1. Beacons
SSGM 2.0.2 Beacons plugin
This plugin has 2 parts to it, the first allows you to block/allow beacon purchases
The second is the part of the SSGM beacon code that displays laid/disarmed/detonated
1. Beacon purchase control
Console commands
beacon_allow <ID> allows a player to purchase beacons
beacon_disallow <ID> blocks a player from purchasing beacons
2. SSGM code changes
Stops players from laying 'fake' beacons in their own base
Shows the player name had their beacon disarmed and players beacon that has detonated
([BEACON] player1 attempted to deploy a fake Nuclear Strike Beacon., [BEACON] player1 disarmed player2's Nuclear Strike Beacon, [BEACON] player1's Nuclear Strike Beacon has detonated)
2. Defences
SSGM 2.0.2 Extra defences (rebuyable)
Allows you to have extra defences on any map at any location with the ability to rebuy defences by picking up a powerup disk that donates credits to the rebuild fund, including default map ones
You can also set the chances of having defences enabled by setting the percentage in plugin.ini (BaseDefence=xx)
Build costs
Turrets - 1400
Towers - 2000
Nod Gun Emplacments - 600
GDI Gun Emplacments - 600
Adding new base defences is quick and simple
console command
savecords <turret/tower/nodemp/gdiemp>
All build costs double when your team has lost its powerplant