rm5248 how are you with modifying scripts?
in ssaow 1.3.4
void M00_GrantPowerup_Created::Created(GameObject *obj) {
there is a
if (Settings_ShowPlayerPurchase) {
char PurchaseMsg[512];
sprintf(PurchaseMsg,"%s purchased a %s",Get_Player_Name(obj),Translate_Preset(IsPlayerVehicle(obj)));
Now i can be wrong but I think that can be used to do what you want. You can try something like saving the Get_Player_Name(obj)and IsPlayerVehicle(obj). Then when you need to, check if they match, if they don't then that player is in someone elses tank.
Keep in mind players die, leave, and lose vehicles(death/stolen) so you would have to keep track of those things.
[Updated on: Wed, 02 November 2005 23:07]
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