[13:59:46] [@n00bsvr01] Host: WNxKain stole WaterGod's Nod Light Tank!
[13:59:46] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: !n00b ver gta
[13:59:46] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] VerTonD has been marked a n00b by WaterGod: gta
[13:59:51] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: wWHAT
[13:59:55] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: Rofl
[13:59:58] [@n00bsvr01] Player gdivsnodc left the game
[13:59:58] [@n00bsvr01] Host: RAGEQUIT! WaterGod caused gdivsnodc to RAGEQUIT!
[14:00:03] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: !showmods
[14:00:03] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: i fking cover you tank
[14:00:03] [@n00bsvr01] WNxKain: lmao
[14:00:04] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] The command showmods requires you to be running RenGuard to use it.
[14:00:04] [@n00bsvr01] messe1970 killed cocain010 (Nod Engineer/Nod Mobile Artillery vs GDI Hotwire)
[14:00:11] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: You stole it.
[14:00:16] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: LOL
14:02:57] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] WaterGod has been marked a n00b by VerTonD: WTB BRAINS
[14:03:04] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: lol
[14:03:07] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: xD
[14:03:14] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD was ran over by the Nod Light Tank.
[14:03:16] [@n00bsvr01] Host: SogeKingu destroyed the Hand of Nod!
[14:03:17] [@n00bsvr01] Host: Visit us on IRC today! irc.n00bstories.com
[14:03:18] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: FFS
[14:03:21] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: !showmods
[14:03:22] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] The command showmods requires you to be running RenGuard to use it.
[14:03:26] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: any mods on?
[14:05:18] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] AngryKayla has 543 recommendations!
[14:05:33] [phpRenBot] [16/50|Walls_Flying] [Vehicle Kill] Nod Apache (Passengers= Mantisman) destroyed by Renardin (GDI Minigunner/Railgun)
[14:05:42] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: Kayla, WaterGod keeps team hampering me, using the bug to kill vehicles of ur teammates
[14:05:43] [@n00bsvr01] WNxKain killed Mantisman (GDI Gunner/Rocket Launcher(Strong) vs Nod Engineer)
[14:05:47] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: no
[14:05:50] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: he just killed my technical
[14:05:51] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: u stole my tank
[14:05:55] [@n00bsvr01] messe1970 killed cocain010 (Nod Minigunner/Nod APC vs GDI Hotwire)
[14:05:57] [phpRenBot] [16/50|Walls_Flying] [Vehicle Kill] Nod APC (Passengers= messe1970) destroyed by Renardin (GDI Minigunner/Railgun)
[14:06:02] [@n00bsvr01] Renardin killed messe1970 (GDI Minigunner/Railgun vs Nod Minigunner)
[14:06:12] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: I DIDN'T, dude i fking got in cus otherwise som gdi soldier would've stole it
[14:06:15] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: seriously
[14:06:15] [phpRenBot] [16/50|Walls_Flying] [Vehicle Kill] Nod Transport Helicopter (Passengers= Catalinush) destroyed by (WF Bug/Flip-over)
[14:06:22] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: u stole it
[14:06:24] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: then gave them it
[14:06:26] [@n00bsvr01] AngryKayla: well did you give his tank back?
[14:06:30] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: no he didnt
[14:06:34] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: he gave it to his mate on gdi
[14:06:37] [@n00bsvr01] Mantisman: !showmods
[14:06:38] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] No known moderators are currently in the server.
[14:06:40] [@n00bsvr01] Troll killed dane123 (Nod Technican/Nod Mobile Artillery vs GDI Shotgun Trooper)
[14:06:43] [@n00bsvr01] SogeKingu: promis u wont do it again

[14:06:44] [phpRenBot] [16/50|Walls_Flying] [Vehicle Kill] Nod Light Tank (Passengers= WaterGod) destroyed by Renardin (GDI Minigunner/Railgun)
[14:06:44] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: no they killed it, HE WENT OUT HIS LT in fking gdi base....
[14:06:55] [@n00bsvr01] Renardin killed Mantisman (GDI Minigunner/Railgun vs Nod Engineer)
[14:06:56] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: and entered WF with his engineer
[14:07:01] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: vert didn't do anythign wrong i saw that , watergod be an adult for 5 mins
[14:07:03] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: Check irc, what I've stated is the truth.
[14:07:16] [@n00bsvr01] AngryKayla: well watergod don't teamkill again
[14:07:19] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: He stole my tank then decided to give it to the team.
[14:07:22] [@n00bsvr01] SogeKingu: so he sacrificed a lt for a wf?
[14:07:28] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: why would i give ur fucking tank to the GDI
[14:07:33] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: shut up
[14:07:37] [@n00bsvr01] AngryKayla: its not gta if he didn't take it when you were repping or someting
[14:07:42] [@n00bsvr01] AngryKayla: he was just saving the tank
[14:07:43] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: ...
[14:07:43] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] solides99 does not have any recommendations.
[14:07:52] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: is he your friend or something mr mod?
[14:08:05] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: He stole my tank then gave it to the enemy and you do nothing.
[14:08:06] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: nope just don't be a baby thats all
[14:08:07] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: thanks.
[14:08:18] [@n00bsvr01] AngryKayla: well i'll check logs
[14:08:18] [@n00bsvr01] Host: DO NOT IDLE on the server. If you need to take a break, please leave and come back when you're ready to play.
[14:08:20] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: I'll talk to an administrator.
[14:08:21] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: you went in WF
[14:08:24] [@n00bsvr01] Catalinush: STOP ITS A FUCKING TANK BUY ANOTHER

[14:08:26] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: l2p watergod
[14:08:46] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: He keeps attacking my tanks i buy by using the bug...
[14:09:00] [@n00bsvr01] dane123: what bug
[14:09:20] [@n00bsvr01] VerTonD: press shoot and E at the same time so u can damage allied tanks
[14:09:30] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] qkick is not available for normal Ingame Users
[14:09:39] [+Kayla] !qkick water teamkilling
[14:09:40] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod killed dane123 (Nod Technican/Nod Light Tank vs GDI Minigunner)
[14:09:41] [@n00bsvr01] Host: [BR] WaterGod is being q-kicked by
Kayla@IRC for: teamkilling
[14:09:41] [@n00bsvr01] Player WaterGod left the game
[14:09:41] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod was kicked
[14:09:52] [@n00bsvr01] WNxKain killed Mantisman (GDI Gunner/Rocket Launcher(Strong) vs Nod Engineer)
[14:09:53] [@n00bsvr01] Player AngryKayla left the game
[14:10:00] [@n00bsvr01] Host: WaterGod is loading the map to join the game.
[14:10:04] [@n00bsvr01] Player WaterGod joined the game
[14:10:05] [@n00bsvr01] dane123: HOW TO YOU KILL ALIAS?
[14:10:10] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: Seriously?
[14:10:30] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: First he steals my tank, then you kick me and make me lose another + my techy.
[14:10:33] [@n00bsvr01] Catalinush: ty for no support team

[14:11:06] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: Funny how you only kick one person
[14:11:06] [@n00bsvr01] cocain010 killed Troll (GDI Hotwire/Remote C4 vs Nod Engineer)
[14:11:08] [@n00bsvr01] tank2trap killed VerTonD (GDI Prototype Sydney/Personal Ion Cannon vs Nod Engineer)
[14:11:18] [+Kayla] !msg he didn't give the tank away on purpose
[14:11:20] [@n00bsvr01] Host: (
Kayla@IRC): he didn't give the tank away on purpose
[14:11:31] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: I was there, you wasn'tr
[14:11:31] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: Agree
[14:11:39] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: Water i was there
[14:11:39] [phpRenBot] [15/50|Walls_Flying] [Vehicle Kill] Nod Mobile Artillery (Passengers= Empty) destroyed by Renardin (GDI Minigunner/Railgun)
[14:11:41] [+Kayla] !msg well other players were there
[14:11:43] [@n00bsvr01] Host: (
Kayla@IRC): well other players were there
[14:11:53] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: And no i didn't stole the tank that was som1 else
[14:11:56] [@n00bsvr01] Mantisman: damn it its just a game, let it go!
[14:11:57] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: It's okay, I'll talk to an Administrator, you've just shown clear abuse of powers.
[14:12:09] [@n00bsvr01] Mantisman: ffs
[14:12:17] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: you'vze just shown clear abuse of brainlessness
[14:12:17] [@n00bsvr01] Catalinush: omg you will gona kill ur self for a fkin tank ?

[14:12:22] [@n00bsvr01] Viperz: or whatever you spell it

[14:12:25] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: Atleast in Jelly mods don't kick you for nothing.
[14:12:28] [phpRenBot] [15/50|Walls_Flying] [Vehicle Kill] Nod Apache (Passengers= Troll) destroyed by tank2trap (GDI PIC Sydney/Personal Ion Cannon)
[14:12:32] [@n00bsvr01] SogeKingu killed Troll (GDI Hotwire/Pistol vs Nod Engineer)
[14:12:37] [@n00bsvr01] Renardin: <Comment about jelly :O>
[14:12:47] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: Atleast there mods are fair.
[14:12:51] [@n00bsvr01] Mantisman: its a f***ing videogame, let it go!!!!!!!!!!!
[14:13:30] [+Kayla] !msg then go play there. but don't come crying when you get 24 kick for teamkilling htere
[14:13:32] [@n00bsvr01] Host: (
Kayla@IRC): then go play there. but don't come crying when you get 24 kick for teamkilling htere
[14:13:42] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: ....
[14:13:46] [@n00bsvr01] Player Fenriz left the game
[14:13:57] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: He stole my tank, then gave it to the enemy and you don't punish him?
[14:14:10] [@n00bsvr01] Mantisman: OMFG
[14:15:15] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: Don't want to answer me kayla?
[14:15:18] [@n00bsvr01] WaterGod: Funny.