Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #136803] |
Mon, 07 February 2005 10:02  |
Messages: 319 Registered: September 2004
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Name yours.
Useless Vehicles
1. Transport Heli's
2. Buggy rarely accomplishes anything
1. Chem Trooper
2. Tyb Sydney
3. Flame Trooper
4. Patch
5. 500$ Snipers
Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #136885] |
Mon, 07 February 2005 17:22   |
Messages: 262 Registered: December 2003
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In my opinion there are no useless vehicles they all have a functions but not all vehecles are useful in all maps. like on hourglass buggys/humv are usless on other maps like city/walls they can be good.
as for char i think flametroup, shutgun and tib syd suck and maybe chem trop also
Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #136935] |
Mon, 07 February 2005 21:08   |
Messages: 1989 Registered: September 2003 Location: LOS ANGELES
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General (1 Star) |
Quote: |
Useless Vehicles
1. Transport Heli's
2. Buggy rarely accomplishes anything
1. Chem Trooper
2. Tyb Sydney
3. Flame Trooper
4. Patch
5. 500$ Snipers
Transport Helis...Definately. Bad armor, no weapon, moving target. Can get to higher ground though. CAN be useful if used right.
Buggy. Owns big time on City. You can rush ANY building on GDI on City with a buggy besides Barracks.
Go to WF
Go to WF...Heal...Go to AGT
Go past WF to Ref
Go past WF past Ref to PP
Go Past Barracks to PP
Go to Barracks...Heal...Go to AGT
Rushing the powerplant directly is very effective. One engineer and one tech can easily take it down. You can also do this very early on.
Chem trooper...Very good when standing on a Tib Field. Inflicts good damage although not long range.
Tib Sydney. Good range, good damage. Although not very tactical.
Flame trooper...Good damage on Harvester. Thats about it though.
Patch...Good weapon.
500 Snipers. These are worth it if you are a really good sniper. If you are good enough, you can make it last and still no get owned. At the same time, if you do happen to die, you would still be able to buy another one faster.
I'd say my most useless units are the Nod/GDI Officers and again, the Transport.

Quote: |
Quote from IRC
<[Digital]> get man_fucking_a_car.mpg
<[Digital]> ah fuck wrong window
Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #136981] |
Tue, 08 February 2005 07:01   |
Messages: 319 Registered: September 2004
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I am not talking about in big games, in small games (usually clanwars), if you waste money on a chem warrior, tib syd, 500 sniper, you will lose, they server no purpose in winning you the game. The ONLY time a 500 sniper could work would be at the end of a game to cover a becon from long range, or to defend once the other team has long their airstrip/barracks.
And still, a ramjet would work better.
And for the buggy, notice I said RARELY accomplishes anything.
Yes, they can work sometimes at the start of a game on city flying, and yes humvees are good for the start of a game on complex. That's about it though.
I cant believe you said light tanks, those are one of the MOST usefull tanks in this game.. if nod didnt have lights they would never win on field ( highly played map ), city flying (another highly played map), under, and pretty much anything with defences (including all the new maps).
Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #137052] |
Tue, 08 February 2005 16:41   |
Messages: 319 Registered: September 2004
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You really have no fucking idea what you are talking about SuperMidget.
You dont have a clue how badly you would lose to me in a 1v1 as well
Re: Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #137120] |
Tue, 08 February 2005 19:35   |
Messages: 81 Registered: April 2004
Karma: 0
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Sniprs | Name yours.
Useless Vehicles
1. Transport Heli's
2. Buggy rarely accomplishes anything
1. Chem Trooper
2. Tyb Sydney
3. Flame Trooper
4. Patch
5. 500$ Snipers
Tranny: yes....buggy: only good on City
I agree with all the infrantry except patch and $500 snipers :S patch friggin kills other infrantry if you know how to use him, and $500 snipers....I dont even know how that is an issue, using $500 shows skill in sniping, I easily kill other infrantry with these bad boys
Re: Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #137171] |
Tue, 08 February 2005 21:50   |
Messages: 504 Registered: February 2003 Location: The House of B
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stealthkiller |
I agree with all the infrantry except patch and $500 snipers :S patch friggin kills other infrantry if you know how to use him, and $500 snipers....I dont even know how that is an issue, using $500 shows skill in sniping, I easily kill other infrantry with these bad boys
There is no reason to purchase a Patch unless you are for some reason permanently unable to afford a Mobius. Officers kill infantry just as well as Patch, are a lot cheaper, and don't have the problem of not being able to damage Chemwarriors like Patch does. Patch also can't kill a building by himself, while his Nod counterpart (the SBH) can do this with ammo to spare AND can cloak AND does excellent damage to both vehicles and infantry, unlike Patch. While I agree that Patch is a bad man, in almost every situation there are better alternatives. Gunner is a better deal in the same character range, for example.
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Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #137218] |
Wed, 09 February 2005 07:14   |
Messages: 319 Registered: September 2004
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In aow, you cant rack up many points with snipers. I am talking about in 2v2's and 3v3's here people, if you waste money on any infrantry other than a ramjet or a tech, you'd probably lose the game unless you were playing terrible players.
This game is won by tanks, in most every map.
No truely useless weapons in Renegade. [message #137454] |
Thu, 10 February 2005 09:36   |
Messages: 5 Registered: February 2005
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I have found that there are notany useless vehicles in Renegade. It's one of the most balanced games ever made in my opinion. Everything has its place, but very few can utilize them correctly or effectively. With the exception of the atry and the mam, all the vehicles can cover alot of ground quickly. That makes even to weakest rides useful if you can exploit the situation.
Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #137548] |
Thu, 10 February 2005 17:55   |
Messages: 987 Registered: February 2003 Location: Out to lunch
Karma: 0
Colonel |
IMHO, the only truly useless vehicle is the transport heli...there aren't many places to go on any map that you can't reach with a regular APC, and that has a gun...and the heli is just so damned vulnerable to snipers. Even a poor shot like myself can only think of it as target practice.
The only useless infantry is the flamethrower (only because it is so outclassed by the chem trooper).
TAR Sydney is one of the few infantry I can reliably get kills with- good range, good damage, splash damage, and relatively good fire rate with decent health. Even when Patch and other advanced anti-infantry chars open up, I still find myself sticking with Sydney (when I'm not playing Mr./Ms. Fix-It, that is). A different set of skills is all you need to be good or bad with a particular character. Some people are great snipers, others are godly up close with a shotgun. I find my niche with the Repair Gun and TAR.
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Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #137583] |
Thu, 10 February 2005 20:01   |
Messages: 1612 Registered: February 2003 Location: scotland, uk
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General (1 Star) |
The GDI rocketofficer is useless for the wrong reason; slow moving static rockets miss human players so much.
tiberium sydneys don't really have a use; you're better off using a GDI soldier. it's one of the developing lowpoints of renegade. hell they might as well have made the tib sydney a free character.
Completly Useless vehicles/infrantry [message #137658] |
Fri, 11 February 2005 07:04   |
Messages: 319 Registered: September 2004
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Dude, a gdi soldier does so much more damage trust me, and much more accurate. Tyb syd = waste, and useless.
The WORST character in a game, it is a joke