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Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #211914 is a reply to message #211902] |
Sat, 05 August 2006 19:57   |
Messages: 855 Registered: February 2005 Location: Sugar Land, TX, USA
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msgtpain wrote on Sat, 05 August 2006 20:54 |
Kanezor wrote on Sat, 05 August 2006 19:21 | I suppose that's possible. I don't claim to be an expert on world politics; it's just that from what I've seen, Israel has complied with the U.N. stuff that I know of, and that's not a lot... pretty much just the ones where the U.N. has told Israel to back off. In any case, I think it would be excellent if there were some references as to where Israel has and has not complied with U.N. resolutions/mandates/whatever.
http://www.action-for-un-renewal.org.uk/pages/isreal_un_reso lutions.htm
That's quite interesting; thank you.

Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #211991 is a reply to message #211223] |
Sun, 06 August 2006 00:49   |
Messages: 265 Registered: October 2003 Location: Oklahoma
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Quote: | i'll be assuming you know israel is using chemical weapons, cluster munitions on civilian populations.
The rockets shot by Hezbollah have hundreds if not thousands of ball bearings designed for the maximum carnage possible for a rocket of that size. And they are being purposely aimed and shot at civilian populations. What military purpose does this serve? As far as I have seen(local media,international media, forums, blogs, etc...)Israel is not directly targeting civilians in their bombing campaign. From what I have seen the only thing Israel gives directly to the Lebanese people are leaflets warning them they are in danger before an airstrike hits.
To fix the problem in my opinion you have to disarm Hezbollah(a political party in a democratic system does not need a military arm to do its biding), give the two soldiers that they kidnapped back to the Israelis, and make Israel withdraw the territory that it has captured in the recent war.
Sadly...I have to agree to this statement.

Reconcilia Rem Publicam!
[Updated on: Sun, 06 August 2006 00:50] Report message to a moderator
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212082 is a reply to message #211223] |
Sun, 06 August 2006 14:27   |
Two things:
Aircraftkiller: that post was pointless, who here listened during Religous Education at school? Muslims are forbidden to kill people. the term "Jihad" was used by their prophet (I can't spell his name) to describe the struggle in your head between good and evil, not a literal war.
FMhalo's being a muslim (or not, I don't know, and I've learned not to beleive what is written on these forums) is utterly irrlevant. Way to go Ack.
Two: "Can't we all just... get along??"
Anyways, I think this is going to escalate big time... wait until the street to street fighting starts.
Renguard is a wonderful initiative
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BBC news, quoting... |
Supporters of Proposition 8 will argue California does not discriminate against gays, as the current law allows them to get married - as long as they wed a partner of the opposite sex.
halokid wrote on Mon, 11 October 2010 08:46 |
R315r4z0r wrote on Mon, 11 October 2010 15:35 |

the hell is that?
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212095 is a reply to message #212082] |
Sun, 06 August 2006 16:15   |
Messages: 2460 Registered: November 2004 Location: England UK
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CarrierII wrote on Sun, 06 August 2006 16:27 | Two things:
Aircraftkiller: that post was pointless, who here listened during Religous Education at school? Muslims are forbidden to kill people. the term "Jihad" was used by their prophet (I can't spell his name) to describe the struggle in your head between good and evil, not a literal war.
FMhalo's being a muslim (or not, I don't know, and I've learned not to beleive what is written on these forums) is utterly irrlevant. Way to go Ack.
Two: "Can't we all just... get along??"
Anyways, I think this is going to escalate big time... wait until the street to street fighting starts.
Off cause it matters, where you are from and what you believe matters and defines you as a person, and I know hes a Muslim cause he was in my clan, I had a big flame war against him when I told him to fuck off and die etc lol, anyways.. I was just replying to Ark that he was correct in saying that he would say them things.
[Updated on: Sun, 06 August 2006 16:16] Report message to a moderator
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212096 is a reply to message #211223] |
Sun, 06 August 2006 16:24   |
Messages: 647 Registered: October 2005
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Colonel |
There is also a second use of "jihad" which, as I remember, refers to a physical struggle to aid oppressed Muslims. However, the first "jihad" is considered the greater jihad. But it is this second meaning that is twisted to condone extreme violence.

You may be a fundamentalist atheist if...
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Blazer wrote on Fri, 04 August 2006 18:53 | If you wanna be a badass ex-marine law enforcment game programmer college graduate, then you can be! I'm just glad we don't see the other part of you where you join AOL chat rooms as "hotchik69" and cyber with guys while you spank off into a sock and then cry yourself to sleep on your cock-shaped pillow.
tzarmind wrote on Sat, 06 January 2007 20:52 | Not only did you immaturely edit what J_Ball said in your quote. But you fucking got in the irony truck and drove it straight off a cliff.
Canadacdn wrote on Tue, 23 October 2007 12:04 | California burns down every year. I think it's part of nature's cycle.
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212117 is a reply to message #211223] |
Sun, 06 August 2006 22:15   |
Messages: 8213 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 1
General (5 Stars) |
Aircraftkiller: that post was pointless, who here listened during Religous Education at school? Muslims are forbidden to kill people. the term "Jihad" was used by their prophet (I can't spell his name) to describe the struggle in your head between good and evil, not a literal war.
"When thy Lord spake unto the angels, 'I will be with you: therefore stablish ye the faithful. I will cast a dread into the hearts of the infidels.' Strike off their heads then, and strike off from them every finger tip." - Sura 8:12
"Make war upon such of those to whom the Scriptures have been given as believe not in God, or in the last day, and who forbid not that which God and His Apostle have forbidden, and who profess not the profession of the truth, until they pay tribute out of hand, and they be humbled." Sura 9:29
“Say to the infidels: If they desist from their unbelief, what is now past shall be forgiven them, but if they return to it, they have already before them the doom of the ancients! Fight then against them till strife be at an end, and the religion be all of it God's. If they desist, verily God beholdeth what they do:" - Sura 8:39-40
“And who believe in what hath been sent down to thee, and in what hath been sent down before thee, and full faith have they in the life to come.
These are guided by their Lord; and with these it shall be well.
As to the infidels, alike is it to them whether thou warn them or warm them not – they will not believe.
Their hearts and their ears hath God sealed up; and over their eyes is a covering. For them, a severe chastisement!�? Sura 2:3-6
"O our Lord! punish us not if we forget, or fall into sin; O our Lord! and lay not on us a load like that which thou has laid on those who have been before us; O our Lord! and lay not on us that for which we have not strength: but blot out our sins and forgive us, and have pity on us. Thou art our protector: give us victory therefore over the infidel nations." Surah 2:286
"Is it not proved to those who inherit this land after its ancient occupants, that if we please we can smite them for their sins, and put a seal upon their hearts, that they hearken not?�? Sura 7:98
“Say to the infidels: If they desist from their unbelief, what is now past shall be forgiven them, but if they return to it, they have already before them the doom of the ancients! Fight then against them till strife be at an end, and the religion be all of it God's …" - Sura 8:39-40
"And when the sacred months are passed, kill those who join other gods with God wherever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush: but if they shall convert, and observe prayer, and pay the obligatory alms, then let them go their way, for God is Gracious, Merciful." Sura 9:5
"It shall be no crime on the part of the blind, the lame, or the sick, if they go not to the fight. But whoso shall obey God and His Apostle, He shall bring him into the gardens 'neath which the rivers flow: but whoso shall turn back, He will punish him with a sore punishment." Sura 48:17
“And when ye go forth to war in the land, it shall be no crime in you to cut short your prayers, if ye fear lest the infidels come upon you; Verily, the infidels are your undoubted enemies!�? Sura 4:102
“They (the polytheists) sell the signs of God for a mean price, and turn others aside from his way: evil is it that they do!
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212145 is a reply to message #211846] |
Mon, 07 August 2006 06:08   |
Messages: 3156 Registered: September 2004
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General (3 Stars) |
IWarriors wrote on Sat, 05 August 2006 16:53 |
gbull wrote on Sat, 05 August 2006 08:44 |
IWarriors wrote on Fri, 04 August 2006 19:11 |
[BBF | Pirate wrote on Fri, 04 August 2006 11:47]Wow, well that would be good - it doesn't work like that in the real world though.
Terrorists dont label themselves as such or no doubt Bush would have sent his boys out to do just that a long time ago and tbh, who is a terrorist? it's a matter of opinion.
Thats cause the world has gone pussy, I would soon clean up that country... but aslong we have left wing idiots as leaders... we never be able to fix the problem the easy way.
I highly doubt that.
And what do you doubt`?
That you could do anything to change that country if given the authority to try.

Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212156 is a reply to message #212145] |
Mon, 07 August 2006 08:10   |
Messages: 2460 Registered: November 2004 Location: England UK
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General (2 Stars) |
gbull wrote on Mon, 07 August 2006 08:08 |
IWarriors wrote on Sat, 05 August 2006 16:53 |
gbull wrote on Sat, 05 August 2006 08:44 |
IWarriors wrote on Fri, 04 August 2006 19:11 |
[BBF | Pirate wrote on Fri, 04 August 2006 11:47]Wow, well that would be good - it doesn't work like that in the real world though.
Terrorists dont label themselves as such or no doubt Bush would have sent his boys out to do just that a long time ago and tbh, who is a terrorist? it's a matter of opinion.
Thats cause the world has gone pussy, I would soon clean up that country... but aslong we have left wing idiots as leaders... we never be able to fix the problem the easy way.
I highly doubt that.
And what do you doubt`?
That you could do anything to change that country if given the authority to try.
Then you would be wrong.
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212318 is a reply to message #212298] |
Tue, 08 August 2006 08:58   |
Messages: 1262 Registered: March 2003 Location: Ontario
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IWarriors wrote on Tue, 08 August 2006 07:40 |
mrpirate wrote on Tue, 08 August 2006 00:07 |
IWarriors wrote on Mon, 07 August 2006 13:09 |
mrpirate wrote on Mon, 07 August 2006 10:46 | I'm a little confused here. Who are the left wing leaders?
Most of our world leaders.
More specifically? I don't know about you but I don't get the impression that the right wing is under represented on the world stage (cough--Bush).
Well Bush is right wing to a point, but he is held back by his government.
Am I the only one who thinks if they could ever be in power, would destroy his enemys RA2 style`? :/ and not this pussy fucking about that we call war now...
Hopefully you are because this is real life, not RA2, and nothing is quite that simple.
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212325 is a reply to message #212318] |
Tue, 08 August 2006 10:53   |
Messages: 2460 Registered: November 2004 Location: England UK
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General (2 Stars) |
mrpirate wrote on Tue, 08 August 2006 10:58 |
IWarriors wrote on Tue, 08 August 2006 07:40 |
mrpirate wrote on Tue, 08 August 2006 00:07 |
IWarriors wrote on Mon, 07 August 2006 13:09 |
mrpirate wrote on Mon, 07 August 2006 10:46 | I'm a little confused here. Who are the left wing leaders?
Most of our world leaders.
More specifically? I don't know about you but I don't get the impression that the right wing is under represented on the world stage (cough--Bush).
Well Bush is right wing to a point, but he is held back by his government.
Am I the only one who thinks if they could ever be in power, would destroy his enemys RA2 style`? :/ and not this pussy fucking about that we call war now...
Hopefully you are because this is real life, not RA2, and nothing is quite that simple.
It could be really simple, but humans have a way to make everything complex.
Wouldn't you agree?
[Updated on: Tue, 08 August 2006 10:54] Report message to a moderator
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212345 is a reply to message #212325] |
Tue, 08 August 2006 14:38   |
Messages: 138 Registered: October 2005 Location: SE Michigan
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Hey air, I think it was...god or something...who said Thou shall not kill. He made a big thing about it...something about only 10 rules...yea how did that work out?
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"Maybe its not the destination that matters, but the journey."
"How many people does it take before its wrong? A thousand? Fifty thousand? A million?"
"Im not here to tell you how it is going to end, Im here to tell you how it is going to begin."
"Its not the end or even the beggining of the end, mearly the end of the beggining."
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Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212409 is a reply to message #212345] |
Wed, 09 August 2006 04:15   |
Messages: 855 Registered: February 2005 Location: Sugar Land, TX, USA
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runewood wrote on Tue, 08 August 2006 17:38 | Hey air, I think it was...god or something...who said Thou shall not kill. He made a big thing about it...something about only 10 rules...yea how did that work out?
That was the God of Abraham through Moses. I don't know if muslims believe in that same God (is not Allah a different God? Actually... don't answer that in this thread; it is a nice subject, but one destined to take this one off topic) and thus those specific commandments. In any case, I don't recall any of the Ten Commandments saying that you cannot defend yourself. Nor do I remember anything saying that you cannot defend friends, family, and country against those that would destroy it.

[Updated on: Wed, 09 August 2006 04:47] Report message to a moderator
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212436 is a reply to message #211223] |
Wed, 09 August 2006 09:38   |
Messages: 1 Registered: August 2006
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Wow Appshot, never thought I'd here such idiocy and terrible grammar in one post. You think we always want to wipe out Muslims? How about when we supplied Pakistan weapons to distribute to Afghanis to fight off the Russians who were not muslims. Do some research before you make yourself sound like an ass.
Re: Israel, Lebanon, and of course... Hezbollah [message #212437 is a reply to message #211223] |
Wed, 09 August 2006 09:42   |
Messages: 987 Registered: February 2003 Location: Out to lunch
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Bugger off. It is blatantly obvious that you haven't even the faintest of clues what you're talking about, that you haven't paid any attention at all to recent events in the Middle East, and that you've been spoon-fed your opinion by someone else instead of looking at the available information and making up your own damn mind.
"Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. Horrid mischief would ensue were (the law-abiding) deprived of the use of them." - Thomas Paine
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