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[script]AirStrike function [message #301136] |
Wed, 05 December 2007 05:34  |
Messages: 3231 Registered: September 2004 Location: uk - london
General (3 Stars) |
I made an airstrike funtion. Again I called it via a chat hook but it can be called in a number of ways.
The function chooses a working enemy building at random (this part is thanks to WhiteDragon, you have no idea how long and how many attempts it took to actually get that part right). Then either Nod lear jets or a10 bombers start flying over. One of them drops off a small payload to the random building an causes it to lose 50% of it's health.
The sounds and the rest of the planes flying over make it really realistic to be honest, I think it's quite smooth.
I set the a10 and lear jet to un-teamed via the objects.gm file because they count towards the vehichle limit otherwise. There are other ways of getting around that, but this seemed easiest.
I think I remember a slight issue with it with regards to the cinematics looping after being called. I'm sure that's just changing a 1 to a 0 in the text file somewhere after the animation.
Here's a video of it, it's 21mb long, but you should get a half decent download speed. It's worth watching even if you arean't going to put it on your server, just to see it in-game. It's a bit long, and I sound half asleep (because I was), but it's fun to see if you havn't before:
Here's how I made it work:
//// GDI A10 strike /////
void reb_GDI_a10_strike::Created(GameObject *obj) {
Console_Input("msg Warning!!!");
Console_Input("msg A-10 strike inbound at Nod's position");
GameObject *BuildingObj = Get_Random_Building(0);
BuildingID = Commands->Get_ID(BuildingObj);
A10ID = Commands->Get_ID(Commands->Create_Object("Invisible_Object",Commands->Get_Position(BuildingObj)));
void reb_GDI_a10_strike::Timer_Expired(GameObject *obj, int number) {
GameObject *thebuilding = Commands->Find_Object(BuildingID);
GameObject *a101 = Commands->Find_Object(A10ID);
Vector3 position = Commands->Get_Position(thebuilding);
if (number == 1){
if (number == 2){
if (number == 3){
if (number == 4){
if (number == 5){
if (number == 6){
float buildinghealth = Commands->Get_Health(thebuilding);
//// Nod Jet strike /////
void reb_Nod_Jet_strike::Created(GameObject *obj) {
Console_Input("msg Warning!!!");
Console_Input("msg Lear Jet strike inbound at GDI's position");
GameObject *BuildingObj = Get_Random_Building(1);
BuildingID = Commands->Get_ID(BuildingObj);
A10ID = Commands->Get_ID(Commands->Create_Object("Invisible_Object",Commands->Get_Position(BuildingObj)));
void reb_Nod_Jet_strike::Timer_Expired(GameObject *obj, int number) {
GameObject *thebuilding = Commands->Find_Object(BuildingID);
GameObject *a101 = Commands->Find_Object(A10ID);
Vector3 position = Commands->Get_Position(thebuilding);
if(number == 1){
if(number == 2){
if(number == 3){
if(number == 4){
if(number == 5){
if(number == 6){
float buildinghealth = Commands->Get_Health(thebuilding);
ScriptRegistrant<reb_GDI_a10_strike> reb_GDI_a10_strike_Registrant("reb_GDI_a10_strike","");
ScriptRegistrant<reb_Nod_Jet_strike> reb_Nod_Jet_strike_Registrant("reb_Nod_Jet_strike","");
class reb_GDI_a10_strike : public ScriptImpClass {
void Created(GameObject *obj);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject *obj,int number);
int BuildingID;
int A10ID;
class reb_Nod_Jet_strike : public ScriptImpClass {
void Created(GameObject *obj);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject *obj,int number);
int BuildingID;
int A10ID;
This goes in the engine_gm.cpp file, and is worth making a topic about all by itself. WhiteDragon made the final solution after some really good coders looked at the problem. The function returns a working building for the team specified at random:
GameObject * Get_Random_Building(int Team) {
std::vector<GameObject*> Buildings;
GenericSLNode *x = BuildingGameObjList->HeadNode;
while (x != 0) {
GameObject *obj = (GameObject *)x->NodeData;
if (obj && (Get_Object_Type(obj) == Team || Team == 2) && !Is_Building_Dead(obj)) {
x = x->NodeNext;
if (!Buildings.empty()) {
int Rand = Commands->Get_Random_Int(0,Buildings.size());
return Buildings[Rand];
return 0;
GameObject * Get_Random_Building(int Team);
Here are the conematic files that are called:
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
;************************* LEVEL 1: Solo A10 X1A_FP10_A0 ************************
; This is a solo A10.
; ****************************** Vehicle
-1 Create_Object, 7, "v_jet"
-1 Attach_Script, 7, "M01_Flyover_Generic_Script_JDG", "FUSELAGE"
-1 Play_Animation, 7, "VF_GDI A10.VF_GDI A10", 1
-470 Destroy_Object, 7
; ****************************** Flying Animation
-1 Create_Object, 8, "X1A_FP10_A0"
-1 Play_Animation, 8, "X1A_FP10_A0.X1A_FP10_A0", 1
-470 Destroy_Object, 8
-1 Attach_To_Bone, 7, 8, "BN_FP10_A0"
; ****************************** Nuke Cloud
; ****************************** Nuke Smoke
-495 Create_Object, 9, "ag_nuke_smoke"
-500 Destroy_Object, 9
; ****************************** Signal Flare
-1 Create_Real_Object, 10, "Refinery_Evac_Point"
-450 Destroy_Object, 10
;******************************* A-10 Bomb Drop
-380 Create_Object, 11, "X5D_PARACHUTE",
-380 Play_Animation, 11, "X5D_PARACHUTE.X5D_PARAC_2"
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
;************************* LEVEL 1: Solo A10 X1A_FP10_A0 ************************
; This is a solo A10.
; ****************************** Vehicle
-1 Create_Object, 7, "VF_GDI A10"
-1 Attach_Script, 7, "M01_Flyover_Generic_Script_JDG", "FUSELAGE"
-1 Play_Animation, 7, "VF_GDI A10.VF_GDI A10", 1
-470 Destroy_Object, 7
; ****************************** Flying Animation
-1 Create_Object, 8, "X1A_FP10_A0"
-1 Play_Animation, 8, "X1A_FP10_A0.X1A_FP10_A0", 1
-470 Destroy_Object, 8
-1 Attach_To_Bone, 7, 8, "BN_FP10_A0"
; ****************************** Nuke Cloud
; ****************************** Nuke Smoke
-495 Create_Object, 9, "ag_nuke_smoke"
-500 Destroy_Object, 9
; ****************************** Signal Flare
-1 Create_Real_Object, 10, "Refinery_Evac_Point"
-450 Destroy_Object, 10
;******************************* A-10 Bomb Drop
-380 Create_Object, 11, "X5D_PARACHUTE",
-380 Play_Animation, 11, "X5D_PARACHUTE.X5D_PARAC_2"
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
;************************* LEVEL 3: HOVERCRAFT EXPLODE AT BEACH ************************
; ****************************** Character Bone
-1 Create_Real_Object, 1, "Nod_Jet"
-1 Play_Animation, 1, "vf_gdi a10.vf_gdi a10", 1
-600 destroy_object, 1
; ****************************** Path
-1 Create_Object, 2, "X3_a10_dep1", 0, 0, 0, 0
-1 Play_Animation, 2, "X3_a10_dep1.X3_a10_dep1", 1
-600 Destroy_Object, 2
-1 Attach_To_Bone, 1, 2, "BN_a-10_004"
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
;************************* LEVEL 3: HOVERCRAFT EXPLODE AT BEACH ************************
; ****************************** Character Bone
-1 Create_Real_Object, 1, "Nod_Jet"
-1 Play_Animation, 1, "vf_gdi a10.vf_gdi a10", 1
-1200 destroy_object, 1
; ****************************** Path
-1 Create_Object, 2, "X3_a10_dep2", 0, 0, 0, 0
-1 Play_Animation, 2, "X3_a10_dep2.X3_a10_dep2", 1
-1200 Destroy_Object, 2
-1 Attach_To_Bone, 1, 2, "BN_a-10_005"
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
;************************* LEVEL 3: HOVERCRAFT EXPLODE AT BEACH ************************
; ****************************** Character Bone
-1 Create_Real_Object, 1, "Nod_Jetr"
-1 Play_Animation, 1, "vf_gdi a10.vf_gdi a10", 1
-600 destroy_object, 1
; ****************************** Path
-1 Create_Object, 2, "X3_a10_strk1", 0, 0, 0, 0
-1 Play_Animation, 2, "X3_a10_strk1.X3_a10_strk1", 1
-600 Destroy_Object, 2
-1 Attach_To_Bone, 1, 2, "BN_a-10_000"
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
;************************* LEVEL 3: HOVERCRAFT EXPLODE AT BEACH ************************
; ****************************** Character Bone
-1 Create_Real_Object, 1, "Nod_Jet"
-1 Play_Animation, 1, "vf_gdi a10.vf_gdi a10", 1
-600 destroy_object, 1
; ****************************** Path
-1 Create_Object, 2, "X3_a10_strk2", 0, 0, 0, 0
-1 Play_Animation, 2, "X3_a10_strk2.X3_a10_strk2", 1
-600 Destroy_Object, 2
-1 Attach_To_Bone, 1, 2, "BN_a-10_001"
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
;************************* LEVEL 3: HOVERCRAFT EXPLODE AT BEACH ************************
; ****************************** Character Bone
-1 Create_Real_Object, 1, "Nod_Jet"
-1 Play_Animation, 1, "vf_gdi a10.vf_gdi a10", 1
-600 destroy_object, 1
; ****************************** Path
-1 Create_Object, 2, "X3_a10_strk3", 0, 0, 0, 0
-1 Play_Animation, 2, "X3_a10_strk3.X3_a10_strk3", 1
-600 Destroy_Object, 2
-1 Attach_To_Bone, 1, 2, "BN_a-10_002"
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
;************************* LEVEL 3: HOVERCRAFT EXPLODE AT BEACH ************************
; ****************************** Character Bone
-1 Create_Real_Object, 1, "Nod_Jet"
-1 Play_Animation, 1, "vf_gdi a10.vf_gdi a10", 1
-600 destroy_object, 1
; ****************************** Path
-1 Create_Object, 2, "X3_a10_strk4", 0, 0, 0, 0
-1 Play_Animation, 2, "X3_a10_strk4.X3_a10_strk4", 1
-600 Destroy_Object, 2
-1 Attach_To_Bone, 1, 2, "BN_a-10_003"
The a-10_1(2,3,4,5,6) are the exact same as this, other then object created should be changed from "Nod_Jet" to "GDI_A10_Flyover".
I hope you like it, and if you want to reply, I suggest no quotng
[Updated on: Fri, 30 January 2009 14:16] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
[script]AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 05 December 2007 05:34
Re: AirStrike function
By: cpjok on Wed, 05 December 2007 05:42
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 05 December 2007 05:54
Re: AirStrike function
By: cpjok on Wed, 05 December 2007 06:20
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 05 December 2007 06:39
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: BlueThen on Wed, 05 December 2007 19:17
Re: AirStrike function
By: cAmpa on Wed, 05 December 2007 07:52
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 05 December 2007 08:07
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 05 December 2007 08:12
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 05 December 2007 08:18
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: jnz on Wed, 05 December 2007 08:35
Re: AirStrike function
By: cAmpa on Wed, 05 December 2007 08:57
Re: AirStrike function
By: bisen11 on Wed, 05 December 2007 09:05
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: cAmpa on Wed, 05 December 2007 16:52
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 05 December 2007 17:10
Re: AirStrike function
By: jonwil on Wed, 05 December 2007 17:29
Re: AirStrike function
By: cAmpa on Wed, 05 December 2007 17:47
Re: AirStrike function
By: raven on Wed, 05 December 2007 17:58
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 05 December 2007 18:23
Re: AirStrike function
By: raven on Wed, 05 December 2007 18:26
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: _SSnipe_ on Sun, 09 December 2007 02:45
Re: AirStrike function
By: Sir Kane on Sun, 09 December 2007 02:55
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Sun, 09 December 2007 03:22
Re: AirStrike function
By: Sir Kane on Sun, 09 December 2007 03:50
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Sun, 09 December 2007 04:01
Re: AirStrike function
By: Sir Kane on Sun, 09 December 2007 04:19
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Sun, 09 December 2007 05:02
Re: AirStrike function
By: Hex on Sun, 09 December 2007 05:24
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Sun, 09 December 2007 06:00
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Wed, 12 December 2007 10:55
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: Ethenal on Fri, 14 December 2007 15:01
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: Ethenal on Fri, 14 December 2007 21:06
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Fri, 14 December 2007 23:14
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Sun, 11 May 2008 03:11
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
By: reborn on Mon, 12 May 2008 02:45
Re: AirStrike function
Re: AirStrike function
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