Haha whoops srry i dont know much about lua.
But anyways could you post your whole function?
And do you have hooks.dll and luaplugin.dll in your servers folder?
Have you added LuaPlugin to your ssgm file?
This should work:
function OnChat(PlayerId, Type, Message, Target)
if Message == "!b rail" then
if Purchase_Item(Get_GameObj(PlayerId), 600) == 1 then
local pos = Get_Position(Get_GameObj(PlayerId))
Grant_Powerup(Get_GameObj(PlayerId), "POW_Railgun_Player")
Grant_Powerup(Get_GameObj(PlayerId), "CnC_POW_Ammo_ClipMax")
InputConsole("cmsg 0,230,57 [Weap-Bot]: %s has bought a railgun.", Get_Player_Name_By_ID(PlayerId))
InputConsole("ppage %d You Need 600 credits to buy this.", PlayerId)
return 1
[Updated on: Sun, 29 November 2009 21:58]
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