A Model of mine. [message #32678] |
Sun, 20 July 2003 18:33   |
Hmmm, SAM site right?
I think it looks alright, it does serve it's purpose. I think it would look alot better with the base/turret changed, give the base/turret part a different look and add some detail down there. Also, close the tubes and make it look like there are missiles in them (After you close the tubes up and delete the faces on the inside, extrude all of the faces on the fronts to make a cone, than pull it back inside of the tube a little so it looks like it's inside the tube.). You could also add some antennas or a radar dish or something to the base, or pipes going into the ground or something like that.
To answer your question...
Select all of the vertices of one of the objects that you want to be by itself (like all of the vertices of one of the missile tubes for example), right click->detach. Repeat this for each of the objects.
.:Red Alert: A Path Beyond Modeler:.
E-mail: sirphoenixx@gmail.com
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