fl00d3d]
Table of Contents
A Buildings
(1 ) Attacking a MCT
(2 ) Becon placement
(3 ) Becon timing
(4 ) Distrations
(5 ) Coordinated attack
(6 ) Stealth attacks
(7 ) Variety of attack
(8 ) Vehicle rush
(9 ) Infantry rush
B Infantry
(1 ) Aim
(2 ) Units-vs-units
(3 ) Escorting
(4 ) View (3rd person)
C Vehicles
(1 ) Units-vs-units
(2 ) Manuevering
(3 ) Eng / Techncian support (repairs)
(4 ) Approach and evasion
D Scoring
(1 ) Point values of attacks
(2 ) Point whoring
A Buildings
(1 ) Proper proximity mining (placement)
(2 ) Proper proximity mining (limit)
(3 ) Repairing MCT (with enemy present)
(4 ) Repairing MCT (without enemy present)
(5 ) Removing becons (with enemy present)
(6 ) Removing becons (without enemy present)
(7 ) Infantry rush
(8 ) Vehicle rush
(9 ) When you're the only one defending
B Infantry
(1 ) Escort duty
(2 ) Repairs
(3 ) Prepairing a sniper den
C Vehicles
(1 ) Evasive maneuvering (under fire)
(2 ) Deceptive maneuvering (intercepted)
(3 ) Infantry-versus-vehicle stats
(4 ) In need of repairs
(5) Emergency repairs
A Voice Commands
(1 ) Hotkey memorization
(2 ) Abuse
(3 ) Proper usage / rules
B Text messages
(1 ) Quantity versus Quality
(2 ) Abuse
C Game terminology
(1 ) Acronymns
(2 ) Commonly used abbreviations
(3 ) Abbreviated commands
(1) When attacking a master control terminal (or MCT), you must consider a few things. First of all,
if you are under fire your primary goal should be to get your explosives on it as soon as possible
in case you get killed. Remember, if you place remote C4 and you get killed, the C4 will disappear.
Generally speaking, the order of planting C4 on a MCT is to place the timed C4 first, then put a
proximity mine on it, then put proximity mines all around the area so they cannot get close enough
to repair the C4, then place your remote c4 and wait. DO NOT detonate your remote C4 until the timed
C4 is about to go off (getting used to the timing takes practice). The reason for this is simple.
If you set off your remote C4 you not only cause risk to your mission by alerting the entire enemy
team to your location, but you also give them the possibility to start repairing the building (usually
from the outside) before your timed C4 goes off. If this happens, usually they'll repair it enough
that your last C4 will go off and the building will still be standing. Using this attack method is
near impossible to stop if done properly. If you are under fire or the enemy knows you are there
follow the same steps, but do the last couple steps (laying proximity in area and waiting to set off the
remote C4) carefully. Use your best judgement. If you don't have time to lay proximity or wait to
set off the remote C4, then just do it right away and do your best to stop them from repariing it. If
this means standing in front of the MCT to block it, then do that. If this means going outside to stop
them from repairing the building, then do that. Obviously, stopping an enemy who is repairing the
MCT takes priorty over an enemy who is repairing the exterior (MCT attacks and repairs affect the
building exponentially more than external attacks).
(2) When placing a becon, you must take many things into consideration. First of all, understand that you
need to place the becon somewhere that is close enough to destroy the buiding by itself (not relying
on multiple becons) and somewhere that the enemy will not be able to remove it easily. This is easier
said than done. Every map is different. This means that on every map the buildings may be different and
also be in different locations (or orientation). You must predict how the enemy will react when they
hear the becon planted. This will help you choose a location. Usually the best places are around corners
(so they can only repair from one direction), in a corner (same idea), behind an object (that is hard to
reach), or on top of a building that will take them a long time to get to. After you plant a becon, always
wait a few seconds then plant timed c4 in a hidden area (so they won't see it). This way IF you die
while protecting it, there is still a chance the C4 will explode and kill them. If they are able to see
where you planted the C4 they will simply repair it, then repair the becon. BE SMART. Becons are a
powerful way to change the tide of a war ... but it can go either way. They are expensive and if they
do not blow up the building, your team loses a lot of money and time. Becon attacks should always be
coordinated with the team, and your team should always know where you plan on placing it (if time permits).
If you tell your team where you placed the becon, all friendly units in the area can help defend it.
(3) One of the challenging aspects of becon placement is becon timing. If you have the ability, you should
always wait until the enemy clears the area before placing a becon. First of all because it will make
them have to find it (which wastes time) and second because it gives you time to plant your C4. A very
useful and effective strategy for a coordinated stealth black hand attack is for all sbh nukers to go
to different targets and set off their becons all at the exact same time. If this is done, the enemy is
forced to divide their forces or let one of their buildings (or more) be destroyed.
(4) When leading an attack of any kind, it is important to have some kind of distraction for the enemy. At
all times possible you should try to confuse and distract the enemy so they cannot predict or know what
you are planning on doing. If the enemy is confused, overwhelmed, or distracted they will have a hard
time developing and implementing a good defensive strategy. For example, if you were to try an apc rush,
it may be useful to have the apc go the long way (or the back way) while an attracive easy target dances
around in the field. If the enemy is focused on that unit, they'll usually miss the apc that is sneaking
in. This leads to the next sub-subject. When doing an invasion, remember that if there are enemy forces
in the field (not in their base) then they cannot defend their base. So if possible, let them live so it
takes them awhile to get back to the base while you attack it. If you kill them, they will re-spawn back
in their base immediately. On the flip-side, if the enemy is attacking and you need to get back to the
base immediately. Kill yourself by C4, jumping off a cliff, tiberium, or letting an enemy unit kill you.
(5) The most effective way to overwhelm the enemy is with a good coordinated attack. Coordinated attacks do
not just mean having "a lot" of units, it means having a variety of units and a plan. Generally speaking,
it is near impossible to stop a tank rush of 5 meds, 4 stanks, or 3 flamers against a guard tower. One
of the reasons is because guard towers can only attack one vehicle at a time. Always make sure you get
behind the guard tower (AGT or oblisk) so it cannot reach you. This way your vehicle will stay alive a
lot longer. If you are coordinating an attack against other vehicles or units, have everyone attack the
same target. For example. If there are 2 meds in the field and there are 2 stanks (your team) trying to
take them out ... agree to take out the one of the left at the same time, then both go after the one on
the right immediately after. The element of suprise and coordination will almost always defeat an enemy
that is stronger than you.
(6) Stealth attacks are believed to be the "easy way out" or the noobs way of hiding. However, stealth tactics
are critical to a sucessful mission. Not just for NOD either. GDI has "stealth" capability, too. Though
there are millions of way to practice stealth, it is a skill that is learned and not taught. The key thing
to remember is, "what is the enemy thinking?" and "what can they see?" or "can they hear me?".
If you are trying to detect stealth (especially if you do not have a guard tower), place random proximity
mines in important areas and "spray" the field with fire (because if you hit a stealth unit they'll become
visible to everyone). APCs and Patch are good for detecting stealthed units. If you are a stealth black
hand nuker, plant the becon and get out of the area. Because when they come to repair the becon and kill you
they'll be shooting around trying to find you. If you're standing next to the becon they'll either see you
right away or shoot you. Stand back in the distance and watch the becon. Do not shoot at anything except
engineers or technicians that are repairing it. Other infantry units cannot repair the becon, therefore they
are not a threat to the becon that you are protecting. Leave them alone.
(7) Trying to keep a good variety of attacks going throughout the game is key. Good clans have ways of learing
the enemies' tendancies and strategies. If you do the same tactics every time, they'll find a way to defend
from it. Be sure to use random strategies and try thing they won't expect you to try. On the flip-side,
understand your enemy and know what their strengths and weaknesses are. Don't always do an apc rush first
thing ... because that is expected. Things like that cause a loss of money and time.
(8 ) When doing a vehicle rush, make sure you don't run into eachother or get in eachother's way. Doing this will
slow them down, cause confusion, cause them to take more damage, and mess up the attack. If you are doing a
massive attack, create a single-file line. If you can fit more than one unit next to eachother safely, then
do that. You should aways be an engineer or technician if you are driving a vehicle. If you are a valuable
unit, you should escort a vehicle, but not drive it. (NOTE: unless you are defending)
(9) Infantry rushes are difficult to do properly for many reasons. First of all, if you are resorting to an
infantry rush, this usually means that either you don't have a barracks (or HON) ... or the game has just
started. In either case, you are not advanced infantry and you are relying on quantity rather than quality
for your attack. When you rush (especially at the beginning of a game), do not bunch up in a large group. If
the enemy throws C4 at the entire group, the entire group will take damange. Instead, have a couple people go
ahead of the group to recon the area. If they don't get attacked it should be safe. Additionally, always
make sure that you have a couple engineers or technicians with you so you can repair your "group" if some of
them take damage on the way there. Remember that if you get spotted on your way to the base, the enemy is going
to report it and they'll probably be waiting for you when you get there.
(1) Obviously aim is a pretty important thing in the game of Renegade. No matter what you do, you need to aim at
something. Lag never helps, but you can usually adapt to the lag to learn how it works and when you're in the
middle of a lag and when you're not lagging. You can also watch your ping and FPS. If you're about to attack
a target (especially a MCT), stop for a second if you can to make sure you're not lagging, then attack. You
should always remember to aim for the largest mass (to guarantee a hit). With time you'll get better and can
start taking shots at the head. If you become good with a pistol, you should be able to kick the crap out of
any infantry unit in matter of seconds.
(2) Some units have a major advantage over other units. For example, Patch can kill infantry in a matter of seconds.
Other units such as Raveshaw, Sakura, (sniper), or (mendoza) can kill you in a couple shots if done quickly. The
things you need to be aware of are some of the statistics and strategies of the common units. Shotgunners have a
very powerful blast and kill ratio. However, they also have a major distance disadvantage. Stay far away from
them and they're worthless. Other units such as chem warriors and flamethrowers have a pretty good distance and
coverage area and can kill you quickly. Honestly, the best thing to do is run if you encounter either of these two.
(3) When doing rushes, becon runs, or escort duty you should always have an engineer or technician. Repair them as much
as possible, but try not to make noise. Two people together have a 400% greater chance of being detected than a
person by themselves. If you need to escape or use explosives to survive and your are a technician, use your
proximity mines.
(4) Always use third person view when moving around. If you don't already use it, start learning it. It's much better
because you can see next to you and a little bit behind you all the time. You can get a feel for where you are
rather than what you can see.
(1) Vehicles are powerful, yet expensive. So purchasing them should only be done when you have to or your are
participating in a group attack. When fighting other vehicles, make sure you know what units have more armor
and what units are faster. A medium tank can defeat someone in a stealth tank if both people are at the same
skill level. However, a flame tank can defeat a medium tank under the same circumstances. You should also know
the distances and spread of the enemy vehicles' gun. Medium tanks can usually beat up a flamer if they stay far
enough and out of the reach of the flame turret.
(2) When you are about to jump in you vehicle and turn the keys, make sure you know how to drive it. Moving foward
and backward and knowing how to aim and fire are not the things you need to know how to do. First of all you need
to be in 3rd person view so you can see everything around. Next, you need to master the "v" key. If you haven't
used this key before, its the default key for "change view". You should learn to hold this key down as you drive
(its a little tricky, but you'll be used it it). This way you can drive in one direction while looking in any
direction you want (rather than driving wherever you're looking).
(3) Always have an engineer or technician come with you in your tank (if possible). If you are on NOD, then you can
usually do repairs yourself. The reason for this is because if you are on GDI you do not want to do repairs for
yourself because an enemy stealth unit will steal your vehicle or run you over while you're repairing. Regardless
of what team you are on, be aware of snipers. Because if you must do an emergency repair or your vehicle is
destroyed you'll have to hide from the sniper. The engineer or technican should ride (hide) in a tank when they're
not doing anything so they don't get run over, get in the way, or get shot by a sniper. If you are NOD, repairing
vehicles in the field is generally not an issue because you do not have to worry about enemy stealth units. Again,
be wary of enemy snipers.
(4) As you're approaching the enemy target (in this case I'm specificially referencing a base attack), be sure that all
of the members of the team are in position and are ready to execute the mission they've been assigned. A good
attack relies on the team working like a single machine. Be careful not to step on eachother's feet and get in
eachother's ways. Make sure you understand what the target is and what the backup plan is. Expect the unexpected.
It is very commmon for the enemy to have a backup plan or a secret plan. For example, they may have units that are
camping or waiting for you. They may know you're coming for the guard tower and have people watching it. It is in
these cases that you need to have a backup plan so there is not confusion and a lot of losses.
(1) Be sure to understand how you get point and what points / credits are. A general rule of thumb is, "the more
important and expensive the item is the more points and credits you'll receive". When the score is close
it may become necessary to look for points wherever you can get them. Some ways to get points that most people
do not think of are: removing enemy mines, repairing vehicles that are not your own, repairing buildings, putting
C4 on the exterior of a building that you cannot get into, or removing becons. Be especialy careful with deploying
becons that you cannot protect. Especially if the game is close. If the enemy removes that becon, they'll get a
lot of points which may end up making you lose the game. It's better off not to use becons in close games.
(2) We all love to point whore. It's usually a very easy way of getting points for doing very little work (or at little
risk). And just in case you don't know what it is ... it would be something like an mrls using a small miscalculation
in the game (or bug) to shoot the other base and get poitns (without leaving their own base). This example is called
Base-to-Base (or b2b) which is generally not appreciated. Many hosts will kick you for it. Point whoring in general
is frowned upon and is not liked ... but when you're in a clan game and you need points, you'll do whatever it takes
to win. Just DO NOT cheat. If you are doing something in the game (whether it's a bug or not) and you would not be
able to do that in real life, that is what I consider cheating. Like shooting people through walls (glitch). However,
things like jumping walls (many people consider that cheating) I do not feel should be considered cheating because in
real life you could do that. The point is, do everything in your power and conrol to get points if the game is close.
Even if you "cheat" ... an enemy that has a good defense can still defend against it.
(1) When placing mines, be sure to place them in the PATH from the entrance to the TARGET. Many people put mines on
sides of doors or a bunch of them in a group right in a doorway, however this is ineffective against an infantry
rush. The alternative is placing them (for example, and this is only one way to do it) in a row from the door to
the MCT. That way after running into the building the first person will hit a couple mines, die, then the second
person will hit a couple mines and die. It takes some practice, but it's well worth it.
(2) Do not forget that there is a mine limit. Most people know that there is a limit, but they do not know a few things
about the limit. First all of all, the limit is set to 30 by default. You cannot have more than thirty C4 explosives
at the same time. This leads to the second thing. Notice I said, "C4 explosives" and not proximity. Two forms of
C4 (proximity and remote) both count towards the limit. So if you have 25 proximity mines in your base and
you tell everyone to stop mining because of the limit, you would think that everything was OK. But it's not. Because
somewhere else on the map a couple people on your team are using remote. So lets say someone is setting
a trap with 10 remote c4. That means that you'd have 35 explosives in use at one time (5 above the limit). Which
means that 5 of your original proximity mines have disppeared. A lot of people have a hard time keeping track of the
limit. The best thing is to have one person who knows what they're doing drop the proximity mines for your base and
make sure that he doesnt put more than 5 or so per building (different on all maps). Then check on them every so often.
(3) Repairing the MCT while the enemy is present is a hard thing to do. If they're in your way or trying to kill you when
you're repairing it you have a few options. And only experience can tell you which option to use. One of the options
is to keep repairing until you're about to die then run to the purchase control terminal (PCT) and repair yourself real
quick, then come back to repair. Or you can try to kill the attacker, then go back and repair. Usually it depends on
how much time you have (if there is timed placed on the mct) and how damaged the building is already. Don't forget
that a lot of the times the attacker is more focused on defending than when his C4 will explode. If you dance around
enough he may blow himself up with his own C4.
(4) Repairing the MCT while there is no enemy is a pretty easy thing. Just be careful of suprise invasions or long range
artillery or tank attacks that may hit you (or cause some damage to you). If you're repairing an MCT, keep repairing.
Each person should take turns rotating from MCT-repairing to TEAM-repairing. For example, if there are 4 of you trying
to keep the war factory alive, all of you should be repairing the mct while one of you repairs the team members (that
are taking some damage from the long range attack). This way all the members don't have to stop repairing the bulding
just to save their life.
(5) Removing a becon while the enemy is present is a very difficult task. Especially if there are a bunch of them, a
vehicle is protecting it, or a sniper is covering it. But there are ways around this. One option is to repair as much
as you can until you die. If each person does this, eventually you'll get it removed. Another way is to tell your
team that you need help and have everyone kill the defender while someone repairs the becon. It is very common for
stealth black hands to drop nuclear becons. When they do, they normally go invisible as soon as they can and wait for
an engineer or technician to come by and repair it ... then they'll attack them and try to protect the becon. You can
detect stealth by scanning for them (shooting randomly). If you hit a stealth unit it will become visible to everyone.
Another method is to anticipate the sbh unit's next move. Start to repair the becon, then switch to C4 and turn around
to throw it at the sbh. The way this works is that right about the time that you switch to the C4 the sbh will be starting
to shoot and run towards you (instinctively). Basically you're trapping the trapper. Master this and it will work 90%
of the time!
(6) Removing becons without the enemy there is usually a pretty easy thing to do. Don't assume that just because you're
an engineer that you'll have enough time. If you can buy a technician, but a tech and repair it. It goes much faster.
Also, check out the area for hidden timed-C4. Usually the becon planter will drop timed C4 to help defend it. Everyone
should help repair a becon (even if it seems like overkill) because you never know when there is a suprise attack
coming. For example, the enemy could wait until right before you repair it to kill you or snipe you ... then you're
out of luck. Or, the enemy could use a becon as a distraction and invade the base. If you're alone you'll be forced
to pick between removing the becon or stoping the invasion. Don't forget that becons take about a minute to go off.
(7) The easiest way to stop an infantry rush (no matter what units they are) is to use a unit that is good against killing
infantry (as ironic as it sounds). Use a tiberium weapon or a flame weapon. Use explosives when they bunch up.
(8 ) The best way to stop a tank rush is to have everyone worry about repairing the building first and killing the enemy
second. Have faith in your guard tower. If you keep it alive, it will keep your base alive. If the enemy gets behind
the guard tower or is not dying, send out a couple people to kill them. The priority is to defend the structure
NOT destroy the enemy.
(9) If you are put in a position where you are the only one defending, make sure you stay on your toes. You have to act
very paranoid. Think about everything the enemy could be doing and check to make sure they're not doing it. The
thing that will help you the most is if you place proximity mines well. If you are stuck defending the base by yourself
and you cannot be a technician, use remote C4 in all the buildings and when you see someone inside a building, blow them
all up. This skill takes practice, but it is very useful to your team. The less people it takes to successfully
defend a base the more people you can use to attack.
(1) Escort duty is a hard thing to do on the defensive side. Your team is relying on you to keep someone else alive which
is hard to do. You need to understand exactly what the mission is and why you're protecting them. You need to know
how the person you're escorting plays and how they move. You need to be able to sacrifice your life to save them if
needed. Repair them when needed, and decoy for them when they're about to attack.
(2) Repairs are a very critical part of the infantry war. Infantry all have less life and armor (obviously) than a vehicle
so you need to be more careful. If there is someone that needs repairs, repair them. Immediately. Even if they're
inside your base and on their way to the PCT for repairs, start repairing them. You'll get points and if they happen to
get shot on their way there, you may end up saving them.
(3) Preparing a sniper den is something that most people do not think about. Good snipers are a powerful weapon for the
team, but they have two major weaknesses. One is vehicles. However, a good sniper will know when it is time to change
their position and how to outrun a vehicle. The second weakness is a sneak attack (especially from stealth black
hands). In this scenario the SBH unit sneaks up on the sniper while he's searching for a target and plants C4 on them.
This will amost certainly kill the sniper. To prevent this from happening, a sniper's den can be prepared by a
technician (drop proximity mines around the sniper). To prevent yourself from dying (if you are the sniper that just
got C4 planted on you), find a friendly vehicle and jump in. You cannot die from C4 if you are in a vehicle.
(1) Evasive maneuvering is critical to a tank under fire. Even though I talked about this a litle bit earlier, you need to
understand how important it is. As you retreat, shoot at the enemy. This will confuse them a little bit and make them
keep more distance. If you're in a vehicle that can change direction quickly, do it often to avoid being hit. If your
vehicle is at 25 health and you'er still being chased do emergency repairs. Try to jump out and repair, then jump back
in and move. Hopefully after doing that a few times you'll make it back to the base. You can also call for help as
soon as you start to lose health real bad.
(2) When you are on your way to the enemy base, be sure not to be detected. Do not shoot at random things or make noises.
Think about the noises that your vehicle makes (such as the nod buggies whose tires sqeal a lot). Try to blend the
noises of your vehicle in with the natural "war" noises. If you are detected or seen, head in a different direction so
you do not compromise the mission and let them know the team's plan. If there is a vehicle coming that hasn't seen you
yet, don't shoot at them and try to sneak around them (use terrain to hide if needed). Usually they won't realize you
were there until it is too late to turn around.
(3) Watch out for killer infantry. Just because they don't have a lot of armor or a big turret mounted on their back does
not mean that they're not dangerous. Infantry can maneuver a lot faster than you can. Additionally they all carry
some kind of C4 (some carry a lot of C4). A couple C4 will destroy your vehicle. Be especially cautious of prototype
cannons and raveshaws. They can inflict damage on your vehicle very quickly and have a long distance. Tiberium-based
weapons and flamethrowers tend to cause a lot of damage to vehicles, also.
(4) If you're in need of repairs for your vehicle, tell your team via a voice command so they all know. But don't stop
there. Tell them where you are and if they need to watch out for the enemy. You don't want them to have to find you
and you don't want to get both of you killed.
(5) If you need to make emergency repairs, jump out irregularly (don't drive to a corner, then they'll know what you're
doing) and don't get out in the same place twice. Also, don't stay out of your vehicle too long. Repair it enough to
retreat some more then jump out and repair agian. If you are doing emergency repairs, then obviously the battlefield
conditions are rough so you should go all the way back to your base and regroup with your team.
<--Voice Commands-->
(1) Memorize the hotkeys for the voice commands. It doesn't matter if you have a cheat sheet in front of you or not.
Just be able to say what you need to say without havin to look it up. Effective communication is the key to a
successfull clan.
(2) Do not abuse the voice commands. If you need to use them to alert an emergency then do it once at a time. If you
flood the screen with your message the team might miss a message from another player.
(3) If you don't know which hotkey to use or can't figure out how to use the hotkeys properly then don't use them. You
will cause confusion if you make a mistake and have to correct yourself. For example if the tiberium refinery is under
attack and you hit the "defend the base defenses" hotkey ... then you hit the "defedn the refinery" key, people will be
confused and they'll end up going to the guard tower rather than the tib ref. And then by the time they figure it out
it will be too late.
(4) Clans that use teamspeak or other communication software often do not have to worry about these things. However ...
(5) When using voice communication (not in-game voice commands) do not talk unless you have to. Always listen to the
lead and what they tell you to do. If you have time to type a command, type the command (so you do not overwhelm
voice communications). If you do not have time, make sure you speak clearly and briefly.
<--Text messages-->
(1) Don't flood the screen with text messages or useless information. The quality of your message is more important than
how many times you say it. Think about what you're about to say. How you say it is more important than how many times
you make us listen to you repeat it.
(2) Don't abuse it. If you say something 10 times, you'll miss what someone said to you. Basically, only talk about the
game and things related to the strategy and tactics of the game. No small talk.
<--Game Terminology-->
(1) Know and understand the terms used in Renegade. Some acronymns such as PCT (purchase control terminal) and MCT (master
control terminal) are important to understand the differences between them. If someone uses a word that you have heard
before but can't remember what it means ask them to explain it to you.
(2) Every person and clan has a different way to abbreviating things. Some of the most common things you'll see or hear are
words like tib ref (tiberium refinery) weaps (weapons factory), pp (power plant), agt (advanced guard tower), ob
(oblisk of light), hon (hand of nod), bar (barracks), strip (airstrip), ped (pedestal). med (medium tank), lt (light
tank), stank (stealth tank), flamer (flame tank), mammy (mammoth tank), rave (raveshaw), proto (prototype suit), sbh
(stealth black hand), eng (engineer) and tech (technician).
(3) It is also common to hear people abbreviate commands or requests. For example, if someone on your team says, "apc"
they usually mean that there is an enemy apc coming. If you want a friendly apc to stop and wait for you, say
something like "wait" or "wait for me apc". Like I said earlier, how you say things is very important. Generally
speaking, if your team mates name a unit of the opposite team they are alerting you that they have been seen or that
the enemy is known to have them. It is usually a good idea to verify the information that was just said.
A little secret of mine: [message #54971] |
Thu, 13 November 2003 20:58   |
Messages: 361 Registered: May 2003
Karma: 0
Commander |
Good job, but uh, many typos. If you don't mind I could glance through it and fix them.
May Trey rest in forever bliss and happiness.
A little secret of mine: [message #54983] |
Fri, 14 November 2003 07:31   |
Messages: 32 Registered: May 2003 Location: Warsaw, Poland
Karma: 0
Recruit |
hey hey, I used to make some texts like that. However I can't post them here just because they are in my language and translating them would take me a pretty few months. But... flooded - Great job indeed!!
Location - Warsaw, PL
A little secret of mine: [message #55048] |
Fri, 14 November 2003 18:30   |
Messages: 1989 Registered: September 2003 Location: LOS ANGELES
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
Its his little secret
Little indeed

Quote: |
Quote from IRC
<[Digital]> get man_fucking_a_car.mpg
<[Digital]> ah fuck wrong window
A little secret of mine: [message #56354] |
Sun, 30 November 2003 07:21  |
Messages: 60 Registered: November 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
i must say, when i read it, the whole think reminds me of what i tell noobs, i mean i play at net cafes vary often, hell i kinda forced the owner to buy the game 4 me .. lol, ne ways, my tutorials are vary similar, but i do live 1v1 or 2v2 demos of that, but i think aircraft was left off, and a few basic 'noob good' tactics should be mentioned, ie. mass infantry rushing formations, (but oh well), i also like to tell new players never to buy humv's and buggies, beucase i often notice they are useless in them, and bigger the tank, usaully the more affective, but i guess noob tactics are usless after a while so ya.
jsut msn me to know me 
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