Your a fucking douche,
i took contact with EKT-CrazyAngel
she said she never had something with you hahaha
ur an idiot
you dont deserve to live
EKT-CrazyAngel also said that she never would marry such a fucked up emo like you
she also laughed about you how you make things up and find it creepy u actually wanted to marry her
EKT-CrazyAngel also said that she NEVER met you
EKT-CrazyAngel finds you a lozer .
in my opinion she is hell of a right, why do you live? if i were you i would cut myself and or kill myself
you wont ever get a girlfriend you fail your a loser, in love and everything.
i heard you cut yourself and actually wanted to commit suicide
WHAHAH enjoy yourself
PLEASE let someone put it on youtube